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The Voices in My Head

The Little Voice That Tells You Many Things

By Ichraq VocalPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

The voices in my head tell me that I'm not good enough...

Should I believe them or do I need to make them leave?

It started with my childhood, my dad was incredibly aggressive towards my mother. It made me think; is my mom not good enough for him? Why would he do that all the time? But then I thought; my mom is the prettiest woman that I have ever seen in my entire life.

So that might not be the case here. You see when someone is treating you poorly, it is a reflection of themselves. It has nothing to do with you. Especially if you did nothing to hurt them or if you've been silent about it the whole time.

That's when the voices in your head begin to appear...

They tell you that you're:

  • Not good enough.
  • That everybody hates you.
  • That no one wants to be with you.
  • That you're not loved.
  • That you're dumb.
  • That you're useless.

Don't ever listen to those voices!

Listen to the positive background noise, listen to the people that support you... Listen to podcasts that will motivate you and teach you self love.

You see when we are in a negative mind space, we tend to think that we will never get out of it. But we can, if we have the willpower to do so!

We have the power to stop anything that we want to.

You have the strength to block the negative voices in your head. You can do this by thinking positively about yourself, listening to calm music or write a note with a couple of things on it that you're good at.

We need to teach ourselves self love and work on our self esteem. If you do that, you won't put up with any negativity around you. Of course this can be a hard to do because of past trauma, bad experiences with people or lack of self confidence... But you have to remember that your life is your responsibility! If you don't do it for yourself, who else is going to do it for you? That's right; no one else. You can handle the pressure in your life right now, you will be happy and you're amazing!

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise...

Ask yourself this question: When did the voice in your head start talking? and when did you become aware of it. The voice in your head is a commentator that is observing and criticizing your actions based on a daily routine. It makes you overthink every decision that you've ever made. And that is not very healthy for you as a human being.

Don't take me wrong here, it is good to think about your decisions of course! But thinking about it 24 hours will cause you stress and anxiety. And it can even keep you up in the middle of the night. If you've answered the first question that i have asked you, then you can also answer this question. Did you deal with bullying in your childhood?

This can also have a huge effect on your self image and well being; it can make you doubt yourself. And it can cause a lot of anxiety all the time. We as human beings are always striving to be perfect and to be understood. But how can anybody understand you, if you don't understand yourself?

We should strive to be happy and healthy, to live a life that we've always wanted to live. Another thing that can also be the main issue is social media. We tend to compare ourselves to be people that we don't even know in our personal lives. We get the feeling that we are not good enough and that we are always less than other people around us.

But that is not the case, every human being is unique in its own way. Every one of us has qualities that we don't pay much attention to. And we have to do that as a society, as humans! If we do that we can also have the power to say NO to the voice in our head. So the message behind this paragraph is to love yourself unconditionally and to start appreciating yourself! You are worth more than you think.

You have people around you that will love you and care for you. But still you have to put yourself first. I encourage you to write a note with all of your flaws and all of your good things about yourself. Make the list with positive things longer than your flaws. And you will start to focus more on the positive!


About the Creator

Ichraq Vocal

Dear reader,

I am Ichraq and i'm 18 years old. I love to write about personal life experiences, things that motivate me and i also love to write poems. If you're curious then stick around for much more stories from me!

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