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By DR BRIAN MOTIVATORPublished 8 months ago 3 min read


World-renowned author Stephen Covey, recommends that as an orator, you must find your voice and inspire others to find theirs. On my laptop, I watch and study different public speakers and have noticed that their powerful voices made them influential. Your words create your world, when you open your mouth to utter any word, whatever you say to the world creates for you a space within the world. Every speaker in the world had a power voice to capture the audince, they never spoke the smae anymore.

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As an American Baptist minister and Activist who led American civil rights movement including the March to Washington. Based on his popular speech "I Have a Dream" (August 28, 1963), it had a commanding voice in the form of a music rhythm that conveyed both passion and conviction. His distinctive, resonant tone made his speeches memorable and impactful. in 1964 at the age of 35 years old, Dr. Martin Luther became the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Sir Winston Churchill

Being a great military man, he had a raspy deep voice and an authoritative British accent that added gravitas to his speeches. His eloquence helped him conquer battles with his military. One of his greatest speeches I love is titled "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" (June 4th, 1940). He is the Greatest Prime minister of United Kingdom for having made United kingdom won the second World War II having served as a prime minister twice in service for his country.

President John F. Kennedy

He possessed a smooth and charismatic voice. His youthful charm and clear enunciation made his speeches engaging and relatable to the American public. The speech of peace on June 10, 1963. As young as he was 43 years old, he was elected as the 35th president of United States.

President Nelson Mandela

Mandela's voice was calm and dignified, reflecting his unwavering commitment to peace and reconciliation. His speeches were a source of inspiration during South Africa's transition from apartheid to democracy. His speech titled "I Am Prepared to Die," a three-hour speech on April 20, 1964. As old as he was 75 years old on May 10, 1994 Nelson Mandela became the first South African black president. after having spent 27 years in prison.

President Barack Obama

His keynote address given at the DNC in 2004 helped him win American votes to become the 44th United States president while still a senator. His voice exuded confidence and intelligence, which resonated with many Americans during his time in office. In January 20, 2009 Barack Obama was inaugurated as 44th first black United States president and served for two terms as U.S president.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

Known as the "Iron Lady," her legacy speech phrased as "The lady's not for turning" at the Conservative Party conference on October 10, 1980. Thatcher had a strong and authoritative voice that matched her no-nonsense style of leadership. Her speeches were often firm and resolute.

Adolf Hitler

Hitler's voice was intense and forceful, often accompanied by impassioned gestures. His powerful oratory skills were unfortunately used for destructive purposes during World War II. In his lifetime, he delivered over 5,000 influential speeches.

Zig Ziglar

The renowned motivational speaker and author had a distinctive and engaging speaking voice. His voice was often described as warm, friendly, and full of enthusiasm. Ziglar had a Southern accent, which added a unique charm to his presentations. His speaking style was characterized by a genuine and sincere tone that resonated with audiences and made them feel motivated and inspire.

As an orator, interviewer, and author, Brian Odhiambo (Wealth Within You), social media brand name is Dr. Brian Motivator (You tube) says, "Inspiration Before Expiration.

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  • Liglis Rodríguez8 months ago

    Nice writing. Kindly like mine as well

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