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What Are Defense Mechanisms and Do They Lead to Mental Illness?

Defense Machnisms

By Ibrahim HusseinPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

What are Defense Mechanisms?

Defense mechanisms are automatic reactions that protect us from feeling bad. They are unconscious reactions that we experience when we feel threatened. There are over 20 different defense mechanisms that we use to protect ourselves from negative feelings and thoughts. The most common defense mechanisms include denial, repression, fantasy, and identification. Defense mechanisms are not necessarily bad or unhealthy. They are an essential part of being human, as they allow us to cope with our emotions and the situations we encounter in life. However, it is important to recognize when these mechanisms are being overused, as this could indicate that a person is struggling with a mental health problem and needs help.


Repression is when you block out memories that are too scary or that might make you feel ashamed. It’s like you’re pushing the bad memories down so deep into your brain that you can’t get them back out again. When you’re repressing memories, you’re not even aware that you have them. It’s like they don’t even exist. You’re just blocking them out completely. You might end up repressing bad memories like being bullied at school, or getting into trouble with the police when you were a teenager. When you’re repressing memories, you might find that you can’t remember anything about your childhood. Even if someone tells you about something that happened, you won’t be able to remember it.

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Denial is when you refuse to believe that something bad has happened or that something really scary is true. You might find yourself in denial when you don’t want to accept that you got a bad grade on a test, that your partner has been unfaithful, or that you have an illness. Denial can be a really helpful defense mechanism when you’re facing something that is too scary or too upsetting to deal with. However, it can also be harmful because it means that you’re not dealing with the problem and it might get worse.

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Fantasy is when you imagine yourself in a different world or situation where things are better than they are in real life. You might find yourself fantasizing about being a superhero, or that you have magical powers. You might even fantasize about dating someone famous. Fantasizing is completely normal, and it can even be helpful for your mental health. When you’re stressed out or feeling bad, it can be really helpful to let your imagination run wild and think about something positive and exciting that isn’t real.


Identification is when you try to copy someone else’s behavior and characteristics. For example, if you really like your friend, you might start to act and sound like them without even realizing it. Identification can be a really helpful defense mechanism if you’re trying to learn from someone else’s mistakes and successes. However, it can also be harmful if you’re trying too hard to be like someone who isn’t a good role model.


Splitting is when you see the world as good or bad with no in between. When you’re splitting, you see everything in black and white, with no gray areas. This can make you see people as completely good or completely bad. You might think that some people have all the answers and are perfect, while others have none, are worthless, and are bad. When you’re splitting, you’re ignoring the fact that everyone has good and bad qualities. Splitting can be really harmful and can lead to mental health problems. It’s important to recognize when you’re splitting and to try to stop. If you find yourself thinking that people are either good or bad, try to resist this temptation.

Neuronal communication disruption

Neurological communication is when your neurons send messages from one part of your body to another, like when you’re walking and your brain tells your muscles to take a step. Communication is necessary for everything in your body to work properly. When communication is disrupted, it means that there is a problem with the neurons in your brain, and that signals aren’t getting through as they should. When someone experiences severe trauma, this can disrupt communication and increase the risk of mental health problems, like depression and anxiety.

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Depression and mood disorders

When you’re depressed, you’re not just feeling a little bit sad. You can’t enjoy anything and you can’t get out of bed. Depression is when your mood is so low that it’s having a negative effect on your life. There are two types of depression – major depression and minor depression. Major depression is when you’re feeling really bad, like you can’t enjoy anything and nothing makes you happy. It can also include having feelings of worthlessness and thoughts of suicide. Minor depression is when you don’t feel as bad as someone with major depression does, but you still have symptoms of depression, like having low energy and feeling bored. When someone experiences depression, it’s often because their neurons aren’t communicating the way they should. Depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, and environmental factors.


Everyone has different defense mechanisms and ways of dealing with stress and anxiety. The most important thing is to know what your mechanisms are and when they could be harmful. Try to be aware of what your defense mechanisms are and when you’re using them. This will help you to manage your emotions and reactions better and deal with problems in a constructive way. If you notice that you’re using your defense mechanisms too often, it’s a good idea to talk to a trusted friend or a therapist. They will be able to help you work through the issues you’re facing so that you can stop using your defenses and start facing reality.

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    IHWritten by Ibrahim Hussein

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