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The Unexpected Ways Progress Changes You (and Why It’s Essential)

We are always looking for ways to upgrade — learn something new, get a promotion at work, or cross items off our bucket lists.

By Edison AdePublished 4 months ago 4 min read
The Unexpected Ways Progress Changes You (and Why It’s Essential)
Photo by Toushif Alam on Unsplash

We want to be better. We are always looking for ways to upgrade — learn something new, get a promotion at work, or cross items off our bucket lists.

But it’s funny when you really think about it. The stuff that seems like it’ll just change our situation usually ends up changing us too.

I mean, you pick up a skill and at first you’re just doing the thing. But then you get better at it, start seeing the world a little differently. New opportunities open up that you never saw before.

And it’s not just experiences either — who you were five years ago is probably not exactly who you are now.

People say change is the only constant, and it’s true.

But sometimes I think the changes we don’t expect are the most important ones.

The ones that happen inside, as we move outside of our comfort zone. As long as we keep challenging ourselves to grow, I think we’ll keep growing as people too. And that’s really the best kind of progress, if you ask me.

Progress is an inside job.

True growth happens from within. Reaching achievements alone doesn’t mean much if you don’t also change on the inside.

Real change is about upgrading your mindset, values and self-image. It’s letting go of old ways of thinking that hold you back, so you can welcome new possibilities.

To move forward, you have to leave behind who you used to be. Pushing your limits takes effort, but this is how restricting beliefs slip away. Then your fullest abilities can emerge.

Do not underestimate how progress transforms you. While milestones are great, focus more on how each win can spark personal growth.

Make inner growth a priority too.

Let experiences shape fresh perspectives so you evolve into your best self. Success on the outside means little if it does not make you better on the inside.

Keep shedding old layers and growing within — this is how you level up.

The gist is that changes on the inside, like shifting mindsets and self-perception, are key to enduring improvement. Full growth happens when you combine achievements with deep personal transformation.

Progress Wakes You Up

Change can feel unsettling at first. We get comfortable sticking to what we know. But lean into the uncertainty — it’s how you’ll grow. Striving for more shakes you out of your rut and gets you excited again.

You suddenly realize how much of your potential has been sitting on the back burner.

Things you thought you couldn’t pursue or wouldn’t enjoy start seeming important. Like dude, what was I waiting for?!

Old dreams that got abandoned now call your name once more. You dust them off and the spark is back. Progress gives you the green light to go after those things wholeheartedly.

You rearrange your routine so you can make space. Each day feels ripe with fresh possibilities.

The future gets its glow on again. Chasing progress has you energized and your step lighter. Walking towards something new brightens your whole vibe.

Moral of the story?

Don’t be afraid of change upsetting the apple cart. Lean in — your glow-up is waiting on the other side.

Outgrowing Limitations

With progress comes the need to shed limiting beliefs. Your old rules of what’s possible for “someone like you” dissolves.

You adopt more expansive mindsets as your potential crystallizes.

Doubts and impostor feelings subside. Comparisons become less toxic. You experience genuine self-validation, detached from others’ recognition. Core confidence solidifies.

Relationships evolve too. Some connections fade as you move in different directions. Don’t mourn these — they served you at one stage.

Other people rise to meet the new you. Those who uplift and inspire become integral. Your expanded mind attracts expanded minds.

Greater Responsibility

Progress bestows greater responsibility. What you achieve, you must now steward diligently. People look to you as an example, whether you like it or not.

There are ethical implications to your influence. Ego cannot drive your choices.

Progress tests your character just as your competence. Stay grounded in service.

You must care for yourself too. Progress is taxing. The lens focused outward also needs to turn inward. Replenish your reserves of energy and hope. Keep inspiration kindled.

Balance your life wisely. Integrate work, leisure, relationships and self-care holistically. Don’t let progress consume you and compromise your health.

Renewed Purpose

Progress clarifies your purpose. With accomplishment comes responsibility beyond yourself. Your gifts must impact the world.

You see how your work interlinks with others. Humility replaces personal glory as the goal. True progress uplifts communities, not just individuals.

So let progress reshape your definition of success. Make your priority expanding opportunity for those less privileged. Allow your blessings to overflow.

Stay engaged with mentoring others on their path. Lend your knowledge and compassion freely. Progress is meant to be shared far and wide.

An Unfinished Masterpiece

Embrace the new you progress uncovers. Don’t cling to old identities and stories. Shed what held you back and step into your potential.

You are an unfinished masterpiece in the making. Progress simply chisels away what obscures the true you. The rough edges get refined into greater magnificence.

Trust the process. Allow progress to reshape you. That’s how diamonds emerge from coal’s pressure.

See each day as a new canvas. Make bold brush strokes unencumbered by the past. Progress will jolt and exhilarate you. It shakes the kaleidoscope into brilliant new forms.

The old self leaves its imprint as foundation for the new. But now you glimpse your higher possibilities. Keep progressing, and never look back.

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First posted on Medium

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About the Creator

Edison Ade

I Write about Startup Growth. Helping visionary founders scale with proven systems & strategies. Author of books on hypergrowth, AI + the future.

I do a lot of Spoken Word/Poetry, Love Reviewing Movies.

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