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You Might Be a Genius and Still Not Know It

There is a physical body and there is a mental body. So you have to learn to think through your body not mind.

By Shobha TiwariPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
You Might Be a Genius and Still Not Know It
Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

The process of being successful becomes so complex for people, that why they are working towards it is generally completely forgotten and they will start evolving concepts of success all kinds of concepts ‘What is being successful?’

These concepts about being successful can be very crippling.

And I've continuously been with people, they’ve reached a certain point of success and their concepts of success are not fitting their life is not fitting into their concept of success and it’s breaking it and they think something is going wrong.

It is not going wrong, they’re just getting better. Situations are pushing them on.

But their concept is breaking up, so they are suffering their success.

You will see any number of people going through these kind of things. When we talk about success, I'm sure all of you must be already having plans as to how to unfold this success in your life.

Plan is good, but plans again can get caught up in things because you plan from what you know today.

Nobody can plan from something that you do not know. You your plan means it is an exaggeration of today as a tomorrow.

Right now, you’re here at a certain level. Now you think, my plan means, this must be ten times more in this many years or whatever or a hundred times a million times whatever.

But plan is just essentially an exaggeration of what is today.

Maybe there is a certain logic to it, there is a maybe there is understanding of the logistic attached to it, but essentially is the exaggeration of today.

That means, in many ways it’s ruled out whatever other possibilities which are not in your experience.

So plans can be debilitating. It’s good to have a plan, but it’s more important that you have a purpose. If you have a purpose, plans will evolve, things will happen, plans will fall apart, new things will come up.

Whatever has to happen will happen if you hold on to a certain purpose. Other things will just serve that purpose.

But if you are very committed to a plan as such, then plan can become a blueprint for restriction. It is also a possibility. It’s all right to hold a plan but you must hold a plan, at a certain distance.

You shouldn’t get identified with the plan. The process of success see, essentially success is a desire in every human being.

You can put some fire into it and make it your passion. But if it becomes a need within you that you must be successful, otherwise you will suffer, then you are heading for a problem, a serious problem.

Our passions can turn into poison if we start becoming resentful for the non-fulfillment of those passions.

When I say turning into poison, today there’s substantial medical and scientific evidence to show that uh if you become resentful when you resent something, when you’re angry with something, when you’re frustrated with something, we can medically today check.

We can do a little bit of blood work and show you, you actually putting poison into your system.

These are poisons that you drink and you hope somebody else will die. Life does not work like that. If you drink poison, you die and it’s fair.

It’s very fair, isn’t it? If you drink poison, you must die. “I drink poison, i want him to die,” it doesn’t work like that.

So, these emotions always take away the fundamental ability. But the question is, how often do you touch it? That’s a question.

You sparked once in your lifetime, that’s not good enough. You must be sparking all the time, isn’t it?

What is genius? There are many ways to look at it. One simplest way to look at it is, when we say intelligence, we are always thinking logical thought, NO.

self help

About the Creator

Shobha Tiwari

Shobha Tiwari has been writing and editing in NYC and around the world for 5+ years. She has written travel guides to LA, Bangkok, Tokyo and Barcelona.

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