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The Importance of Pest Control to Protect Your Pets

Our pets are like family to us, they bring joy and comfort into our lives, so protecting them against harm should be a top priority. To keep them safe and healthy, we need to be aware of pests in and around our homes.

By Gracie EvansPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Pests can be just as much of a nuisance and menace to animals as they are to humans, so having a good pest control program in place to barricade those blighters out is vital.

How can pests harm your pets?

Pets are curious creatures; they love exploring hard to reach areas, and they are hardwired to hunt down smaller animals. Most of us think nothing of a cat chasing a mouse, but these seemingly harmless pests can actually cause serious issues for your pet. For instance, your four-legged friend might fall victim to a serious allergic reaction to a pest. Certain pests might retaliate and bite, sting, or scratch. Many pests also carry dangerous diseases and parasitic infections that can be easily transmitted to your dog or cat. Here are some of the diseases that bugs and rodents in Las Vegas commonly carry:

  • Heartworm
  • Lyme Disease
  • Leptospirosis
  • Rabies
  • Giardia
  • Toxoplasmosis

Which types of pests are the most dangerous?


Fleas are some of the most common pests, and they can cause your pets a great amount of annoyance and severe skin irritation. The itching from flea bites means scratching, which can lead to open wounds and infection. Fleas can also carry other diseases like tapeworm and the bacteria that causes cat-scratch fever.


We all know about the dangers mosquitos pose for humans but did you know that they can be fatal to dogs and cats? They can transmit heartworm larvae to your pet, which is serious and can be life-threatening.


Ticks are often found in long grass and wooded areas, and they can latch on to your unsuspecting pet as they frolic outside. They spread Lyme disease, which can cause inflammation of your pet’s joints, lameness, and serious complications, including kidney damage.

Mice and Rats

It’s common knowledge that rodents carry some terrible diseases, including parasites like Tapeworm and Toxoplasmosis. These diseases can be transferred to your pet in a number of ways, including by ingesting a rat or mouse, sniffing or licking a rodent’s urine or through a scratch or bite. Cats are particularly at risk, as they are more likely to chase and catch rodents.


There are some seriously dangerous spiders in Las Vegas, including the infamous Black Widow and the Brown Recluse, which can commonly be found in houses and backyards. Because our pets are small, they are more likely to experience serious and potentially fatal effects from venomous arachnids. Symptoms of a spider bite can include swelling dizziness nausea and vomiting, and muscles tremors.


These wriggly rascals can cause irritation and toxicosis in pets because of their spiky, venomous hair. Monarch caterpillars are particularly dangerous because milkweed—the Monarch’s main food source—is poisonous to dogs and cats.

How can you fight against problems with pests?

Bathe and check your pets regularly.

Ensuring that your pet is clean is the first step to avoiding a trip to the veterinary surgery. Using specialised shampoos will kill off any creatures lurking in your animal’s fur. You can also check your pooch for any ticks or suspicious bites while you are grooming them. Ensure that you keep your pet’s bedding and toys clean too.

Keep your home clean.

Clutter and dirty corners make perfect hiding places for pests. Vacuum frequently and remove any sources of food and water, which attract pests into your home. Clean up your pet’s food bowl immediately after they have eaten and mow your lawn short so that have things like ticks have nowhere to hide.


Vaccinations are vital so that your pet is immune to certain diseases. Check what vaccines your pet needs at your veterinary surgery.

Use pest control services

Sometimes, it’s best to call in the experts. If your house is overrun with critters, pest control services can rid you of the pests and save your pets from harm. Using poison, pesticides and insecticides can be dangerous for both you and your pet, so it’s worth getting a professional who knows exactly what they’re doing.

Fix any cracks or crevices

Creepy crawlies can squeeze in through the tiniest of gaps in window frames and walls; search your home and seal up any openings through which they might gain access.


It’s clear that pests can become a real problem for both pets and pet owners. There are a number of precautions you can take to keep pests at bay, but pest control services in Las Vegas are the people to call if your home is seriously under attack. Keep your pets safe and healthy by ensuring their environment is pest free.


About the Creator

Gracie Evans

Enthusiastic Writer and Marketing Assistant at Cabanons Mirabel

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    Gracie EvansWritten by Gracie Evans

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