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A farewell story of Benjamin, the rescued sheep

By Maria A Leo-lo-Shiva Published 23 days ago 9 min read


A farewell story of Benjamin, the rescued sheep

Benjamin, a senior sheep attacked by stray dogs and brought to our sanctuary on 5/7/23 passed away on 5/4/24, succumbed to his cancer.

Benjamin was the most complicated, intense, demanding animal rescue I have ever responded to in my decades of animal rescue experience. He was brought to us, at least 3 weeks after his serious attack by stray dogs and only when the owners realized his condition had deteriorated so much that he was close to death. They had asked a vet to visit and put some stitches on his open wounds, after the attack but they did not last long, during Benjamin's efforts to move. They also seemed quite inexperienced, unable to deal with such a major injury and used totally unsuitable and unthinkable ways to clean the wounds, like water with lemon, vinegar and salt! Anyone ever dropping accidentally, even a drop of these acidic substances on a scratch will understand the level of pain and torture endured by this poor animal for over 3 weeks...

The owners were reluctant to give Benjamin to any big charities, knowing that they would only put him down.

By the time he was dropped to us on 5th July 2023 and with hardly any necessary equipment at nearly night time, I was horrified to see the level of his injuries, already infected and having the characteristic smell of pus and necrotic tissue.

Poor Benjamin was in so much pain and inflammation on his entire body that even touching his hooves or his abdomen would make him shake. His entire body was inflamed, he had a persistent bad cough, no appetite, the deep wounds were infected and being disabled and laying on the ground with urine draining on his uncovered wounds, meant that massive areas of skin had been stripped, making his injuries even worse.

I could not believe my eyes and tried to act immediately to relieve his pain and clean the wounds with a torch as the only source of light. I settled him in the stable and made sure he would be warm and dry for the night, after hydrating him and spending many hours next to him to assess, stabilize and provide comfort with homeopathy and other natural remedies. I was confident that if they had delayed to bring him to us another day or two, Benjamin would have passed away.

I worked literally for 16 to 18 hours for the first weeks in order to prevent the inevitable and feel reassured that I had reversed the worse of his systemic inflammation and infection of his wounds. The results and improvement were astonishing and I could clearly see the difference on his wounds that were healing nicely, revealing nice healthy new pink tissue, covered by new skin and even wool over the many weeks and months of restoration and regeneration.

Even though the wounds were healing well, I could clearly see that his inability to move his front legs or walk, could not be justified by these wounds alone, especially as they were healing, were no longer painful or more than superficial scratches. I was having great success using my detoxification protocol, daily physiotherapy, infrared and near infrared light therapy and Naturopathic principles and over the months his legs became flexible and he was able to stretch and even move them freely on his own.

His whole demeanor and alertness was also changing revealing the joyful, intelligent, playful nature of this adorable animal. He was clearly happier, his appetite was restored and would enjoy his daily hand picked fresh grass, weeds, lucerne, herbs like parsley, coriander, fresh fruit and vegetables like celery, apples, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, etc Even his voice that I had never heard all these months, eventually was restored and he would lovingly call me every time he sensed I was walking towards him at the stable.

His most beloved meals though were his daily freshly prepared smoothies of blueberries, tropical fruit, herbal teas and other fruit combinations that he was ecstatic to drink by syringe and even by a tablespoon as the months progressed and he learned to appreciate the nutritional and restorative powers of my multiple delicious Naturopathic recipes!

His intuition and ability to realize instantly the value and benefits of every single supplement, herb, natural remedy administered to him was incredible and I was impressed how he was longing with anticipation for every single one, guiding me even on the quantities his body required every single time. He had learned to recognize all the remedies just by their smell and he would gently bite even my fingers in his effort to get to them!

Can you ever achieve anything similar with any conventional medications given to animals and do you ever question why animals will scratch, kick and bite rather than happily swallow these substances?

By intuition and experience, I realized that Benjamin's story was not quite as simple as the owners had described. I suspected that Benjamin, a senior sheep of around 13 years old, had been suffering from cancer, was in pain for quite a long time and had lost his agility, which made him vulnerable to the pack of dogs on the night of the attack.

The injuries, shocking experience and 3 weeks of toxic substances and antibiotics, could not but only make things worse for him and bring him closer to death.

By the time I saw his body expelling stagnant lymphatic fluid in the form of thick pus from a growth, clearly felt on the side of his ribs, I had no doubt that I was dealing with cancer. The color of his urine was showing he was losing blood and during the last months he had lots of mucus and blood in his faeces.

His detoxification was working as he was feeling better, more active, agile, flexible. The tumor on his ribs was only 1/ 3 of original size after it softened, drained twice and eventually the remaining part was absorbed internally. His persistent cough had stopped in the first months since his arrival. The blood in his urine stopped and he even regained his ability to urinate at the normal frequency and quantities as per scientific studies. The bleeding through his bowels stopped too and color and consistency of faeces became normal again. Even the inflamed mucus membrane of his bowels, as indicated by color of his anus during defecation, became a normal healthy pink.

Benjamin had a healthy appetite but his inability to gain weight was another indication of his cancer.

Even though he was unable to walk, he had become stronger and had managed to stand up on his back legs when assisted and helped by me. His daily massage and physiotherapy sessions were enjoyed and made our bond stronger. He trusted me with his life and his ability to sense and be aware of my body, making sure he would never kick or push his body during the countless hours I had literally to kneel and bend with my face in front of his legs during his twice daily dressing changes, feeding, cleaning, administration of endless remedies, etc just proves his cognitive, emotional abilities and advanced soul connection.

Only days before his passing, even though I was not yet aware of his imminent death, it just occurred to me that he had listened to so much classical music from Concert radio that I had permanently tuned in for him, in the stable, that he would definitely come back as a famous classic music composer in his next incarnation! We even agreed that he would play for me one day in this future lifetime and I will recognize him as he will keep his first name, Benjamin!

A couple of days before his passing, his appetite had decreased and it was unmistakable to me that his old body had reached the final stage of cancer. The various systems were shutting down and in the last 24 hours he had no bowel movement, urine was minimal, indicative of kidney failure and his breathing was getting laboured.

He was very alert and he wanted me to be with him constantly, turning his head every few minutes to check that I was sitting next to him!

I kept him calm, using homeopathy, ensuring his final hours would be as peaceful and pain free for a natural passing to the higher realms where this Angel truly originated from. I used massage to relieve his tension on any part of his body and tried to keep him hydrated whenever I felt / sensed, he needed this last nourishment of his body.

On the morning of 5th April 2024, around 10 am, the confirmation about his departure arrived from another messenger of the animal kingdom. A beautiful fantail bird that I had never seen inside the stable for the previous 9 months, flew inside on two places of the rafters, sang twice and flew away again.

At around 1.30 PM, the same fantail returned inside, while I was holding Benjamin's head in my arms, singing in tears a spiritual mantra to him. The bird made a circle only a few centimeters above our heads, while at the same time the stable was infused with the most delicate and unexplained smell of candy! It is well known that the angelic realms leave either a smell of roses or candy during their presence and I had no doubt that at this extraordinary and supernatural moment Benjamin was visited by his Angelic companions that were present to comfort and welcome him back to his abode.

At 3 PM, the same fantail returned for the last time, sat on the edge of a cardboard piece in front of us, sang once, made a circle above Benjamin and flew away.

Benjamin left his last breath at 9 PM on that day with his eyes not wanting to miss even a few seconds from staring at my eyes. I had one of my hands gently touching his heart and the other holding his head.

I had promised from day one, not to let him down and do everything I could and apply everything I knew, in order to support him in his battles, fighting for his life and soul, which I am grateful I was blessed to see with my own eyes where it was delivered.

I stayed by his side for 37 hours without any sleep and no breaks other than a couple of minutes for the toilet, which I had to explain to him before going, as he would anxiously turn his head, demanding with his eyes that I remain by his side.

My last tribute of love to this Angel in woolskin was to dig up by hand his grave, sieving all soil and removing every single tiny stone before laying his body on tender pine branches and covering it with the soft soil, making the Greek saying for beloved departed family members literally true:

" May the soil that covers your body be soft and gentle "

A kowhai, native New Zealand tree, was planted on the top of his grave to commemorate this gentle, wise, resilient, patient, sensitive, kind, loving, caring and spiritual being that honored my life like a new born child for exactly 9 months to the day and even hour, ( 5/7/23- 5/4/24).

Until we meet again my baby, thank you for all the precious lessons, your big heart and stardust from your wings that touched my soul.....


I am the founder of the animal rescue charity, Shiva Tara Aroha Sanctuary-(S.T.AR.S) and I would request any tips or donations to go to the above charity for the benefit of the animals. Thank you.

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About the Creator

Maria A Leo-lo-Shiva

BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences, with major in Ecology & Conservation, UK

Medical Laboratories Sciences, Greece

33 years of research, practice in Naturopathy, alternative medicine, vegan & raw nutrition.

Founder of Shiva Tara Aroha Sanctuary.

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