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Does it really matter, though?

By Tone BreistrandPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by matthew reyes on Unsplash

We as humans have a tendency to get caught up in stuff that really doesn't matter in the bigger picture. You hear people everywhere stressing or complaining about stuff that's literally pointless, and won't even affect them. This wastes a lot of energy, that you'd be way better off putting into something else.

One example is worrying about what other people think of us. I mean, sometimes it does matter in our adult lives, but unless someone is your actual employer or someone you have formal obligations to, it doesn't matter. Why would you do anything that isn't in your own best interest just to impress someone else? Live your life how you want, what other people think of what you do really isn't a big deal. As long as you're not hurting someone else, you're not doing anything wrong by being yourself. You don't owe being a certain way to anyone, you have the freedom to be exactly the person you want to be, and being anything else is a waste of your time.

Start analysing your life, your actions and your decisions. Determine whether you're doing things for yourself or whether you're doing it to please others. If you're spending your time and energy making everyone but you happy, that's when the term whatever should come into play, and you should focus more on yourself. The way you look, the way you act, the way you handle yourself and everything else that you do, it should be something that makes you happy, not everyone around you. Who gave them the final vote on whether you're acceptable or not?

If you find yourself doing specific things to be popular or to make people like you, is it really the true you they're seeing and liking? If it doesn't reflect your personality or you as a person, what is the point of making them like this fictional person you've created with your actions?

I think we see all the time that young people choose a certain path in life because of pressure that's been put on them by other people. This is an example of someone living a life that's not true to themselves. After all, you're the one who's gonna be living it, so you really should decide your own path in life and shape the life you want for yourself. Doing something purely to please others isn't the life you want, and you could probably be a lot happier somewhere else.

You're not always in charge of what gets to affect you, and of course we as people have different ways of reacting to things, and some of us are more emotional and take things in more deeply than others. Putting time and energy into something you really shouldn't isn't always avoidable, but try and control it as much as you can. My best example here, and something I'd absolutely love for people to stop doing, is to worry about other people's business. Someone else's relationship, job situation, finances, social life an everything else doesn't have to make sense to you, but leave it alone. Don't be talking about them behind their backs or spreading word about them doing this or that. Why does it matter? That's a poor use of your energy, and you could put it into something productive instead.

The moral of the story is that we should care less about things that don't matter. There are so many issues in the world that need to be talked about more, so if you find yourself spending your energy on pointless things, find a topic you're passionate about and start doing activism with this energy. It's worth so much more put into something that actually matters, where you can make a difference and touch people's lives. Put your energy and effort into meaningful things only, and you're one step closer to thriving.

*Ps. This is not meant to invalidate anyone's feelings, as if something's genuinely making you upset and you can't let it go, it probably has deeper roots and needs to be dealt with. Take care of yourselves out there!


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About the Creator

Tone Breistrand

Hi there! I am a Norwegian writer living in London. I like to write about love, Disney and finding happiness.

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