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There is no easy way out if you want to achieve success

Be determined!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Why did you choose the more difficult path? Why didn't you just go ahead and do it the simple way? Why didn't I reduce my expectations so that I could achieve it more quickly? What is it about striving so hard to be better than my circumstances that I find so compelling? Because you are not your average self. Knowing that in order to be the best you can possibly be, you must push harder, set greater objectives than anyone else, and work smarter than anyone else – even when it hurts - you must be willing to go the extra mile.

You understand that you have no option but to rise above your circumstances because YOU have amazing things inside you, fantastic things that will make the world a better place for many people. You realize that you have no choice but to be greater than your circumstances. The people in your immediate vicinity may be talking about their activities, but you are waking up at 4am so that you may read for two hours before anybody else has even woken up.

So, you can go to the gym and get in a better-quality exercise before the rest of the world gets out of bed. What motivates you to accomplish this? It's because you want to be successful in life, and the pleasure that comes with it is everlasting!

In order to be exceptional, you understand that going the additional mile is essential to your success. When you get up in the morning, you aren't competing with anybody else but for yourself; you are competing with yourself. To strive to be the finest version of yourself. To make one percent greater progress each day than the previous day. Doing the little, basic things that no one else wants to do because you know that is the path to success is what you are striving for. Dominate the fundamentals that others fail to connect with and you will become a master of your domain. I really like the discomfort. I really like the difficulties.

I like the idea that you aren't taking the easy way out since you realize it isn't the greatest path to become the finest version of yourself. It may not be simple, but it is well worth the effort. When it hurts, go the extra mile. Concentrate on the daily habits and activities that will help you achieve the level of achievement you want.

Make a habit of challenging yourself and your skills by surrounding yourself with people who are better than you and who will challenge you. When something hurts, you know you're on the correct track. Persecution is essential.

It is not enough to have a fantastic concept. You must act in order to achieve your objectives, and this requires time, which is your most important resource. You won't be able to produce any more of it, so you'll have to make the most of what you have. Simply said, when you have more work than time, you must be productive or else you will fail. That is the plain reality. You will get an unfair edge over your competitors if you set yourself unrealistically difficult deadlines that drive you to utilize your available time.

When you find yourself in a bind, you have no option but to innovate, question conventional wisdom, and think outside the box in order to find a solution. It is no accident that struggle brings out incredible resourcefulness in people. You're compelled to step up and find a solution — even when all of your choices seem to be exhausted. In these conditions, your brain does an extraordinary feat: it examines ideas that would not even be considered under regular circumstances. It is really amazing. It unlocks the evolutionary principles of stress and survival, allowing access to increased human potential for learning and problem-solving eventually leading to success.


About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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