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When is the right moment for your dreams to come true?

Keep dreaming big!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

Is there a certain age at which one should begin pursuing one's dreams? Do you believe you are too young, or maybe even too old, to begin pursuing your goals and ambitions? Do you believe that you must first accumulate a sufficient amount of money?

When Will the Appropriate Moment Arrive? When individuals are young, they tend to have dreams, some of which are minor and others which are large in scope. Some of the aspirations are reasonable and achievable, while others are completely absurd.

The majority of individuals do little to pursue their aspirations and let time to pass them by. Some individuals make promises to themselves that they will one day be able to realise their ambitions. Is this something you've heard before?

When you're young, people are continually changing their minds about what you want to do in your life. It is completely free to have a wish to achieve this or that as long as you do nothing except dream about doing it. It is possible that something that you were enthused about a few months ago would no longer interest you in a few weeks or months.

As time passes, most individuals find themselves with less and less time for themselves and their aspirations. They have a job, a family to care for, and a mortgage to pay off each month. As individuals get older, they tend to lose their excitement and even their ability to dream. They could even begin to believe that they are too old to embark on a new endeavour.

People put off starting school, learning a new skill, learning a new language, buying a home, travelling overseas, or finding a better career until the proper moment comes along. Most of the time, the ideal moment that they are hoping for never occurs. They are constantly busy, always anxious, and never have the leisure to start anything new, which is a shame.

It is not necessary to proceed in this manner. You may be waiting for something spectacular to happen in your life before you can pursue your ambitions. Is this something you are doing? Extremely uncommon occurrences occur without the intervention of someone or anything to bring them about. You must take action to make them a reality.

Every day, every moment, is the perfect opportunity to begin working toward your goals, no matter how modest or large. To get started, you don't have to make any major adjustments in your life. You may start with simple things, with modest aspirations, and work your way up.

Want to study a new profession or pursue a degree at a local university? If this is something you really want, you may begin taking steps to get it right now. Want to start painting, decorating your house, or even writing a book but don't know where to begin? What's the point of daydreaming? Why should you be dissatisfied and lose sight of your goals?

If you really want to attain a goal and are certain that doing so would enhance your life and will not cause damage to others, you may begin working toward it immediately. Make a decision now, not tomorrow, next month, or next year, to take action instead of grumbling and wondering why your life is not as fantastic as you would want it to be.

Is it clear to you now, after reading this essay, that the ideal moment is now, rather than in the future? You may start today, even if life is challenging, and there are barriers and constraints in your way. Start small and gradually you will be able to achieve more and more.

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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