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Young Chloe

Strength comes when you need it most

By Noted MomentsPublished 19 days ago 3 min read

Chloe's world was small, a tiny apartment filled with the laughter and warmth of her mother's presence. At fifteen, she was like any other girl her age, her life a tapestry of school days, dreams of the future, and the comforting routine of home. But one day, that tapestry unraveled when her mother was swayed by the whispers of a strange man. The man with the unknown name. He hated Chloe; she seemed to always be in the way. Until one night, Chloe's mom and the strange man disappeared, leaving Chloe with nothing but the echo of a door slamming shut.

The weeks that followed were a blur of confusion and fear. Bills piled up, clothes were never washed, school became harder to go to, and neighbors never checked in. Food availability was even becoming a problem. That's when the worst possible situation came to Chloe's front door— the property manager was forced to evict her. Now Chloe found herself wandering the streets, her home lost to her, the world completely vast and uncaring. She huddled in alleyways, the cold seeping into her bones, her heart aching for the mother who she thought once loved her. Tears began to well up in Chloe's eyes as blurry visions of people passed by, their faces a fleeting glimpse of lives moving forward while hers stood still.

After so many days had gone by, Chloe started to feel nothing but hopelessness. Until she met a smiling sickly homeless woman. The woman had been abused and kicked out of her home by her ex husband, after she became too weak to do her wifely duties. She didn't seem as if she went through so much, but she had been through hell. But still, the woman spoke of despair as if it was a choice, and pain as if it was a lesson. Even though she went through the mud, her joy and love gave Chloe a reason not to give up. Soon after, the woman would pass away from hypothermia, and it was said that the woman had a face of peace; no pain and no worry. Chloe felt as if the woman was a message, not to give up, but to fight. In the depths of her loneliness, she found that spark of determination. Chloe began to seek help, her voice small at first, but growing stronger with each passing day. She reached out to the shelters she once feared due to stories she heard. Spoke to kind strangers, or to anyone who would at least listen, and they did listen. They saw the strength, the need in her eyes, the resolve in her stance, and they offered her the help she needed.

With each act of kindness, Chloe's world began to expand again. She found work with a sweet older lady who needed a store clerk. The lady even gave Chloe a place to stay, as long as she remained trustworthy. Chloe had learned to emphasize, to hope, and to dream once more. And as Chloe built her life anew, she realized that the strength to help herself had been within her all along. It was the same strength that had kept her warm on the coldest nights, the same strength that had pushed her to reach out when all seemed lost.

Chloe's story is one of loss, but also of understanding and resilience. It's a reminder that even when we feel abandoned, there is a well of strength within us, waiting to be tapped. And sometimes, it's in our darkest moments that we truly discover just how strong we can be, even if that guidance comes from the words of a passing stranger.

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Noted Moments

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