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What separates people from each other is thinking

The really powerful people master a top thinking pattern

By Dante D ShullPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Everyone's consciousness and thinking are bound together. What kind of thinking do you have, and what kind of life you will have?

The way we think reflects our inner level and how we approach our life and destiny. Most people habitually have a victim mindset, and this kind of thinking often leads us deep into a self-destructive state.

We always think about how others do this to me, always think it's someone else's problem. When we habitually blame others for our problems, we see less and less of ourselves in some ways.

Most powerful people have mastered an advanced mindset, being the bearer of their own lives and being 100% responsible for their own lives.

First, learning to say goodbye to victim thinking is fundamental to the growth

The essence of victim thinking is the habit of thinking that it's all someone else's problem.

Thinking that any problem is someone else's problem, the parents' problem, the company's problem, or the boss's problem, this habit of putting their responsibility aside, often said to ignore their responsibility to bear.

And a great person will deeply understand that they need to treat their own life to take 100% responsibility. So anything that happens to them, they will be extremely responsible.

This responsibility also means that they uphold a positive attitude to create their own life, they will not choose to run away because the company has problems, but actively think about what they can do, for the company to come up with ideas, know how to create value for the company.

When we are willing to say goodbye to victim thinking, it is often also the key to our inner potential being able to activate. When you realize that you can also take responsibility, you will find a lot of potential in yourself.

There is never any perfect environment, learning to live, develop and improve with the environment, facing all the things in life with the attitude of a participant, is fundamental to getting out of our narrow self.

Victim thinking is essentially a kind of weak thinking, ignoring the subjective initiative in the self, more ignoring the wisdom of their ability.

When we habitually complain, it may seem like there is nothing wrong with us in some ways, but on the other hand, when we complain, we make ourselves weaker and weaker.

Saying goodbye to the victim mentality is the key to our growth, and it is also the most important thing for us to understand that human growth essentially comes from taking the initiative, participating actively, pushing ourselves forward with a sense of participation, and sharing honor with the collective.

Second, the development of own thinking is the key to opening up the distance between people

People are habitual when they encounter problems to put the blame aside, which is instinctive, we use this to reduce the pressure of being criticized.

But on the other hand, when we don't face our experiences but form a habit of shifting blame, our lives stagnate and naturally fail to develop.

By pretending that there is nothing wrong with us and that everything is someone else's problem, we face life with this attitude of pretending to be perfect, ignoring the fact that we are also part of it.

The biggest impact that victim thinking brings us is not our sense of blame-shifting, but making us forget that we should have been responsible for our own lives the greatest right.

When we forget our rights, we are easily at the mercy of others and our lives become bleak.

And what the top people have is entrepreneurial thinking, and this entrepreneurial thinking is that we will face everything with the attitude of ownership. Even if we are not the boss now, but once you master the essence of the boss thinking, you can also become the boss.

Third, use the ownership mindset to shape yourself and influence your surroundings

When a person is willing to put down complaints and victim thinking, certain aspects, the self will grow up choosing ownership thinking, which does not mean that you are now the boss, but you treat yourself as a boss, you and the company are one, you face the work will take the initiative to take responsibility, will take the initiative to think about how to solve, will stand at a higher level to see things.

Choose ownership thinking will be responsible for everything, this responsibility is not arrogating to others, but actively undertaking their mission, they will enjoy the struggle and growth, and more will understand that when you are the master of the world you are already very free.

If you are on the road of life, you have always chosen to think like a victim, then in some ways, you have chosen to think in a limited way.

This kind of thinking does not see the big picture or the whole, but rather it is easy to exaggerate your labor and not see what the most important perception of the overall system is.

If we get deep into this kind of thinking, we get caught up in constant complaining. Only ownership thinking will allow us to truly take full responsibility for our work.

Knowing deeply that the company's problems are my problems, my children's problems are my problems, and my husband's problems are my problems, the space for our inner life will open up a lot when we choose to reshape our lives with this kind of total awareness and thinking.

We will bind our values to the values of the overall environment, and we will allow our environment to continue to experience ourselves, and when you grow long enough, your inner life will open up more and more.

If you look carefully, you will find that all powerful people have an ownership mindset, this kind of thinking is to take the lead in their own lives, but also to let us see the meaning and value of their lives.

The meaning and value of life are created in active commitment, you are willing to take on as much as you can, and the more powerful and powerful you can become.

And so is the distance drawn between people, not by education, but by each other's sense of commitment and responsibility. If we can activate the commitment to anything, your outer world will be broader.

And people with a part-time job mindset, when they encounter problems, the first reaction is to push out all the problems and throw them to others, thinking that it is the company's problem, the boss's problem, other people's problem, etc. We can't grow up.

Everyone needs to understand deeply, in fact, because making money is a matter of continuously taking responsibility for their consciousness. The more responsibility you take on, the more gains you get, of course.

And if you can start now to develop their thinking, with the mentality of ownership to do things, in the process of continuous active responsibility, exercise the ability to solve problems, exercise the ability to stabilize emotions, exercise the ability to tolerate more people, then there will be more and more people willing to follow you, achievement you, to earn money is a sure thing.

Choose ownership thinking, take the initiative to undertake everything, and our life will be better and better.

self help

About the Creator

Dante D Shull

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