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Why I Am Grateful for Teething Babies and Ear Cleaning - Manifestation & Law of Attraction Story

How to Attract and Receive What You Desire, Right Now

By Writer Geek 2222Published 6 years ago 5 min read
"Feels good doesn't it? Now, manifest your desires! " -WriterGeek2222

This is a story in which you will learn how to begin manifesting your truest desires right this minute.

Before I begin this story, I want you to know a key behavior you must practice to allow your mind, body, and soul to be open to receiving that which you have always desired. This behavior will allow your mind, body, and soul to settle in a state of peacefulness and ease so that it is easier for you to mentally focus and attract your desires. You can start with this behavior right now! You do not need to purchase anything. You do not need to be a certain race, economic class, social class, or meet a specific guideline to begin manifesting your desires right now! This behavior is the act of being grateful. Even if you are currently living a life that you can't stand, you must think about something simple that you can be grateful for. For example, if you are currently not experiencing life in the perfect body shape that you want and desire, do not focus on that which you do not have yet. However, you must focus and then feel grateful for something you actually do have. Maybe it's a substantial home you live in, a special talent you have, or the career you have. Once you have at least one thing you can be grateful for, focus on the emotion you feel when you think of it. Do you feel happy, excited, or special? These emotions are very important to recognize because it is another essential tool you will use when manifesting your desires. I will write more articles that speak in-depth how to manifest, for beginners, how to use the Law of Attraction to gain into your life that which you want most.

The story I want to tell you today is an experience I had while interacting with my son. I am a first time parent, and I learn and grow as my son learns and grows. When he triumphs, I triumph. For example, he learned how to roll over and I learned how to change a diaper fast enough to not get pissed and sh***ed on! Each person has someone, something, or an experience that changes their life forever. My son is that person, along with my husband, who have changed my life forever—in the best ways possible, of course. My son was five months old, I had an emotional breakdown which I begged the universe to send me something, a sign or a person to help me strengthen my mental capabilities. I was so depressed, sad, and just felt low all the time. I was a prisoner in my own mind. I allowed my ego to chew me up and spit me out. I needed something, anything to help me be the best me possible. One day, I was roaming around YouTube. I was jumping from video to video, soon I was lost in YouTube world watching cats talk like humans. All of a sudden, a video came on and the topic was manifestation and the Law of Attraction. I finally found what I have wanted my entire life. Since then, I always try my best, in any situation, I try my absolute best. I also experience life moments and analyze them for any lesson that can be learned so that I can continue to grow and evolve to continue to be my best me. This is where I tell you why I am grateful for teething babies and ear cleaning sessions. Finally, right? As if I didn't talk enough sh**. Okay, so when babies are around five months, they begin to grow teeth. It is painful as all hell. It is a horrible experience. For my son, he becomes very irritable, he wakes up crying and trying to shove anything in his mouth to bite on to give him even the smallest bit of relief. Don't worry, I came up with a routine that helps my son 90 percent of the time; he's not in agony anymore! Well, through the teething process, my son has experienced his first negative life moment. Each night my son takes his nighttime bath and when he is done, he has his ears gently cleaned with a Q-tip. He absolutely loves it. His eyes sort of roll back and he slowly falls asleep in pure relaxation. This is a moment he experiences an enjoyable and relaxing moment; a positive life experience. You may think, "Why would she be grateful for her son being in pain?" Well, my sweet readers, this is why. While I watch my son experience his "firsts," I am able to learn adult life lessons in the simplicity of a child learning. Here is the lesson I want you to also learn. As adults, we complicate things because well, life becomes more detailed, more involved. We aren't babies anymore, we experience so much more because we are mentally and physically capable now. It is a beautiful thing, however, it does tend to make the lessons we should be learning more foggy and confusing. Thanks to the simplicity of a child learning, I am able to learn that life bears negative and positive experiences. Sometimes, when we focus on the negative experiences, we reap more negative experiences. In order to continue to manifest and gravitate your desires to you, you should be grateful for the negative experience, because now you have an example of what you do not want, and you can now focus on what you do want. Sometimes we experience teething pain moments in life; the moments we cannot stand that make us uncomfortable and irritable. In the same frequency we also experience wonderful, ear cleaning, euphoric moments that relax us and makes us happy. I want you, right now, to only focus on the ear cleaning moments, the blissful experiences. Think of them when you are going through unwanted and undesirable experiences. Keep your heart, mind, body, and soul focused on those wonderful ear cleaning moments. That which you focus on, you bring the spotlight to it. Whatever thought and emotion has the spotlight, the universe will, on command, give you what you have on spotlight. Always remember, my dear readers, you are all masters of your life. It does not matter what terrible and unwanted experience you may be living in now, I implore you to try, everyday, to think and believe you have and will always have better. Take a Q-tip, and clean your ears. Feels delicious doesn't it? Now, you have something, however small it may seem right now, it is something you can feel grateful for!

I wish you all peace, love, prosperity, and happiness. I will continue to create articles about manifestation, Law of Attraction, material to feed your souls, and much more.




About the Creator

Writer Geek 2222

I am a poet, writer, blogger. This is my passion, my harmony, my first love. This is my movement. I want you all to join..

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