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From the Perspective of a Chihuahua (Life Lessons)

“Perspective is one of the least utilized tools in life.”

By Annie Edwards Published 2 years ago 5 min read

Meet Princess, my eight year old bundle of joy. 💕

🐾Princess, my 8 year old chihuahua 🐾

A few years ago, I was taking her for her morning walk. The weather was absolutely beautiful. The birds were chirping a beautiful melody, the sunshine was beaming down upon me, and the slightest breeze made for the perfect temperature. Other than the sounds of nature, all was quiet in the neighborhood.

It seemed to be a ‘typical’ morning. It is unfortunate how easily we can take these beautiful days, and the nature surrounding us, for granted. Sometimes, we fail to see the beauty in the ‘small things,’ or the moments we are used to experiencing. We brush them off as normal, instead seeking the beauty and adventure we can find in the bigger things.

However, that ‘typical’ day was anything but mundane, as my tiny little bundle of joy ended up teaching me a life lesson that I still vividly remember, to this day.

So, as I have found this so impactful, allow me pass along the reminder she so beautifully shared with me. We all need that reminder sometimes.

May 2, 2015

As mentioned previously, we had just went outside for our morning walk. As I was strolling along (and if I’m being honest, trying to wake up, as I am not a morning person 😂), I noticed her momentarily stop. She then began to cautiously approach a patch of dandelions, a very confused expression crossing her face. It was an amusing site, as these dandelions stood as tall, if not taller, as she did.

I imagine they must have originally seemed quite intimidating, or at the very least, seemed to be very much in her way. They were an obstacle, and it was apparent she was not pleased with this current predicament.

She paused for a moment, unsure of what to do. I could almost see her mind contemplating her next move, based on her hilarious facial expressions.

Confusion… slight fear… more than slight annoyance... anger…. determination...

They all flashed across her face, almost simultaneously, yet each having their own moment. She is quite the expressive little one.

However, a few moments later, a slight breeze began to blow, and suddenly, the ‘white fluff’ on the dandelions began to wisp away, fluttering through the air so gracefully, yet so easily.

Just like that, the flower had seemingly dissipated before her eyes, and by a slight wind that hadn't even bothered her.

By Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

It really was a precious moment. I watched as she then stared in awe, as something that appeared to be quite a large and confusing challenge just one moment ago, now didn’t seem so intimidating.

Her facial expression quickly changed to one of excitement. Suddenly, with an extreme burst of energy, she began to run through the patch of dandelions, amazed at how easily they whisped out of her way. She continued to run through all of the dandelions surrounding her, tail wagging away at her accomplishment.

Here was a seemingly large obstacle; one that made her stop in her tracks and question herself for a moment. She could have taken the easier route, and simply backed away, finding another path to take. She could have continued to perceive the dandelions as she originally did: unknown, massive, and intimidating.

However, she stuck around for a moment, trying to figure out her next plan of action, and it opened her eyes to a new way of viewing the large world around her. By not immediately walking away, she was able to see the ‘obstacle’ for what it really was. Had she simply turned around in defeat, she never would have experienced that moment of triumph and happiness.

This may merely seem like a small, cute moment that I captured. In fact, it was. However, there is also wisdom so much larger in scale attached to this moment.

Have you ever encountered what originally seemed to be a large obstacle, yet it turned out to be easier to overcome than you thought it would be?

Have you ever doubted your ability to do something, only to keep trying (or merely start trying) and realize that you were more capable than you thought?

My guess is that you likely answered yes to those two questions. I know I definitely did. However, even if for some reason you didn’t, this one is extremely relatable to everyone.

Have you ever experienced a time in your life where it didn’t seem possible to overcome the onset of emotions you were feeling? Have you ever experienced a time in your life where it didn’t seem possible that things would get better, or for you to overcome the situation in general? Have you ever felt ‘stuck?’

Yet, you’re still here. You’re still fighting. You’ve survived every bad situation you’ve faced thus far.

How often do we fail to do something we want to do, letting the fear of failure, anxiety, pressure, and many other other things get in our way?

What do we end up missing out on merely because we didn't believe in ourselves?

What beauties in life will we rob ourselves of discovering, simply because we failed to stick around long enough to allow ourselves to truly see what was directly in front of us; to truly gain the right perspective?

What would our lives look like if we had a better grasp on perspective?

Writing is very therapeutic for me, and I especially enjoy composing quotes. Feeling so inspired by the morning’s events, a quote formulated in my mind that seemed perfect. It is concise, yet an important life lesson that we all need to remember, and take to heart. It goes as follows:

“Perspective is one of the least utilized tools in life.”

Thank you for the inspiration, my dear Princess…

She may be small, but she has had such a huge impact on my life. What can I say? She is six pounds of beautiful wisdom and admirable determination.

Takeaway point: Take the time to gain the right perspective. You are stronger than you think, and situations you will encounter will be easier for you to to overcome than you think. (Note, I didn’t say ‘easy.’)

Also, don’t forget to stop and ‘observe the flowers,’ (or smell the roses, if that resonates better). Sometimes, it really is the smallest moments that have the biggest impacts.


About the Creator

Annie Edwards

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  • F Cade Swanson2 years ago

    good lessons and great perspective!

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