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The correct way for cats to get along for the first time in your home

The 240 minutes after contact with the cat is crucial

By TanoriaPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

When a newly acquired cat first arrives at your home, how do you get it to trust you quickly?

The first 240 minutes of your cat's experience after entering your home will affect its attitude toward you in the future.

If you want to be a highly appreciated cat owner, you must learn how to behave positively during these 240 minutes.

The earliest 240 minutes are a golden opportunity to get your cat to appreciate you.

The basic principle of "opening" a new cat: 5 no's for cats that are new to your home

If you want to learn how to please your cat in 240 minutes, you must first learn the 5 things not to do. If you do these 5 forbidden things to a cat that has just arrived at your home, it may be difficult for this cat to get close to you for life.

1. Can not pull the cat's tail hard. For cats, being pulled hard by a stranger's tail is something that should never be tolerated. If you pull the new cat hard because you are curious, it may distrust you. Pulling a cat's tail will have a direct impact on its body. The tail is covered with the cat's nerves and pulling hard on the cat's tail can even strain the cat.

2. If you hope to make the cat trust you quickly, the first opportunity to feed the cat you have to take. The first opportunity to feed your cat is very important. If there are other family members with whom you have a cat, then you can communicate with them and not let them inadvertently feed the cat first.

3. Don't let the cat see you all the time. It is a misconception of many people that letting the cat see itself at all times will help the cat remember its owner, but this is not the case. When the cat has just arrived at your home, the fact that the cat can always see you may mean that it will see you as a source of stress.

4. Do not let other pets in your house disturb the new cat too much. Whether it is your dog or your other cats, they are not to be trusted. If you hope to get them to act as lobbyists for you, it is impossible, they may instead complicate things.

Do not hope for your other pets

5. Don't make a lot of noise, especially sharp noises, and metal clashes. In the first 240 minutes after a new cat arrives at your home, making too much noise is not conducive to building a friendship with your cat.

If the new arrival is a kitten, you have to reduce touching it with your hands

The things you must do for your cat in the first 240 minutes are

1. Prepare fresh water, and if possible, provide running water. If there is no flowing water, then find a bowl with a more open drinking area and give your cat boiled, cool white water to drink. Put the drinking equipment in a quiet and hidden area and do not let the cat drink in a place where you can see it as much as possible.

2. Provide the simplest basic cat food. Remember not to prepare a lot of food for the cat at the beginning. It is not that the cat will not eat, but it may discourage you. Many new cats do not show the "enthusiasm for food" that their owners want. Some owners may feel that their cats do not understand human feelings as a result. Do not offer good quality and tastier food to the cat at the beginning, but just provide the simplest basic cat food for the first 240 minutes.

3. Prepare a secluded and quiet space for the cat. It can be a room, it can be a bed under the table, it can be a box. If you don't want your cat to stay under the bed or the table for a long time, you should prepare a paper box or a quiet room in advance. Most cats will stay under the bed or the table or sofa for a long time, even for more than a month, when they have no choice.

Do not bathe the new cat in the first 240 minutes if possible

4. Prepare worming and vacuuming equipment. Do not bathe the new cat in the first 240 minutes, but you want to avoid worm or hair loss problems in advance. Cats that have just arrived in a new environment are prone to hair loss, and you can prepare the appropriate equipment. If you are very concerned about hygiene and deforming, you can go to the vet for deforming or even bathing before you receive the cat into your home.

5. Be mentally prepared so that the cat may avoid you for a few hours. You should know that holding back for a few hours is the only way it can get familiar with you slowly next. Especially the first 240 minutes before the general, basically the earliest two hours, the cat will hide as much as possible, and in the third hour inwards the cat may start to familiarize itself with the environment.

To give the new cat as quiet and secluded a space as possible

How do cats spend their first 240 minutes?

New research that restores the behavior of cats during the first 240 minutes when they arrive at their new home.

0~30 minutes: Hiding in a dark place, avoiding sound, light and wind as much as possible, the cat will make as little noise as possible during this period.

30~40 minutes: Some cats will start to try to leave the hiding area for the first time. If your cat was received at home in the morning or afternoon, then after the first 40 minutes they will appear to want to drink.

40~60 minutes: After completing the first try, they will return to the hiding place and continue to hide. But it is possible to start making noises.

60~90 minutes: Some cats will try to eat for the first time within this time. Place the cat food as close to its hiding place as possible, or even just within the hiding area. Cats are likely to come over within this time area to eat carefully and not disturb them.

Do not clean up immediately after the first defecation of a cat new to your home

90~100 minutes: Some cats will try to go to the bathroom for the first time. You have to pretend not to see it, and as much as possible, do not immediately go to clean the toilet, cleaning the toilet immediately will make some cats nervous.

100~120 minutes: The cat will continue to hide but will poke its head out from time to time to observe, and if you are in the cat's line of sight, it will carefully examine you.

120~150 minutes: The cat may try to contact you at close range (5 meters away) for the first time, it may trot through not far from you as if nothing is wrong, you'd better not take it seriously and pretend not to see it.

150~200 minutes: The cat will start to test you frequently and will make its first patrol in your home, some timid cats may continue to hide.

200~220 minutes: This is the time you can try grooming your cat for the first time, be careful and gently comb the hair. If the cat does not refuse take the opportunity to groom well, if the cat refuses stop immediately. By the way, you can clean the previous cat toilet during this time.

220~240 minutes: The cat may start its first jump. It may jump on an unoccupied bed or table. You should not disturb it, this is not the right time to establish rules for your cat and this time should be used to let your cat play as much as possible.

Most cats will complete their first adventure within the first 240 minutes

Hopefully, you can take advantage of your cat's behavior and build a good friendship with a cat that is coming to your home for the first time.

As much as possible, go with the flow and develop a relationship with your cat without artificially imposing too much pressure on it.

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