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A passion filled lust

Passion and Lust

By Taiwo VictorPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
A passion filled lust
Photo by Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash

In shadows deep, where desires play,
Lust and passion dance in a secretive display.
Fiery embers within hearts ignite,
A primal force, impossible to fight.

A hunger fierce, like a tempest's call,
Burning bright, consuming all.
Eyes lock in a sultry embrace,
As yearning lips meet in a fervent chase.

Whispers of longing in the midnight air,
Tangled limbs and a fervent dare.
Bodies aflame, entwined in the night,
Lost in a dance of ecstasy's flight.

But beware the flames that brightly burn,
For passion's fire can make hearts yearn.
A fleeting frenzy or a love to endure,
Lust and passion, a potion both sweet and impure.

In shadows deep, where desires play,
Lust and passion dance in a secretive display.
Fiery embers within hearts ignite,
A primal force, impossible to fight.

A hunger fierce, like a tempest's call,
Burning bright, consuming all.
Eyes lock in a sultry embrace,
As yearning lips meet in a fervent chase.

Whispers of longing in the midnight air,
Tangled limbs and a fervent dare.
Bodies aflame, entwined in the night,
Lost in a dance of ecstasy's flight.

But beware the flames that brightly burn,
For passion's fire can make hearts yearn.
A fleeting frenzy or a love to endure,
Lust and passion, a potion both sweet and impure.

In the heat of the moment, reason may sway,
Yet true connection can find its way.
From fiery beginnings to love's gentle art,
Lust and passion can bind, or tear apart.

love poems

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