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Why Should You Read "Make Time" by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky?

A practical guide that offers actionable strategies to help you optimize your time, energy, and focus.

By The Book WormPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Hey Friend!

I often struggle to manage time for the things that truly matter in my life. As a student, I often feel overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list and constant distractions.

But I found some practical tips that I implemented in my life and became more productive. "Make Time" by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky is the ultimate vitalizer of the constantly dying productivity.

And here are the reasons why you should read it!

It Guides You On How To Manage Time

"The best way to make time for something is to make it the focus of your time."

Think upon it for a moment. How many times have you avoided the most important task that is due this hour?

If you find it difficult to concentrate on the one thing that must be done right away, sit down and make a plan for the next hour. For example, if you want to finish a chapter, force yourself to focus for 20 minutes, then gradually increase your focus span.

In the book, the authors offer a unique perspective on time management. They provide practical tools and techniques, such as time blocking, highlighter method, and energizing breaks, to help you align your actions with your priorities.

A Guide To Beat Distractions

Distractions, Distractions, Distractions ....!

The biggest problem of this century!

This is the only problem and by far the most serious among all, which can significantly impact your ability to be productive and present.

In the words of the authors,

"We live in a world that encourages busyness and rewards being constantly connected. But being busy doesn't necessarily mean being productive"

– "Make Time"

This quote from the book is the essence of the authors' message.

It challenges the notion that being busy equates to being productive and offers a fresh perspective on how to truly optimize your time and energy. The authors advocate for slowing down, being intentional, and making deliberate choices about how you spend your time.

They also provide strategies, such as setting boundaries, creating a distraction-free environment, and practicing mindfulness, to help you regain control of your attention and focus on what truly matters.

How To Utilise Your Energies?

The history of humans dates back 200,000 years.

But for around 12,000 of those years, humans have been living the farming-based, largely sedentary lifestyle of the pioneer.

Our bodies are consequently slightly out of step with our societal commitments and activities. Restoring this balance doesn't have to be a drastic process. You don't have to always go barefoot and live in a cave.

"Make time" addresses this very issue of energy management.

The authors emphasize the importance of taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being in order to be productive and focused. They provide practical advice on how to optimize your energy levels, such as getting enough sleep, eating well, staying hydrated, and managing stress.

They also highlight the importance of regular exercise and movement in maintaining optimal energy levels throughout the day.

The "20-20-20" Rule

The 20-20-20 rule is a productivity technique mentioned in this book that suggests taking intentional breaks every 20 minutes to optimize focus and productivity.

"The 20-20-20 rule is simple but effective. Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and take a 20-second break. During that break, look at something 20 feet away. This quick pause helps rest your eyes, prevents eye strain, and gives your brain a brief rest from the constant screen exposure."

- Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky

The 20-20-20 rule is a practical technique that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine to help you stay focused and prevent burnout.

Final Say

Overall, "Make Time" is a compelling and practical guide that offers valuable insights and actionable strategies for anyone looking to optimize their time, energy, and focus in today's busy world.

The authors' emphasis on intentional choices, realistic expectations, and self-care makes this book a refreshing departure from traditional time management books that often focus solely on productivity hacks and efficiency tips.

With its relatable anecdotes, actionable strategies, and engaging writing style, this book will inspire you to make intentional choices about how you spend your time and help you create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

(After reading the book, do share your thoughts in the comments section and help others make full use of their time)

Buy your copy of the book here

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About the Creator

The Book Worm

A KEEN Reader!

Just trying this writing thing. Let's see where it takes me!

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