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Your success is attainable or sustainable

Success is close to you

By Tim YinPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The desire to continually improve your life is one of your most basic needs. It's part of your nature to know that you're getting more and more every day. It is very satisfying to know that you are influencing and improving your environment through your influence. It is the key to living a happy and fulfilling life. To some extent, we are all striving for some kind of success. We keep looking for ways to have more, have more and get more, thinking that once we "have it all," we will be happy and life will be perfect. Then, we can relax, relax and enjoy life.

This way of thinking, this mindset, is like a virus that can kill you. If not emotionally, then spiritually. Our modern culture is filled with countless examples of outstanding achievers who seem to have it all, yet are deeply unhappy and constantly struggle with the challenges of their own character. They have no grasp of the real purpose of success. Derived from the Latin, the word success actually means "forward" or "progress," which means that success is not a "thing" you end up with, but a process that has little to do with the end result. From this perspective, success will improve your life because it will push you towards better life experiences.

In the pursuit of a higher quality of life, most people lose sight of the real reason why they really want to be successful. It's never "things," but the way you believe those things will make you feel once you have them. Your success will be attainable or sustainable. Most of your desires will come true in your lifetime, but that's no guarantee that you'll be happy and fulfilled. When you strive to collect and accumulate "things," you will experience little fulfillment because you will always rely on external things to give you the inner feeling you want to experience. The feelings you believe in will come from what you seek.

The real purpose of a goal is never to acquire material things of value, but rather to acquire qualities that you will acquire as a person in the pursuit of a goal. In order to achieve sustainable success, you must develop a new mindset; A mindset that focuses not on what you have to do to get what you want, but on what you have to be in order to attract what you want. What you become is what you remain. When you turn your attention to developing your character, you can begin to use goals and success as a means to an end, rather than as the end in life. You begin to distance yourself from the need to own "stuff" in order to feel that joy and satisfaction.

It's not enough to know that you can succeed. You want the experience of success. Your sense of success is part of who you are; Be part of your character. When your success is attainable, when you are able to collect things, then your success experiences rarely last for long. There is no consistency of experience. We often see amazing success stories of young achievers who achieve all their goals in a short period of time, but soon break down emotionally. The reason is that they haven't learned the key to lasting success, which is the ability to create sustainable success in your life. Sustainable success is inexhaustible. It is consistent and takes care of itself.

Aesop's parable of the goose and the golden egg best illustrates the concept of attainable and sustainable success. The goose, the source of gold, may always produce gold, but the farmer, out of impatience and ignorance, wants it all, and he wants it now. So he cut open the goose, but found nothing. The moral of this story is that you should cultivate and develop yourself in order to maintain your happiness and success. You won't get more golden eggs if you only focus on achieving your goals, because the real value is in who you become and how you feel.

You either get it or you become it. The goal is the same, but the mindset is very different. You can get "something" that will make you feel successful, or you can become your own source of success and fulfillment. You want lasting results, and this will only come from your ability to create and re-create as needed what you want to experience during your time on Earth. Adopting the mindset of creating lasting success and sustainability begins by recognizing that true success comes from giving, not taking. Giving is about getting, because what you give is the experience you get, and your experience is what you will keep forever. Ultimately, in order to sustain whatever you have to give and receive, this is the nature of growth and life itself.

Let go of the need to get "stuff" and focus on the experience and emotional content of life. Improve yourself by pursuing goals that make you the kind of person who shows what you want the most. What you gain will eventually disappear and lose its value. What you maintain will grow and expand and continue to enhance the quality of your brilliant life. Attainable success is static. Like anything in nature that doesn't grow, it eventually dies.


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