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A Chronicle Of Invisible Challenge Battles

Exploring the Unseen Struggles of Chronic Illness

By JNemezysPublished 6 months ago 1 min read
Author-generated Image via CanvaPro

In the quiet dawning of a chronic morn,

When shadows linger and hope seems torn,

A body, weary, in the weight of strife,

Embarks upon the journey of a chronicle life.

Awakening, a canvas painted gray,

No hues of vigor, just fatigue's dismay.

Limbs heavy, reluctant to part from the bed,

A music of pain echoes in the head.

The fog descends, a shroud so dense,

Thoughts entangled in a web, immense.

The treasures of books, a distant shore,

Unreachable realms the mind yearns for.

A world constrained, energy's fragile flame,

A combo of stillness, life not the same.

The dance with work, a tango with fatigue,

A longing for normalcy, a persistent intrigue.

In the hollow chambers of familial halls,

Echoes of understanding, silence befalls.

Unseen battles, a struggle to convey,

An illness veiled, kept at bay.

Yet, amidst the shadows, a beacon's glow,

A husband's love, a steady, guiding flow.

In the fortress of his embrace, a haven found,

Where empathy and warmth forever abound.

Pain, a silent companion, uninvited guest,

A longing for solace, a yearning for rest.

Heart palpitations, a rhythm unsound,

A dance with fear, on shaky ground.

The desire to contribute, a fervent plea,

Yet, energy wanes, a captive, it seems.

Depression's whispers, a relentless hum,

A feeling of worthlessness, a battle to overcome.

May the cycle relent, the clouds disperse,

Replaced by a dawn, a universe

Where understanding blooms, compassion grows,

And healing waters, life's river, gently flows.

sad poetryinspirationalheartbreak

About the Creator


Juggling artistry and words, battling chronic villains with my superhero vibes! 💪🎨💥On a quest for the quirkiest and turning pages like a book ninja! 🕵️‍♀️📚

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