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To My Younger Self

A letter I wish I had then

By Danielle AlbrightPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
To My Younger Self
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

To my younger self,

Hey beautiful it's me, well it's you just in the future. I wanted to write this letter to remind you just how strong you truly are. Right now, it should be 2012, and your probably 12 years old having the time of your life, stress free, and enjoying everything and everyone around you just like I know you are. I want you to remember your friends and family and remember your big bright smile whenever you're around them and keep that image in your head as you get older. I'm writing you today in the year 2021 to remind you that whatever you go through in life, you will be ok. Things are going to get really hard and confusing once you make it to eighth and ninth grade, and you won't really ever understand why certain things had to happen. You will be angry for a long time after ninth grade and start to make some bad choices in friends and relationships. I know you're probably thinking "what's going to happen?!" but I just can't tell you. Everything happens for a reason, and everything we went through made us who we are today. I can't have you running around changing the past ha-ha.

Danielle, your last name really speaks volumes. "Albright". You are truly the light in everyone you meet. Whenever someone is down, they look to you to cheer them up. Whenever someone wants to give up, you're right there giving a helping hand to anyone and everyone who needs it, whether it's an animal or a human. Your smile brings joy to your teachers, friends, and family. As you get older and enter high school you will be a great student athlete in whatever sport you decide to do. Your grades will be flawless, and everything will seem great. You will date some people along the way who will affect you mentally, and you will have a few friends who will break your heart, but you will always keep your head up high and hurt when nobody is watching. One thing I will tell you is to put yourself above other while keeping GOD first. Danielle, you heart is so kind, and so pure that people will take your kindness for granted, and you will forgive them over and over, and that will mentally and physically mess with you. You will have an ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend who will both betray you your senior year, but don't fear Danielle, they will get a taste of their own medicine while you enjoy the rest of your senior year thanks to an amazing group of friends.

As you get older, and get ready to graduate high school, you will have many opportunities for your amazing achievements you made while in high school, DON'T SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS NO MATTER WHAT! You will make a college decision based on our family situations that will affect your college experience. When I picked a college, I had no idea what I wanted to do. All I knew is that I wanted to continue in my sport. Your college experience (If you make the same choice as me) will be fun at first, and then will slowly turn into stress. You will change your major and start to see an improvement in grades, and your attitude. I can even tell you that you will fall in love with an incredible guy just by jumping in the back seat of his car ha-ha (trust me when I say that story is still funny till this day).

As family goes, you will discover some family secrets that will break you more than you can imagine. You and our little sister Madison will become best friends believe it or not, and you guys will deal with the family issues together. As more and more secrets come out you will start to get depressed and push everyone away. To make matters worse the United States will be on a complete lockdown thanks to Covid-19 in the year 2020 which will push you to the edge since we are a social butterfly. You will start to have harmful thoughts and ideas and stay up all throughout the night crying. You are going to want to give up, and you will also have some horrible deaths in the family as well. Even after all that Danielle, you will turn to GOD and have him pull you out of the darkness.

Now I know as you read this letter you are a little worried of the future, but I promise you that everything will be ok. I wanted to get all the negatives out the way so I can tell you the positive and exciting things you have to look forward to.

When you graduate high school, you will get a big happy graduation party where you will receive $12,000 in cash, and a Siberian husky! The husky's name is Nilo which is Hebrew for the word "Blue" since our best fur-iend has the most beautiful blue eyes, as of matter of fact I will put a picture down below of our sweet boy.

Nilo The Husky

You will overcome every obstacle and decide to start your own business to help minorities in the United States to help lower the poverty line. You will meet an Olympian that will leave an impact on you, and you will prosper in any and everything you do.

You will start to be more focus and confident in yourself and in your skin. You will fall in love with your hair and wear big, poofy hair that everyone will love. You will fall in love, and you will actually push towards the dream of going to the Olympics in college. There are so many good things that will out shine the bad Danielle.

As of right now I am 21 years old with a year left in college, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Now I can't promise that everything will be perfect, but I know that you will find a way to shine through the darkest moments.

Oh-yea! another thing before I forget never sacrifice your own happiness for the happiness of others, always be true to yourself, and always be yourself. Things will get hard, but the choice is yours to let it break you or make you. Also, Danielle, I know while you're in high school you'll be doing a sport and school, but girl get a job ha-ha, you will want it in the future trust me.

With all of that being said I wish you the best along your journey, and I know you will always make the right choices in life. You are truly the strongest women I know.


Danielle. Your future self


About the Creator

Danielle Albright

I'm a new writer looking to fill my free time with something more productive.

Everyone around me has told me I have a writing gift, and now it's time to put it to the test.

I'm super excited in growing a family with all of you!!

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    Danielle AlbrightWritten by Danielle Albright

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