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What is Life

Life is to be lived

By Shehzad GrafixPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

H1: Life is to be lived

• Introduction

• The importance of living in the present moment

H2: Life is not meant to be so serious

• Making time for fun, joy, and play

• Reminding ourselves of our mortality

• Letting go of the need for seriousness

H2: The pursuit of external validation

• The trap of seeking approval from others

• The futility of trying to impress people

• Finding self-worth from within

H2: Creating a life filled with joy, peace, and passion

• Focusing on what brings genuine joy

• Cultivating inner peace

• Discovering and nurturing passions

H2: Circumstances do not define you

• Embracing life's challenges as character-building moments

• Changing perspectives to find meaning

• Overcoming adversity and growing stronger

H2: Mastering the mind and emotions

• The power of controlling your thoughts

• Developing mindfulness and emotional intelligence

• Promoting calmness and positivity through daily rituals

H2: Planning and adaptability

• The importance of making a plan

• Going with the flow and embracing uncertainty

• Adjusting and getting back on track when things don't go as planned

H2: Not seeking validation from others

• The inevitability of not pleasing everyone

• Staying true to yourself and finding genuine happiness

• Letting go of the need for approval and acceptance

H2: Being true to yourself

• Embracing your authentic self

• Being comfortable with who you are

• Surrounding yourself with people who appreciate and accept you

H2: Rising above negativity

• Not allowing others to steal your joy

• Choosing love and positivity over bitterness

• Being a positive example and spreading kindness

H3: Conclusion

• Embracing the present moment

• Finding joy, peace, and passion within oneself

H3: FAQs

1. How can I stop seeking validation from others?

2. What can I do to live a more joyful life?

3. How do I overcome challenges and adversity?

4. Is it important to have a plan for the future?

5. How can I let go of negativity and be more positive?


Life is to be lived

Life is a precious gift, meant to be cherished and experienced to the fullest. Every moment is an opportunity for growth, joy, and self-discovery. In this article, we will explore the essence of life and the wisdom it holds. By embracing the present moment, finding joy in simplicity, and letting go of the need for external validation, we can create a life that is truly fulfilling.


Life is a journey, a collection of moments strung together to form our unique story. However, many of us get caught up in the pursuit of something else, something better, and forget to fully live in the present moment. We are constantly striving for success, wealth, and recognition, believing that these achievements will bring us happiness and fulfillment. But what if the key to a meaningful life lies not in external accomplishments but in our ability to find joy and purpose in the here and now?

Life is not meant to be so serious

As we grow older, life can often feel burdened with responsibilities and expectations. We become consumed by work, obligations, and the desire to be seen as successful. But in this race to the top, we forget to make time for fun, joy, and play. Alan Watts once said, "This is the real secret of life - to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play." Life is not

meant to be a never-ending to-do list. It's essential to remind ourselves of our mortality and the fleeting nature of life. When we acknowledge the impermanence of our existence, we realize the importance of embracing each moment with a lightness of heart.

Letting go of the need for seriousness doesn't mean disregarding our responsibilities or neglecting our commitments. It means approaching life with a sense of humor, finding joy in the simple pleasures, and not taking everything so seriously. Laughter and lightheartedness can be powerful tools for navigating the challenges and uncertainties that life throws our way.

The pursuit of external validation

One of the traps we often fall into is seeking approval and validation from others. We crave recognition, admiration, and acceptance, believing that they will validate our worth and bring us happiness. However, this external validation is elusive and fleeting.

The truth is, we can never please everyone. No matter how hard we try, there will always be someone who disagrees, criticizes, or finds fault in what we do. Placing our self-worth solely on the opinions of others is a recipe for disappointment and insecurity.

Instead, we must find our own sense of self-worth from within. Recognizing our inherent value, unique strengths, and intrinsic qualities allows us to cultivate self-acceptance and authentic confidence. When we no longer rely on external validation, we are free to live life on our own terms and pursue our passions without the constant need for approval.

Creating a life filled with joy, peace, and passion

True fulfillment comes from aligning our lives with what brings us genuine joy and passion. It's about pursuing activities, hobbies, and relationships that resonate with our hearts and souls. Taking the time to explore our interests and discover what truly brings us alive allows us to create a life that is authentic and fulfilling.

Moreover, cultivating inner peace is vital for navigating the ups and downs of life. Finding moments of stillness, practicing mindfulness, and nurturing our mental and emotional well-being can help us find a sense of calm amidst the chaos. It allows us to approach life's challenges with clarity, resilience, and grace.

Circumstances do not define you

Life is not without its share of challenges, setbacks, and adversities. However, it's how we respond to these circumstances that shape our character and define our journey. Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning can help us find meaning and purpose even in the most difficult times.

By shifting our perspective, we can transform obstacles into stepping stones. Rather than dwelling on what is lacking or going wrong, we can focus on what we can learn, how we can grow, and the strength we can develop through adversity. It's in these moments that we discover our resilience and realize our capacity to overcome and thrive.

Mastering the mind and emotions

Our thoughts and emotions play a significant role in shaping our experiences and overall well-being. Learning to master our minds and emotions empowers us to create a more fulfilling and positive life. By consciously choosing our thoughts and cultivating emotional intelligence, we can foster a mindset of optimism, gratitude, and resilience.

Practicing mindfulness allows us to observe our thoughts without judgment and detach ourselves from negative thinking patterns. It helps us stay present in the moment and appreciate the beauty and abundance that surround us. Developing emotional intelligence enables us to understand and manage our emotions effectively, leading to healthier relationships and a deeper connection with ourselves and others.

Planning and adaptability

While it's important to have a vision and set goals for the future, it's equally important to embrace the unpredictability of life. Planning provides us with a roadmap and a sense of direction, but it's crucial to remain adaptable and open to new possibilities.

Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and our ability


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