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Your Personal Key to the World of Purpose Driven Living

A blog about finding your purpose in life and living it out everyday.

By Her Royal MajestyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Your Personal Key to the World of Purpose Driven Living
Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Do a successful business if you want to be wealthy, but if you want to be happy and fulfilled, work at a business you are passionate about. Let's say it again: if you want to be wealthy, run a successful business; if you want to be content and feel fulfilled, run a business that you are passionate about. You will undoubtedly surpass your goals if you choose the latter. The key is straightforward: "Happiness is the highest level of success." Finding your purpose is probably one of the most straightforward—yet perplexing—advice you'll hear when attempting to make your way through this thing we call life.

Your reason for existing is "the purpose for me." You must thus determine the value you can bring to mankind. When you find out what that value is, make the most of it since, as someone once said, life is simply what we choose to make of it. When you discover your mission, keep it in mind constantly and look for opportunities to make a good difference in the lives of others because, ultimately, this is what will ultimately matter to you.

Remember that the goal here does not obligate you to be a motivational speaker, writer, singer, teacher, or any other type of performer. A man or woman in business can succeed in every industry. I once read that when a thing's function is unclear, misuse is unavoidable. It is odd in many aspects of life, not just business. For instance, as Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo said, marriage is merely a means to the end of satisfaction and not an end in and of itself. The only way to get such fulfillment is to complete your life's mission.

In reality, the goal of life is not to make money. The true goal can be to add value to society or to your clients through the services you provide. People pay to get these values since they typically come with a cost. Your goal can be to help individuals who are in need by producing amazing designs or clothing for the fashion-conscious. You'll be able to see your destination clearly when you have a goal and strive toward it. Living without a vision is similar to traveling without an endpoint.

The first question I ask or am interested in learning whenever someone is establishing a business is what the objective of that business is. If everyone is only into it because they are all instantly cashing out, then it isn't a compelling enough argument. Simply look them over again if you discover somebody with a distinct objective. You could realize that they will triumph a few months from now or years from now. They are successful simply because they are on the right track.

This is your chance to break new ground if it hasn't already been done. People frequently exclaim, "Oh! "No one in the history of the world, America, Africa, or even my own country, has ever done this or that, so I can't do it."

The gospel truth, which I want to share with you, is that just because you believe no one has ever done something, doesn't imply it has never been done or that it will never be done. In actuality, every person on the globe has the power to alter the course of history. You can't rewrite history if it was created and acted out by humans. Many of the things we take for granted now did not exist 500 years ago. They probably had no idea that a little mobile phone could have so many capabilities. But it is now a fact of life.


About the Creator

Her Royal Majesty

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