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Thoughts from 2017

Family relationship and self love

By Aira SantiagoPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Today I realised I deserve better. The past 6 months have been a roller coaster of emotion, it’s overwhelming. What they say about life, being it perfect today and falling apart the next day is very true. You can have everything today but lose everything tomorrow. Lesson learnt? Live in the present and cherish every moment.

Treasure every moment you spend with your parents, with your siblings, with your friends and special someone cause overnight things can change. You may wake up one day and realise that something that was done in the past carelessly resulted to a loved one straying away from you gradually. You might wake up with a news that someone you have known and lived with your entire life has a sickness no specialist in this world can ever cure. So I will say it again, treasure every moment and live in the present, for your family and friends, for the people around you, and for yourself.

At times when we are so down, because nothing, I mean nothing was going right we might fall into thinking that we need someone, another human being to fix it, to make everything right. DON’T FALL INTO THIS WRONG BELIEF BECAUSE NO ONE IN THIS WORLD OTHER THAN YOURSELF CAN FIX YOUR OWN TROUBLES IN LIFE, NO ONE ELSE BUT YOU. I hope you remember that. I’m not a robot, I do feel at times that I need or should be with someone aside from the person I see when I stand in front of the mirror. However, do not let your emotion overpower your thinking. You might get a “butterfly effect” feeling or be reminded that there are things logic cannot explain. It’s true, there are things logic cannot explain, like our gut feeling that is most of the time right if not all the time. But remember, whoever that person is, he is not going to make it right. He is not going to fix your problems. Why? Cause he is not you. That is why you have to remember that you are good enough, strong enough and brave enough to solve your own problems. Remember that so you don’t spend your nights lamenting over someone who does not deserve a second of your day.

It’s great to have someone with you. A friend, family, a partner you can cry on to but remember that you can do it. You can surmount any obstacles in life no matter how big they are if you remember and tell yourself that you can. You have to believe in yourself. Do not settle for less or try to be with the person you believe will fix things even if they don’t really do anything for you. After that, you can be sure that the person who deserves all of your attention will be there. You will meet him. You won’t feel that he needs to fix things. You will meet him and want him to be by your side to look at the same direction. You would know it’s him. He will be strong, kind, loving, compassionate, understanding, forgiving. He would love you with all his heart like you do to him. He will protect you from anyone who would want to harm you. If you ever cry because of him, it’s because he made you so happy you’re crying of joy. He’s an inspiration to you and you are to him. You will receive better if you believe you deserve better.

Have you ever felt so down because everything seems to fall apart? If you have, remember to believe that something better will happen and believe that you, yourself and not anybody else, have the power to turn your life around for the better.

self help

About the Creator

Aira Santiago

I like reading, watching home renovation videos, I love travelling and going to places I've never been before. I like my quiet time. <3. Follow me on IG: @airamaysantiago

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