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What is the best way to lose weight in less time?

10 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

By Happy Life OfficialPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

When you feel like your belt buckle is strangling your waist and you can't button your pants, it's time to lose weight.

If the scale tops 300 pounds, it's time to lose weight.

When you can't find clothes at the mall that fit you properly, it's time to lose weight.

If your friends start taking bets on how many more inches your waistline will grow, it's time to lose weight! Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

1)Do not skip breakfast

Research shows that people who eat breakfast daily tend to weigh less than those who skip it.

Since you're not fasting to lose weight, start your day with a healthy meal rather than grabbing sugary cereal or pastries.

Instead of an apple cinnamon muffin at Starbucks, try a balanced meal like scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast.

You'll be fuller longer and won't have such intense cravings throughout your morning. Over time, you could even cut out sugar from your diet, which will help reduce your calorie intake.

2) Drink water

Did you know that drinking water is one of your best weapons for weight loss?

Water helps fill you up and prevents you from overeating.

It also helps control blood sugar and promotes a healthy digestive system.

Drinking just two glasses of water 20 minutes before each meal will help curb appetite, which will make it easier to eat less at your next meal!

If you can't stomach plain water, adding a slice of lemon or lime will help curb your cravings.

3) Eat more vegetables

When it comes to weight loss, it's important not to skimp on veggies.

These plant-based foods are loaded with fiber and water, which both help you feel full and keep you regular.

Fiber also helps slow down your digestion rate, which can help keep blood sugar levels steady, preventing those afternoon energy crashes that make dieting more difficult.

Just one cup of cooked spinach contains 1.9 grams of fiber—that's almost half of what you need in a day!

To lose weight safely but quickly, try eating vegetarian for a day or two each week, making one vegetarian meal each night for dinner, and skipping meat for lunch.

You'll have no trouble losing weight when your diet is so rich in nutrients from high-fiber veggies!

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4) Chew slowly and drink water between bites

Overeating is a major cause of weight gain. Some people eat quickly to get food in their mouths as fast as possible, but slowing down helps you savor each bite and be more aware of your fullness levels.

Chew each bite slowly, drink water between bites, and enjoy. Eat breakfast: Studies show that eating breakfast helps people maintain a healthy weight because they tend to eat fewer calories throughout the day.

Eating breakfast also helps control hunger pangs later in the day, avoiding overeating at lunch or grazing on high-calorie snacks when you're hungry.

5) Add 1 cup of fiber a day

Fiber is one of those supplements that doesn't get enough attention.

However, it turns out that fiber is quite important—it helps bulk up your food and adds volume, so you feel full quicker.

Start by adding one serving of fiber a day (such as whole-grain bread or a cup of oatmeal) to your diet.

If it works well for you, gradually increase to two servings a day or more. It would help if you also tried switching from refined carbohydrates like white pieces of bread and portions of pasta to their whole-grain counterparts since most foods made with whole grains are naturally high in fiber.

6) Schedule exercise

Yes, exercise is beneficial for your health—but it's also essential if you want to shed extra pounds.

Exercise should be your priority before anything else when trying to lose weight, says Candace Bure, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Research shows that even just 20 minutes of daily exercise can help weight loss, improve energy levels and boost mood.

And because people tend to underestimate how many calories they burn through exercise — especially after eating a meal or drinking alcohol — make sure you write down your workouts.

Hence, you know what you're exceeding, says Bure.

7) Be mindful about eating

Research suggests that mindful eating is a technique that can help you eat less food.

That may not sound like such a good thing—after all, who wants to eat less?

But consider that if you eat more slowly and consciously and focus on savoring your food (instead of just scarfing it down), you'll be more likely to stop when you feel full.

Also, consider that if you think about how much it would be worth for a slimmer-looking body (an extra $10,000 for every inch lost around your waist, according to one study), choosing smaller portions can make reaching your weight loss goal easier.

8) Track what you eat for one week

It's hard to cut calories when you don't know how many you're eating in a day.

Use a food journal and do a calories-in, calories-out analysis. You'll be able to see where your healthy foods are and where your overindulgences are coming from.

Tracking what you eat will also help motivate you by keeping tabs on your progress toward weight loss goals (make sure not to let that become an obsession).

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9) Don't starve yourself

Going on a starvation diet may seem like an effective way to lose weight, but it's neither safe nor healthy in the long run.

Extreme calorie restriction—or undereating—is hard on your body and overall health.

And since your body is designed to defend a specific weight range, your metabolism will slow down as you drop pounds, making it harder for you to burn fat.

That slowdown of your metabolism also has a negative impact on appetite-regulating hormones such as leptin, making it difficult for you to stick with the caloric reduction for bodyweight loss.

10) Sleep more, exercise less (or vice versa)

Sleep and exercise are two of the most popular ways people try to lose weight, with good reason.

Both activities have been linked time and time again with increased feelings of well-being, better cardiovascular health, lower body fat levels, better memory, reduced stress levels, and more.

If you're having trouble sleeping or staying motivated in your exercise routine (or both), consider adjusting your sleep schedule to get seven or eight hours per night.

(Depending on what kind of sleeper you are, that may mean going to bed earlier.) On top of that, if a hectic day makes it hard for you to get in an hour or two at home exercising—try breaking up your workout into three short sessions throughout your day.

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About the Creator

Happy Life Official

I write about relationships, health, happiness, and much more to ease your life routine.

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