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The Wealthiest Place In The World Isn't So Lucky

It's the LAST place you'd want to travel to

By Auntie KayPublished 2 years ago 13 min read
The Wealthiest Place In The World Isn't So Lucky
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

If someone asked you to think of the wealthiest place in the world to visit, what would be your very first thought? Why did you pick that place? Can you jot down your top 3 reasons why you thought of this place? What are they? What does this place look like in your mind? What kind of people do you imagine occupy this wealthy place? Better yet, if you could go and speak to the people that occupy this wealthy place in your mind, what would ask them and why? Is your brain turning? Are you thinking of some pretty amazing questions to ask? Have you noticed that this first paragraph was all questions and no answers? Now, do you want to know why?

By Jon Tyson on Unsplash

The reason for all the questions and no answers is because that's exactly what you would get if you were to visit the wealthiest place in the world. The wealthiest place in the world is the only place in the world that you can go and find that nobody's secrets to success are revealed for any amount of money. You won't be able to buy or use the formulas to generate wealth there or anywhere for that matter. You won't be greeted by the susurration of people anticipating other highly successful people to take center stage to gain the same knowledge that you're looking for. There aren't any courses you can buy, webinars to sign up for or future conferences that you can attend to hear their secrets to success. You can ask as many questions as your heart desires and all you will get is.....that's it.....silence. Why is this?

Well, let me tell you. The late "great" Dr. Myles Munroe said it best. I remember watching one of is phenomenal seminars on the internet and he was speaking about the Keys to Success. One thing that he mentioned, that not only grabbed my attention but also shook my entrepreneurial spirit, was the location of the wealthiest place in the world. He said the wealthiest place in the world is one of the quietest places in the world. This is because, according to Dr. Myles Munroe, the wealthiest place in the world is actually...the graveyard.

Dr. Myles Munroe

The graveyard is the wealthiest place in the world because it holds million and billion dollar secrets, strategies, visions, formulas and pathways that never had the chance to be birthed out. The minds that held these million and billion dollar secrets came to "pass" before their dreams, visions and goals ever could. They died full. The more I thought about this and imagined what that could've looked like, my mind automatically started molding an image of what kind of person would allow something like this to happen. The more I thought about it the clearer the image came to be. My mind started forming an image of "me".

I am a living testimony for sure. Right now I feel something close to Job's experience. However, even through my current pains, pressures, and unfortunate events, I still have faith and barrels of million and billion dollar ideas, strategies, visions, and goals that are still floating around in my head...waiting to be birthed out. I have plenty of movie scripts to write and direct, books to write, businesses to build, people to bless, souls to save, and strategies to present. What am I doing?! How come I'm not focused on THAT part of my journey right now? Don't worry, this question has an answer. Because I'm thinking just like a lot of you when it comes to to ideas and success. I'm just sitting on them as time and life continues to pass my by. My intention is to finally get my dreams and businesses going and completed, but I just couldn't seem to get in the zone to get it done. Which brings me back to question of "why".

By Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash

After thinking about this question, these are the top 4 answers that I came up with for me.

  1. I'm Too Busy Striving to Upgrade to Thriving - I'm striving to make ends meet, wearing myself out, punching a clock this week for what should've been paid for or happened last week. Too many hours, not enough dollars; this is not a balanced life and it's a one way ticket into rat race living.
  2. Too Many Ideas to Keep Track - I have so many amazing ideas that keep coming to me that I can't buckle down and focus on just ONE being birthed out before starting on the next. I have an entrepreneurial mind. It works like that of an "over thinker". It is always busy "thinking" of how to get this and that started or done; before you know it, you're now working on businesses A, B, C, Y,M, X, and Z. You're jumping from business idea to business idea, have a plethora of unfinished tasks or unopened businesses while wondering how come nothing is panning out. That's because you're panned out...stop.
  3. Not Prepared for Success - I have found myself self sabotaging my own success because I was afraid that my plan "just may work" and take off like wild fire. Uhhh, that's what I wanted, right? Yes, BUT, I have placed ideas and actions on hold because what if I know how to complete phase 1, but I'm not ready or prepared for phase 2? Or what happens if the business takes off faster than I can keep up? What happens when other people try to "connect" with me in person? If you're anything like me, the moment you start thinking of potential people to connect with, self sabotaging thoughts start popping up like those annoying ads on your computer screen. The moment you delete one, another one pops up. Mine looked a little like this...I have a rare skin condition, I don't have business attire, I'm not a public speaker, my hair is too short and unhealthy, I'm already over weight, how many pounds will a camera add to me, I don't want anyone to see me, maybe starting a business isn't for me. Have this ever happened to you? Don't let insecurities about yourself, your appearance, your true potential and capabilities hold you back in fear of what others may say or think; keep moving.
  4. Seeking the Wrong Support - I have been seeking the "wrong" support from people to help validate and elevate my levels of success. In most cases, people go to their "haters" for support. This is usually unintentional because a lot of people that you think should be there to support you are the ones who have a million excuses as to why they can't. Pretty soon, you feel like you have zero support and your venture for success becomes dormant to the point that you just give up. I almost did this. I almost gave up because it appeared that the people I should've been able to count of for support signed up for a different team. They either signed up to become my competition or my secret hater, throwing unnecessary obstacles in my way, while watching and waiting for me to fail.

If you have always wanted to be successful in one way or another, does any of these reasons sound familiar to you? Can you relate with these hinderances to your success? Well let me help you out. If you have ever felt like this, here are some things that you can do to help increase your chances of success.

  • BALANCE - Flip that thang around! More thriving, less striving. Everything you do in life requires BALANCE. Work "smarter" not "harder". Endurance is for your destiny not your current circumstance. It's all about time management. It has been said that it is not good to use words like "always" and "never" however in this case it is. If you're always waiting for the right time, it will never come. MAKE TIME for YOUR dream like you do for your boss'. Tips that work = start spending at least 3 hours (doesn't have to be consecutive) a day to work on your business (that's 15 hours a week, M-F) OR dedicate a minimum of 2 full days a week dedicated to building or managing your business and nothing else (other than taking care of your families immediate needs).
  • WRITE IT DOWN & FOCUS- When it comes to time management here is one resourceful piece of information when you have a head full of amazing ideas: WRITE IT DOWN and then FOCUS. Never (there's that word again...LOL) start working on whatever pops into your head to do for any other business OTHER THAN the one you want to get birthed out FIRST. Amazing ideas will come, but when they do, write them down and come back to them later when it's their time to shine. Make sure that one of your business ideas is complete, up and running with self sufficiency, and generating a set minimum of monthly revenue before you start focusing on getting your next stream flowing. Find a software program or business platform that helps your create, track, and manage your business and time. There are a host of them out there, like ZenBusiness, Fiverr, and Amazon Business just to name a few.
  • START YOUR PLAN, DON'T PLAN TO START - It's all about perspective. As crazy as this sounds, it is a known fact that some people fear the latter rather than the beginning of success; therefore they never start or complete a business idea. It is time to swap FEAR for F.E.A.R.S. FEAR may also be known as: False Evidence that Appears Real. You need to swap that for F.E.A.R.S = Focusing on Everything Around Reality of Success. Instead of focusing on what you don't have to start, focus on what you need to start. Change your perspective and GO. You don't need everything in place to just need to start while building on the pieces that you already have in place. Here's what helped me to jump onboard and keep myself consistently moving forward. Make a "Top 5 List" of the top 5 things you need to start your dream or business. The moment you write down the fifth thing, start working on the first item on your list. Every time you cross one off, add another, big or small...just add it and keep your list or copies of your list with you at all times; you'll never know when inspiration or opportunity will come ready. Even though I am living with a rare skin condition, going through a messy divorce, and working 13 hour days on my 9-5... I had to remind myself often that successful people don't give up despite their circumstances and to swap FEAR for F.E.A.R.S. FEARS helped me realize two things: 1) Networking or Outsourcing is fundamental for a successful business, and 2) it doesn't matter what I look like, when it comes to business, all that matters is the THE BUSINESS. *Side Note: Why strive to "look" like a boss, when I desire to have the image of a "Leader". What's important is how can we bounce off of each other while keeping both businesses flourishing? This is the main goal of networking, everything else is simply irrelevant. So now what's stopping you?
  • SUPPORT, SUPPORT, SUPPORT - When it comes to real estate one of the biggest factors to consider is location, location, location. When it comes to business in general one of the biggest factors to consider is Support, Support, Support. Faith, accompanied by wisdom and support is the lifeline of your dream or business. Why is it so hard to find a great support team during the labor pains of birthing out or running a business? A lot of reasons, but I'll give you one. Most likely because you're putting too much pressure on the same people to sew into a business that has yet to show it's worth the investment it's asking to receive. If you want to know other factors behind why start ups lack major support, please subscribe to my blog, that and many other blogs will be available soon. Here are some key factors to remember when it comes to the support of your dream or business.
  1. The number 1 killjoy of your business idea or dream is to falsely believe that you will have the full support of your family and friends during startup. Most people give up on their dream or business when they see that the people they think should support them the most, doesn't. Thinking family and friends "should" support you and relying on the belief that these supporters "will" support you until you get on your feet will kill any joy or hope you have in running a successful business. This is a major misconception that causes most dreams and businesses to be buried in the graveyard with the mind that could've made it happen. If you want continuous support, balance the request for it among strangers who need your business. Reason being because just like your family would rather support someone else, someone else's family is feeling the same your chances of receiving support is greater if you market your dream or business with strangers.untie
  2. Fill a need, you will succeed. Is your business idea or dream either essential or desired by others to make life easier? If you find a need for something, it is almost guaranteed that you will succeed if you work wise enough to make it happen. People support what they need or what their family may need. In doing this you won't have to go scouting for support, support will come and find you.
  3. Actions speak louder than words, even words on paper. You can have everything legalized and documented (registration of business, business plan, logo, digital marketing material, proposal, etc.) and you can tell potential supporters and investors your probability of success and why till your blue, purple or red in the face. Nothing is going to move supporters faster than to "see" what you're capable of. The 3 powerful elements that make support inevitable for your business is: Words, Paper, and Action. Combined, they're a powerhouse to receiving support. Separate them and all you have is...a dream. Some business owners are all words, little to no paper, all paper little to no words, or all words AND paper with little to no action. Although going this route may bring a boost of success, it won't last and may end very bad for the business and the business owner. If you disagree, I have 3 names for you: Charles Ponzi, Bernie Madoff and Elizabeth Holmes. Be legit, don't talk about the dream BE the dream. Don't sell the dream, let your dream sell you.

If you made it this far into this article, you must have read something enlightening and its purpose was fulfilled. Now it is time for you to fulfill your purpose. It is time to stop feeding the graveyard our dreams, our business ideas, and our businesses. Someone, somewhere is waiting for your dream to come true, they are waiting for your business to be formed and put into operation. Someone, somewhere is waiting for your dream to come true because it may be a gateway to their dream coming true. Don't give up, don't give in and don't die full...invest in success, your success.

Thanks for Reading!

-Auntie Kay-

Auntie Kay


About the Creator

Auntie Kay

When things go bad or good,

I write,

When things don't go as they should,

I write

When I want to change the past,

I write,

When I want to make moments last,

I write,

When I want to claim a loss as a win,

I write

It's just what I do my friend,


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