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Why Is It Important to Have Peace in Your Life?

And how to cope!✌🏼

By Carmel HallPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

Having peace in your mind is a necessity in life.

The only way you can really be at one with yourself is if nothing is on your mind, nothing that weighs you down, and nothing becomes a burden for you.

Recently I’ve had a lot of these burdens; involving love, family and my education. I’ve been able to become less burdened by these issues in my life due to my own way of clearing my mind. Each and every person has a unique and very different way from one another of how they can cope when situations become difficult, some being good coping mechanisms like exercise, seeking advice or spending time with loved ones, and then others being the negative mechanisms such as smoking, drugs and pushing people away.

Personally, I do neither of these; I tend to like my own company, I write out lists, either mentally or physically, this helps me to organise my mind onto a piece of paper that I can actually interpret, instead of trying to jumble my thoughts into some kind of order. I highly recommend the use of writing lists, buy yourself a nice notepad and jot things down whenever something is on your mind, it really helps to let everything out so that your mind can be at peace.

There are also many different coping mechanisms for different issues in your life. In my life, for example, my constantly-changing coping mechanisms differ from each issue.

1. Love

When it comes to love, I hate to isolate myself from others, when I have an issue I like to get things off my chest by telling those closest to me. This helps me in many different ways; I get advice from people whom I can trust whilst also blowing off some steam as however selfish it may sound, I can share the burden of my issues with someone who cares about me. However, recently I’ve realised that you don’t always need to tell people every problem you have, (mostly because it comes back to bite you every time), but also because it’s good to have time on your own to figure things out yourself at your own steady pace!

2. Family

I very private when it comes to my family, whether good or bad issues, I hate other people knowing what’s going on in the personal side of my life. I always isolate myself, whenever there’s been an issue at home I like to be by myself, mostly to let my mind calm down, but also to think about the next step that I should take, for example; seeking reconciliation or being the bigger person.

However, even though isolating myself may seem like the only thing that will help me, it can also make me feel very low, even depressed. That’s why it’s always important to have someone you trust and whom you care about to talk to, even if it’s just for some advice or you need someone to be around who will understand you. Company is the best distraction that will guide you to realise the right thing to do.

3. Education

When I say education, I mean work/school/university; these can all be a huge burden on someone’s life, and anyone who is going through the stress of this will know exactly how it feels to be constantly on edge because you haven’t revised enough for your finals, or you haven’t completed all your work. But this is all normal.

You need to remember that it’s natural to have that stress, it’s natural to want to give up and quit! The feeling after you’ve overcome an obstacle in this area of your life is so good, you feel like you could do anything, which is what you should work for! Whenever you feel like you can’t carry on any longer, think about the future, think about the feeling when you can finally say you aren’t stressed anymore, all you have to do is concentrate and do your best, and everything will work it’s way out.

So there’s all my ways I can cope with my main life issues. These ways help me to maintain a balance of peace in my life, whilst also pointing me to the best solution. I still have a lot of work to do in order to overcome all these issues, I’m not perfect and I never will be, but I just need to remember that, and soon enough, if I keep peace in my mind at all times, I won’t be as stressed, I won’t hurt as much, and I’ll remember how important it is to be true to myself.


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    Carmel HallWritten by Carmel Hall

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