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Unleash your Creativity!


By BrandsanduPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Unleash your Creativity!

Creativity is as simple as it sounds and as complex, as it gets, is something everyone talks about and no one knows how to get through it! Being creative is not some innate skill it’s an art that requires a disciplined mind and a lot of practice.

No doubt creative ideas happen in the eureka moments but the process is still a sure-shot way of enhancing your chances of landing upon something novice. Creativity is everyday experimenting, learning & growing, taking unforeseen risks, breaking the rules, making a lot of mistakes, and after all, having fun.

The next million-dollar question that bothers everyone is how to Be Creative and most importantly why do I need to be creative, I am not an Artist, Singer, Writer, or Painter. Oh, wait a minute! Creativity finds depth in every nook and corner of your life from your business decision-making to your housekeeping, it is the way you inspire others, creativity is nothing more than the extension of your very own enthusiasm.

Now if creativity is so very important, how do you become or stay creative. We decode 25 quintessential that will help you sail through the creative journey. Simple, easy, and fun these will help you a lot in your creative journey irrespective of your domain.

1. Make lists: The first thing is to get everything in place. Make a list of all that you want to do in the form of bullets.

2. Carry a notebook everywhere: The one thing for sure about the mind is it can randomly pop up creative ideas, that later get lost in the preoccupancy of day-to-day tasks. So to make sure that u never miss out on any of the ideas is to keep a notebook handy and note down the random stuff that occurs as and when.

3. Try Writing: Writing helps you put across your thoughts, and help your mind explore more and more possibilities without getting into the clutter. You can start with something as simple as daily journaling, or writing a diary or you can use a variety of free tools like VOCAL.

4. Turn Off Your Digital Devices:  As frisky as it may sound, taking a break from the screen and exploring your surroundings will help you a lot in making your brain ooze up with creative thoughts. Why? Because all these digital versions put your brain into a streamlined thought process which doesn’t’ allow the out of the box thinking.

5. Quit beating yourself Up: Oh yes! the more you punish yourself, the more you will fall into the whimsical cycle of self-guilt and self-hatred which will trigger a vicious cycle harming your self-efficacy.

6. Take Breaks: tea break, coffee break, picnics, or a two three-day vacation, anything that puts a pause to your normal routine and help you explore the new boundaries, will be a lot of relief not just to your bind but also to your body and soul and this, in turn, will help you pick up your task with new energy and enthusiasm.

7.Sing in the shower: Sing in the park, sing while you are driving, sing anywhere you like. This will help close down your self-inhibition and make you fall in love with yourself more. The more you will be full of self-love, the more creative you will be.

8.Drink Coffee or Tea: Caffeine helps you release a lot of stress and helps to stimulate your brain. So coffee or tea is always a good idea!

9.Listen to New Music: Music helps activate your brain, not only it’s a complete brain workout, research has proved it can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain.

10. Be open: Make a habit of saying YES. Yes, to new people, yes to new experiences, yes to anything and everything that you don’t know or haven’t explored yet. This will help you explore yourself to the ultimate level.

11. Surround yourself with creative people: As they say, you are the sum of 5 people you mostly hang out with, so set your circle amidst creative people, where normal talks are eye-openers and brainstorming sessions, that will put your creative spark on fire.

12. Get Feedback: no matter what you do always look for feedback. Of course, some of it would be manipulative to intentionally put you down but most of it will help you know your work from a differential perspective, how it is perceived.

13. Collaborate: You can do things that I Cannot do and I can do things that you cannot do, and together we can do things that none of us can individually do. Collaboration is a great way to put you in a winning state. The more you collaborate the more you expand your creative potential.

14.Don’t give up: There would be days or maybe weeks when all your efforts would go in vain and nothing would seem to work, but the best thing that winners do is they never quit. If you fall 6 times, get up a seventh time, history is evidential, that something great happens when you refuse to give up no matter what.

15.Practice, Practice, Practice: Every practice is a learning process, the more you practice the better you get at your art. Whatever you do practice it daily because your practice determines the level of your performance.

16.Allow yourself to make mistakes:  It’s ok to make mistakes, who knows your mistake could lead you to something out of your weird imagination. So, give yourself a pep talk and keep on making mistakes, but different ones, not the same ones.

17.Go Somewhere new: Meet new people, learn about a new culture, explore new things because it will not only vanquish those fears but allow us to expand our minds and learn. And then there’s the rush because there is nothing like the thrill of the new experience that again gets your creative juices flowing.

18.Count your blessings: practicing gratitude will bless you in uncountable ways, not only it will bring you peace but it will also help your mind vibrate in the creative space.

19.Get lots of rest: Because there is no alternative to sleep. Good 8-hour sleep helps your brain boost up its activity and of course creativity!

20.Take Risks and Break the rules: Try becoming the game changers, how would you be known if all you do in your life is follow the methodological approach used by the forerunners. Be confident and learn to take the risks.

21. Clean your workspace: you won’t believe the innumerable benefits of tidying your space up. Not only it cleans distractions, but it will also help you better concentrate on the task at hand.

22. Create a framework: It will help you focus on what’s important and what’s not and therefore applying the Pareto will bring not only your productivity but your creativity to your tasks.

23. Do what makes you happy & Have fun:  Enjoying things with all your heart will make you stand apart from the rest of the people with better ideas, better output, and better confidence.

24. Stop trying to be someone else’s perfect: Perfect is differentially defined by different people. Never, we repeat allow other benchmarks to determine your worth.

25. Finish Something: Whatever you started finish it. One of the major problems with creative minds is the start of something with uber enthusiasm, and that enthusiasm going down and letting go of things in the midway. So make sure you are finishing what you started because only then you would have outcomes at your hand.

Hope these tips will help you accelerate in whatever front you deal with in your life. To close it off trust your creativity and do something creative every day.


About the Creator


Brandsandu Is A Complete 360 ° Branding & Digital Marketing Company In Delhi & Ncr Providing A Complete Solution From Branding To Social Media, From Public Relations To Media Buying To Interactive Solutions.

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    BrandsanduWritten by Brandsandu

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