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A Feeling of Isolation

The new normal

By Katie Published 3 years ago 1 min read
A Feeling of Isolation
Photo by Caleb Frith on Unsplash

Our world is an emotional train wreck, we’ve been put through the wringer.

Everyday some new gut punch.

And then they want us to isolate, to deny one of our basic needs,


Adding further insult to an already tenuous teetering society.

Some say this was by design, an effort to gain control,

regardless it was catastrophic for many.

But we must go further back, we have to come to grips with how broken

we already were prior to this final straw.

To many this event was what pushed them over the edge,

the edge where they had been struggling their whole lives.

All these emotionally starving people hoping for a lifeline. Resorting instead to casual encounters that leave them feeling even more isolated.

Eventually becoming very cautious of anyone who might burn them again,

afraid to bare their feelings, to anyone. Lest someone use their vulnerability for their own selfish desires.

Hoping to find someone, anyone, who might finally let them love and love them in return. Finding trust and companionship amongst all the chaos.

Our society is increasingly becoming a detached population, isolation causing severe problems with both the old and the young.

People pass each other in the street avoiding eye contact, they look away, even when it’s someone they know. Retreating from the world one mask at a time. Becoming afraid to remove it.

What is this doing to the children? What is being done to their future? How will they cope?

Our society is fraying, faster and faster.

social commentary

About the Creator


Really just an amateur trying my hand at this.

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