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Explore the mysteries of the multi-dimensional world

In the world, there have been quite a few people who have reported seeing flying saucers, meeting people from other planets, and there have also been cases where some people have mysteriously disappeared and are believed to have been murdered. kidnapped by other planets. Many people also think that they have a "premonition" that something will happen in the future, and it has happened exactly as they had "premonitioned" before. How has science recognized and explained these issues? Within the framework of this article, we introduce the explanations of some scientists around the world for readers to refer to.

By Ken aquariumsPublished 30 days ago 5 min read

4-dimensional space

As we know, the space we live in is three-dimensional space. But to explain the above problems, scientists believe that space can have more than three dimensions (four dimensions, five dimensions...). People who have met people from other planets are associated with a special ability that helps them enter the mysterious four-dimensional world, so they see images that other people cannot see.

According to scientists, the normal human brain cannot imagine four-dimensional space. This can be explained as follows: Let us assume that there are organisms that live in two-dimensional space (living on a flat surface). On that plane, they know nothing about the existence of three-dimensional space. Therefore, all of their movements will be limited on that plane and cannot enter the third dimension like us. Suppose there is a sphere entering that world, creatures in two-dimensional space will first see a point of light, then circles that gradually get bigger, to a maximum, then circles that get smaller, shrinks to a point, then disappears. As a result, they only see circles and don't understand the whole story about the sphere.

But, mystical things sometimes happen to creatures in two-dimensional space. For example, the time needed for them to cross the distance from A to B on the plane (two-dimensional space) is about ten years. But because of a certain event, the other plane is curved in three-dimensional space, making points A and B closer together, even overlapping. Then a miracle happened to them: The time of decades to go from A to B was achieved in just a moment.

Returning to the above problem, scientists explain: Three-dimensional space is in the cradle of four-dimensional space (like two-dimensional space is in three-dimensional space). Those who have the ability to penetrate into the fourth dimension, for them the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, or even tens of thousands of light years, no longer has any meaning. They pass in an instant by going through this “gap” of the fourth dimension. That "gap" is the border separating two worlds: The world of three-dimensional space and the world of four-dimensional space. That is the opportunity for low-level creatures to penetrate into the fourth dimension, like people on Earth who have met people from other planets.

To prove the existence of the fourth dimension, American scientists plan to build a microscopic meter to show strange effects, leading to the conclusion of the existence of spatial dimensions. other. The principle of this experiment is as follows: According to string theory, in extremely narrow spaces (nanometer (nm) level; 1nm = 10-7cm), space will be curled up in dimensions. other (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday...). This will change the gravitational force between objects in that space. Therefore, if an experiment can be constructed to show this change in gravity, one can conclude that there is a fourth dimension.

Scientists plan to measure the gravitational force between two ultra-thin metal foils, placed a nanometer apart. To accurately measure this gravitational force, one needs to eliminate a quantity called the Casimir effect.

According to quantum mechanics, this effect is caused by virtual photons, which often suddenly appear in a vacuum and then automatically disappear. Normally, in space there exist photons with different and very diverse wavelengths. However, between two extremely narrow metal plates, that is not possible. Here there are only photons with wavelengths smaller than or equal to the distance between two metal foils. As a result, there will be fewer photons between the two metal plates than outside. The difference in the number of photons inside and outside the two metal foils will create a small pressure, forcing them together. That force is called the Casimir effect.

To rule out the above effect, scientists will have to do experiments with identical metal foils, but with different isotopes. Between them the Casimir effect will be the same, but the gravitational force will be different (metal foil with heavier isotopes will create a greater gravitational force). Comparing these two gravitational forces, the Casimir effect can be eliminated from the measurement.

Scientists hope that in the near future, these experiments will be performed. If the experiment is successful, this will be a shocking event because it will confirm the existence of the fourth dimension, which according to Stephen Hawking is unimaginable with the normal human brain.

The universe in Stephen Hawking's 11-dimensional coordinate system:

British physicist Stephen Hawking recently developed a model of the universe from meticulous mathematical formulas. These new discoveries of Hawking seem to overturn traditional scientific views and are presented by the M theory - M is synonymous with magical, mystical, mother - Theory This is considered a synthesis of quantum theory and relativity. While relativity explains the world in macroscopic terms, in relation to gravity, in the model of quantum theory (which describes the microscopic world), this interaction is absent. Therefore, Hawking's M-theory is called "quantum theory of gravity". According to Hawking, this theory provides and accurate explanation of the nature of the universe.

When developing M-theory, Hawking believed that he had achieved landmark achievements, based on the foundation of a very famous theory in recent years: String Theory. This theory holds that the smallest elements that make up the universe are strings, not particles. But around these fibers, according to Hawking, there exists a gravitational field and one can determine the magnitude of that gravitational field (the experiment that American scientists plan to conduct as described above). above)

Based on his "quantum theory of gravity", Hawking calculated that our universe is made up of 11 dimensions. But only three dimensions of space and one dimension of time have opened, while the other seven dimensions have been curled up since the big bang.

Commenting on Hawking's new theory, the German science magazine P.M wrote: "When you read these lines, at the same time, hundreds of people in you are reading it - your companions - all They're all shrugging their shoulders like you, shaking their heads, doubting..."

Hawking's above theory is causing a lot of controversy, because this physicist believes that the phenomenon of "premonition" can be explained scientifically by M-theory: In this model of the universe, in countless different people in one person. And at the same time, all information about the universe at all times is available. Therefore, the phenomenon of "premonition" can be explained by the fact that someone in you has experienced what you will experience, and told you in advance.

Beautiful 4-dimensional space photos:

Ordinary photos only capture brief moments. However, the exposure technique allows us to "record time" to create extremely vivid images.

The train seemed to be created from thousands of rays of light.

The colorful street lights seem to come from another planet.

Exposure image of the Milky Way.

The strip of light created by an airplane taking off.

The movement of rowers on the river, LED lighting system was installed to create this photo.

vintagelenseshow tofilmeditingcameraart

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Ken aquariums

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (1)

  • HK Decor14 days ago

    Very inspiring read, thanks for sharing.

 Ken aquariumsWritten by Ken aquariums

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