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Title: Making a Start and Pursuing Your Goals Taking each step slowly

How Little Efforts Can Result in Huge Success

By Sunnyy 21Published about a year ago 3 min read

I've always known since I was young that I want to be a writer. I envisioned writing books and essays that would amuse and inspire others. Yet as I got older, I noticed that I was more preoccupied with everyday concerns. I attended college, obtained employment, and began a family. My desire to write started to seem like an old dream. I didn't understand that it was never too late to follow your dreams until a few years later. I re-started writing, initially just for me. In my free time, I would compose small poems or jot down novel ideas. Getting in touch with my artistic side again felt nice.But, the thought of pursuing writing as a career was intimidating. I didn't know where to begin, and the idea of exposing my work for criticism by others terrified me. So I made a little start. I started submitting quick essays to websites, and ultimately I gained the self-assurance to suggest a couple article ideas to bigger magazines. I was able to move forward with confidence as a result of each little victory. I started to write longer pieces, and finally I even finished the first draught of a novel. It wasn't simple, and I definitely had moments where I wanted to give up. Yet I kept telling myself that every little action was moving me closer to my objective.I discovered that moving forward with modest increments rather than trying to make enormous jumps all at once was actually more successful. Instead of setting myself up for failure by setting a lofty objective that looked unattainable, it allowed me to gradually develop my abilities and confidence. I also learned the value of taking responsibility. I discussed my work with family and friends, and I even joined a writing group that offered encouragement and criticism. Having supporters and critics who could offer constructive criticism was beneficial.A full and meaningful life depends on pursuing our aspirations. We can achieve our objectives by knowing why they are important to us, working towards them, being persistent and committed, surrounding ourselves with encouraging people, and taking care of ourselves. It's critical to keep in mind that achieving our goals is a journey, not a final destination. We must relish the journey, acknowledge our successes, and draw lessons from our setbacks. Let's thus go cautiously in the direction of our objectives and realise our ambitions.It's crucial to surround ourselves with those who will support and inspire us to pursue our goals. This includes close friends, relatives, mentors, and even like-minded people with comparable aims and goals. These individuals may offer us direction, inspiration, and accountability to keep us on course.Retaining focus and tenacity in the face of challenges or disappointments. It's critical to keep in mind that obstacles and failures are a normal part of the path to achievement. Whether or whether we succeed in our goals depends on how we react to them. We must remain steadfast in our efforts and keep our eyes on the prize when we face challenges and it will lead us to success one day.

In the end, I understood that pursuing your aspirations doesn't necessarily mean finding immediate success. It involves making little daily progress towards your objective. It involves accepting that obstacles and failures are a normal part of the process and that, with tenacity and grit, they can be overcame. Thus, if you've been putting off pursuing a dream, start small. Take one modest step towards achieving your objective every day. Spend time with supportive and motivating people. Most importantly, keep trying. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to with time and effort.


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