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Womaning in Silence

You don’t have to post it to prove it.

By IAM SimplyShanPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

You deserve people at the finish line cheering you on. You deserve your name on a BIG sign that says, “Job Well Done!” You deserve it ! You really do. But the reality of life is that there won’t always be people there to celebrate your wins. There won’t always be people there to pat you on the back every step of the way. Big emphasize on genuine people.

So the real question is: Are you still a winner, even if no one else was there to see you win?

Are you still achieving your goals and securing the bag if you don’t post it on Social media?

Just because there was no physical celebration of you, or post on socials does that take away from all the hours, work, and effort you put into accomplishing your goals? That was a mouthful . I’m sorry ! But honestly. The answer to that question…is absolutely not! You are still a winner in your OWN right. Remember that.

Just because people don’t see you out here working, doesn’t mean you’re not out there getting the job done. Just because people don’t see you securing the bag, doesn’t mean the bag or several bags hasn’t been secured. Don’t let social media punk you into believing that you have to post everything, to prove everything and anything to the masses.

It took a Global pandemic, to really realize that the things I thought mattered didn’t. Slowing down to smell the roses every so often is necessary. Weeks on end barber shops , nail salons , were closed forcing everyone to reevaluate. A major RESET.

By Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

Believe it or not most of our all time faves, and or celebraties are just like us. They eat the same, they sleep the same, and they face the same type of realities that we face. Real life shxt. Crazy right ?! Some just choose what to publicly share. You simply can’t compare your level 10 to someone else’s level 33. Don’t count yourself out because there is already someone that looks successful doing whatever it is that you want to do! The world needs your gift whatever that is and you not standing up, and not being proud of who you are and what you’ve got to offer will certainly not get you there.

One thing I’ve noticed the older I get is how my spirit and my heart grow more each and every single day. Some of my most intimate and sacred moments and personal accomplishments , I don’t feel like I NEED to post online to prove it . I feel more comfortable in my own skin now more than ever before. I don’t care what you have been conditioned to believe but There is no such thing as one size fits all. No matter who you are, where you go , what you’re doing , or who you choose to surround yourself with , at the end of the day there is only one person who is always there. When you open your eyes , and when you close them at night. Who is that person you ask ? That person is you. Many of us don’t spend enough time getting to know that person.

You are worthy even when you are rested.

You are worthy even when you are silent.

Your happiness and joy is important.

You are special .

You are worthy of your privacy.

You are worthy.

You are allowed to step away and recharge as many times as you see fit and don’t owe anyone an explanation for it either.

Your purpose in life is certainly not attached to likes on Facebook, comments on Instagram or Snapchat. What people think of you, has absolutely nothing to do with you, sis.

Let’s face it. It’s hard proving things to yourself. It’s not just the world you have to prove things to, it’s not just society, it’s not just your family and friends, but you have to prove things to yourself. Keep growing, achieving, and smashing your goals the way you want to – whether someone is watching or not.


Inner-view | Outter view

Once upon a time I didn’t know these things.

You are worthy even when you are rested.

You are worthy even when you are silent.

Your happiness and joy is important.

You are special .

You are worthy of your privacy.

You are worthy.

Through saying these very words of affirmation to myself everyday , It almost feels like second nature . I found a way to love my voice again , my speaking voice and in doing so I found my confidence. Before doing that , I was not kind to myself at all. I put a lot of unecessary stresses on myself , trying to be and do what everyone wanted. Leaving me severely depleted. I was so invested in others and being a cheerleader and biggest supporter that somewhere along the way forgot who I was . Truth is , I lacked self esteem , lacked self confidence and self worth.

As woman, we often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make sure other people see us in a certain light, whether it’s perfect pristine, or wild . While there is certainly nothing wrong with wanting to give a good impressions. I do believe , you should just be yourself whatever that is.

My style of writing is really sharing my story , and through that allow others to know not to give up . Make your OWN narrative, make your very own rules. Don’t settle for less and it’s prefectly okay to ,

Woman in Silence.

-Simply Shan


About the Creator

IAM SimplyShan

Analytical, Food for thought stories and experiences through my eyes.


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