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A Dog's Noble Heart

An Ode to the Unconditional Love of Dogs

By Henry BergPublished 11 months ago 1 min read
A Dog's Noble Heart
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

In a world where loyalty prevails,

A canine soul, a love that never fails.

A dog's noble heart, a treasure untold,

A bond so pure, a love to behold.

Oh, the joy of a dog, a faithful friend,

With wagging tail, a love without end.

Their eyes, windows to a soul so kind,

A love that comforts, a love refined.

In fields of green and skies so blue,

A dog's devotion, forever true.

Through playful antics and bounding glee,

A dog's noble heart, a jubilant spree.

Their pawprints left on every mile,

A companion's presence, a dog's warm smile.

In their gentle nuzzles and joyful barks,

A dog's noble heart, an eternal spark.

With each lick of affection, love is conveyed,

In their eyes, a trust that will never fade.

Their paws, a constant presence, a steady guide,

A dog's noble heart, a love that won't hide.

So, let us honor their unwavering embrace,

The dogs who fill our lives with grace.

For in their love, we find strength and grace,

A dog's noble heart, a gift we embrace.

nature poetrylove poems

About the Creator

Henry Berg

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