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You Are Worthy Regardless of What You Achieve

Try not to be successful, but instead try to be a man of great value. ”~ Albert Einstein

By Ram PaudelPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

You Are Worthy Regardless of What You Achieve
Photo by Nicole Geri on Unsplash

Try not to be successful, but instead try to be a man of great value. ”~ Albert Einstein

I'm sorry. I’m a walking, talking cliché (well, maybe I don’t go — I use an electric wheelchair).

I am one of those people who is so eager to overcome their feelings of inadequacy that they create a major obstacle that they will overcome, or the greatest success they can achieve, in order to feel worthy.

I am an extreme compensator, I desperately want to feel right about the fact that, somehow, I can’t like other people I want to achieve the impossible — to show the whole world, without a doubt, that I am good enough.

The big issue, of course, is that the only person you really try to please is yourself. You’re just scared that you don’t deserve it, so you want to prove that you are, by your successes. It doesn't work. Everyone can see what you are trying to do.

Your desire for profit is right, but it is futile and fruitless to put your trust in it.

You may wonder why I am so depressed. And the truth is, I'm just honest. I have been working like this until recently. It is part of human development, something we have to go through before we can begin to see deeper truths about life.

No great success will fill any emotional hole for me. It just won't. The more I hope it will be, the less likely I am to reach it. It makes a man (or woman) weak and sad to rely on success for his or her human sense because in the end, he or she gives his or her power to things that are out of control.

Instead of taking me to my goals, all hope, hardship, longing, and trying to improve myself seems to make the hamster wheel run faster.

In fact, it was just teaching me how to control my temper. I learned that in order to get what I wanted, I needed to do things that were out of my control and to control my emotions.

I had to fight to turn fatigue into anger, anger into desire, or boredom into enthusiasm instead of accepting my feelings and letting my space explode. It works, but it gets tiring. It doesn’t matter as much, however, as trying to do things.

Forcing yourself to wake up to the alarm, work on the goal you need most to feel fit or complete, but making you feel extremely anxious and miserable, is one of the most difficult and frightening things you have ever done. And I have faced many trials. The better you get, the more stupid it seems to be, the more miserable you are.

You become a slave to your goals and desires. A robot. Pig in your own homemade machine. At least if I were to work for someone else I would be paid to work on a machine that I do not own. Being a slave to the machine of your dreams and desires is like owning an owner, a repairman, an operator, and a cog all in one. Impossible.

Eventually he began to wonder: “Wait a minute, I thought that this was the right thing to do. And I'm happy. Not a slave. "She is right. That is what it was intended to do. But it never happened. You are asking for the impossible.

Dreams and good wishes. They bring fire to your stomach, illuminate the distant future, and foretell your tragic failure. That's all you do, though. It does not change your current moment. It does not change the truth. On the right. Now.

In my life's journey so far, I have discovered three different stages, each of which has taught me an important lesson.

A Leaf in the Spirit Phase

I am just one small leaf driven by the wind in life, and my only real strength is to look at and absorb the world around me. I have to accept the good from the bad and my place in the world. However, this left me feeling like an inactive spectator.


I have found the strength to guide myself, that I can change my beliefs, my habits, and my desires with effort. I can teach them things, and direct my life to what caught my eye.

I got an incredible idea, if lost, of controlling my future and I began to believe that I could actually control my future. Even as this led to success, I became more and more like an automaton - a slave to the habits and beliefs needed to achieve goals that I believed would qualify me.


I realized that my self-improvement as a measure of my self-esteem was ridiculous, not to mention the point. Even if I did get what I wanted, there would always be something bigger and better to weigh in on; I will never intervene.

Awakening involves finding that you do not need to change who you are; enough, just as you are. That doesn't mean you can't follow the change. You just do the things you have to do, step by step, without sticking to a certain effect. That's all. You just took action.

You start to love yourself, especially because you know yourself. And you find that you are, in fact, always beautiful.

Ironically, the results we attach to prevent us from getting what we really want. No one wants to be rich or famous; they want value and connect with other people. Those things come as a result of your process, the actions you take on a daily basis, not the results that we commit our confidence to.

The biggest part of ‘waking up’ to me was realizing that my passion for bold intentions was my way of avoiding the real changes I needed to make, which revolved around learning to love myself.

Now that I have made some of those changes, my goals are not so important to me as they are to me. All because I want to achieve my goals, I don’t need them to feel fit or perfect.


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