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River Lagan Walks. Part Fifteen.

For thy health, mental health and well-being.

By Aunidan Christi KPGSPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
A Summer Meadow.

Another few River Lagan Walks to get me out of my prison of self-isolation due to being on a Red Flag List, due to recurring chest infections since I cracked a few ribs in November 2019.

Chest infections are the worst thing to get when there is a pandemic going on throughout the Earth-Plane, especially when the symptoms are very like the corona virus, which has seen me self-isolating since March 2020, so getting out and about in Mother Nature for an hour each week is good for my health, mental health and well-being, and is an excellent way to practice my photography for my longer River Lagan Walks books available on Christi, and my little stories here on, and for my projects at Brain Injury Matters NI in Belfast Via

River Lagan from the Old Shaw’s Bridge.

I have major problems walking with my severe sciatica, and have to stop many times as I walk along in my hour out each week.

As I have already written within my stories here on, before I began visiting Mother Nature 9 months ago through a kind neighbour Noel suggesting I come out with him and the dogs, Monty and Maddie, I was confined indoors with chronic cluster headaches for over 12 years, which I still suffer from daily today, even when I am out walking.

So my hour out each week is never pain free even with the beauty of Mother Nature all around.

Though she does ease the pain for a while.

Black-Headed Gull.

Now I am very critical about all the things I do, which stems from being put down as a child and teenager, but even I have to admit that my photography is truly amazing, no matter what the subject happens to be, and the detail my Nikon CoolPix P900 camera picks up in each photograph which is breathtaking to say the least.

The Flyby.

I love the way I have captured the two Black Headed Gulls flying pass me as I stood on the Old Shaw’s Bridge in South Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Flying birds are so hard to photograph, which I have found out over the last 9 months of my River Lagan Walks, though the Heron’s fly slowly so they are easier to photograph.

Tree Swallows or House Martins.

Even harder to photograph are the Tree Swallows or House Martins, as they dance through the sky lightening fast.

This is why they are hard to identify because of their speed in flight.

Looks Like A Tree Swallow.

I have tried to photograph these fast flying birds through the viewfinder of my camera and could not get any good photographs of them until I just watched them with my eyes and snapped them as they flew to and fro at speed, with excellent results as you can see, so explore different angles and shots with your camera for amazing photographs like mine.

Sun of God.

I love taking photographs of anything that graces my path as I slowly walk along, and this time it is the beautiful early evening Summer Sun, which truly looks Divine, which is why I have included this photograph in my twelfth River Lagan Walks book I am writing a present and here in, and on my photography sites I am on online.

Wild Violets.

The wild flowers are out blooming this end of June 2021, like these beautiful Wild Violets growing beside the River Lagan in South Belfast, Northern Ireland.

More and more I am practicing taking photographs of close up subjects like flowers, weeds and small creatures, but I am using my automatic setting in my camera, because I cannot get the hang of the Macro setting on my camera, but even though my photographs are taken with the automatic setting, the results are excellent as you can see.

Hawthorn Bush.

Even the Wild Hawthorn Bushes are beautifully blooming this end of June 2021, which reveals that upon the Earth-Plane, everything has its reason and season.

River Grass Art.

To me the beautiful river grass is a piece of natural art brought forth by Mother Nature.

It would look good hanging on an gallery wall or an art collectors wall for its natural beauty.

Lucky Drake.

The Mallard Drake in my last photograph is a lucky chappy surrounded by Mallard Hens.

You see dear reader, the Mallard mating season doesn’t finish until the end of July, so there is still a lot of flirting going on on the River Lagan in Belfast, Northern Ireland this end of June 2021, and this Drake is close to the chicks waiting on some action.

Just below Shaw’s Bridge the fishermen where out on the River Lagan trying to catch the fish on offer.

Taking a Fishing Break.

Some fishermen fly fish, while others spin fish.

So some are fishing for Salmon and Trout, while others are just fishing for whatever takes a bite of their hooks.

Fixing the Tackle.

Fishing looks like a very calming sport or pastime and as you can see from my photographs of the fishermen, they are fully equipped for their sport or hobby.

Reeling In.

The wild grass in the foreground frames my photograph perfectly and makes it even more special to me anyway.

It is all about the sights that grace our path as Noel, Monty and myself slowly walk along, taking in everything Mother Nature has to offer, though manmade transportation features on my walks at times because they also grace our walks as they fly above us.

Monty waiting on a Stick.

Monty always waits for a stick to be thrown into the River Lagan, but he never goes in after it.

He knows his limits now in his senior years, a bit like Noel and me.

Even a short walk out each week leaves me with extreme pain due to severe sciatica, which walking triggers, but if I didn’t get out for an hour once a week, then I would be totally isolated.

Most of the time I just sit down and let the wildlife come to me, which if you look through my first eleven River Lagan Walks books, you can see I do not have to go far to get amazing photographs.

Nature’s Way.

The walks along the River Lagan are lovely relaxing walks, especially if you are taking your time and taking in all that Mother Nature has to offer.

In my next photograph I took a photograph of an old faithful Robin Red Breast, but it wasn’t until I uploaded my photographs to my laptop that I was stunned by my photographs of the Robin Red Breast, when I saw that the little Robin had only one leg.

One Legged Robin.

Now the little Robin Red Breast is well fed so it’s disability doesn’t seem to be hindering it too much.

It’s All About The Balance.

This was another first for me because I had never photographed a one legged Robin before, or any one legged bird if Truth be told, and I had the proof of the one legged Robin, which few would believe without photographic evidence.

I have been getting out for an hour a week since last November, and in my hundreds of photographs within my River Lagan Walks books, I have never photographed any bird with one leg.

Oh, I have photographed Herons standing on one leg while resting, but never a bird with one leg, so this little Robin was a bonus for me on this evening out.

The Way.

Mother Nature is good for your health, mental health and well-being, which is good for your body and Soul.

No matter where you walk along the River Lagan, her towpaths, parks and pathways you will get many opportunities to get some amazing photographs as you slowly walk along, and you never know what is around the next corner, and what was round the next corner on this evening out stunned me again.

Young Moorhen.

Now the young Moorhen looks sweet in my photograph above, swimming through the green leaves, weeds and food, but when I zoomed into this bundle of fluff, and got home and uploaded my next photograph to my laptop I LoL and thought its the ugly chickling in reality.

Young Moorhen.

The young Moorhen looks like it is in shock being born unto the Earth-Plane LoL.

Awe, it’s cute in and ugly way, which all young of each species are, including us, and as the days and weeks pass our beauty comes forth.

It is hard to believe this little ugly chickling will turn in a beautiful adult Moorhen just like below.

Adult Moorhen.

I just thought that my photograph of the young Moorhen was so funny when I saw it, a bit like weird or what.

Beautiful Nature.

The changing of this beautiful wild plant‘s leaves is so striking I had to photograph it.

It looks like Wild Carrot leaves, but I am not sure.

The Mini Meadow.

I am chronicle the growth of this small meadow that has just sprung up beside the Lock-Keepers-Cafe, near the Red Bridge, where the new Summer flowers are beautiful.

The Beauty of Nature.

I love the detail my Nikon CoolPix P900 camera captures with every photograph and this is with using the automatic setting, which I find gives me the best photographs as you can see.

Star Air, Denmark.

Star Air from Denmark have been coming into Belfast and leaving her throughout the pandemic as my River Lagan Walks stories here and on Christi reveal.

So when I see that white star on a jets blue tail, I always know it is Star Air from Denmark.

Nature‘s Art.

I find art in many of Mother Nature’s patterns and natural structures as this tree and her branches, and though it is the end of June 2021, the leaves on the tree seem burnt or as if heading into Autumn as they change colour.

The Hidden Forest.

There is a lovely walk just behind the Lock-Keepers-Cottage through this small forest, which leads you to another part of the River Lagan.

Here, if you are lucky, you could get some photographs of the Grey and Great Blue Heron’s and Kingfishers in this hidden forest few visit.

Fly Fishing on the River Lagan.

It is nice see the fishermen out on the River Lagan trying their different techniques in fishing, with some fly fishing like above, or spin fishing as you saw earlier in this story.

Millions of Flies.

Though the fishermen are not the only beings out on the River Lagan as my last photograph reveals, with millions of Flies hovering over this part of the River Lagan, and the whole of the River Lagan is swarming with these Flies, so their numbers are to many to count.

Wild Beauty.

I think I have photographed Wild Violets again, though I am not sure, but regardless of their species they are beautiful.

Western Sunset.

The Sunsets I photograph from the Red Bridge near the Lock-Keepers-Cafe are truly stunning, which is why I never tire of photographing them because there is never one Sunset the same.

Available on Christi

I am just finishing off my River Lagan Walks. Part Eleven book, which is amazing over the last 9 months of my short walks for my health, mental health and well-being, and for my projects and classes at Brain Injury Matters NI via and for my therapy of photography.

I am also writing my fifth Spiritual Truth book, also available on Christi revealing long forgotten Truths and that will blow your mind, so check them out.

Sunset over Black Mountain.

I will leave you this time with this amazing Sunset over Black Mountain in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on this hot Summer evening.

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Best regards


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About the Creator

Aunidan Christi KPGS

I am the Author of "The Spiritual Truth, a Guide into all Truth,” available on Amazon-Aunidan Christi, I am also the Author of “River Lagan Walks,” also available on Amazon.

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    Aunidan Christi KPGSWritten by Aunidan Christi KPGS

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