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There are two types of inspiration


By AnikPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
There are two types of inspiration
Photo by Martin Shreder on Unsplash

There are two different types of inspiration. One gives you the desire to achieve something while the other gives you the skills to achieve that thing. Both are equally important in order to be successful, but knowing which type of inspiration you need is important if you want to do it right the first time and get the most out of your effort.

Which type of inspiration you get depends on your personality

how creative you are and how sensitive you are to negative feelings. You see, there’s a spectrum of creativity and sensitivity to negativity that each one of us falls somewhere on. Some people at one end do great with new ideas but struggle when presented with criticism and skepticism. Other people can take criticism well but struggle to get themselves motivated enough to generate new ideas at all.

Why I need both kinds to be productive

By Remy_Loz on Unsplash

Most people think that they need motivation to get anything done, but in reality they’re confusing inspiration with motivation. Inspiration and motivation look similar, but they do different things. The following comic shows their differences very clearly.

Which kind of inspired do you prefer?

There are two ways that we’re inspired to do something: externally or internally. Both forms have their pros and cons, but it seems that one is always better than the other. If you could only choose one form, which would you pick? Share your thoughts in our comments section!

Which will help you more in life?

By J W on Unsplash

Everyone knows that being inspired is a great way to have a positive attitude, feel enthusiastic and motivated. However, many people aren’t aware that there are two different kinds of inspiration: external and internal. Which kind will help you more in life? Let’s discuss it here! Both forms of inspiration can be equally beneficial; it’s all about how we perceive them and use them. Learn what they are in today's post, so you can get ahead on your professional and personal goals tomorrow!

How can you get each kind?

If you’re looking for one particular kind of inspiration, it can be hard to find what you’re looking for. The reality is that there are two different kinds of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic motivation is pushed on by things outside our control. Both have their place in life but knowing how to get each can make a huge difference in your happiness and success at work. So why do they differ? What can they do for you? Let’s look at them both in turn.

Can you think of examples from real life?

By Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

People who inspire us can come from all sorts of places—they might be our bosses, colleagues, professors, parents, friends or other role models. These people provide us with different kinds of inspiration: some will help us expand our perspective and set a goal for how we want to grow as individuals; others may inspire us to achieve in a particular area. Inspiration isn’t just limited to real-life sources: books, movies and even music can offer different kinds of motivation that help move our lives forward.

Do any famous writers and artists rely on either one?

There’s no way around it, writing and creating takes guts. If you’re lucky enough to have a good idea, that doesn’t make it any easier. There are lots of factors to consider and lots you need to do if you want your story or idea to succeed. But why does that keep us from creating? Why don’t we sit down for five minutes a day and write? The biggest problem with getting inspired is that there is never enough time in our busy lives.

Does relying on one type reduce your productivity or creativity?

By Mille Sanders on Unsplash

We all know someone who appears to have an endless stream of creative ideas flowing from their minds. They’re inspired by almost everything, and it seems like nothing is ever a problem for them. We envy their talent and ability to produce work based on seemingly thin air. The truth is that even these people don’t rely on just one type of inspiration; instead, they have developed a unique approach that balances both inspirational sources in order to maximize productivity and creativity.

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