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The truth about online writing income

The truth with the good and the bad.. You decide from there.

By JohnPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Can you really make a decent earning on platforms such as Medium or Vocal? I am starting to get suspicious. I know that with a lot of things its known that in order for things to materialize it takes time. How much though? I have read multiple articles and seen tons of screen shots of the writers alleged income from their writing but its never truly clear if that is indeed their and how accurate it is. I have written a few articles now on Medium and I have qualified and earned a spot in the partnership program but I haven’t really seen much in ways of income. I have roughly 5-6 articles that are eligible for earning and between all of them I have made a grand total of $.20 Yes, you read that correctly.. TWENTY CENTS. So at this point which is a few month in and I would say semi regular writing, I have come to a cross road where I am not sure on which way I should move next.

By Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

The goal would be to continue with the online approach which includes things such as writing on platforms such as Medium or Vocal and still creating content for YouTube and hopefully gain viewership and make passive income from them. The things these all have in common though is they all take a lot of your time and attention, they all require some kind of skill or knowledge and not to mention money upfront in order to get started. Trying to be efficient in producing content regularly can become difficult when you also have to try and work a full time job as well in order to still live life and most of all pay bills and eat. This is why its seen but not always mentioned that writers and YouTuber personalities typically don’t have another job but yet dedicate all their time to producing content and marketing themselves.

By Michael Longmire on Unsplash

If you are searching for a get rich quick type income I can tell you from experience that it’s definitely not as easy as they all make it look in the YouTube videos. A lot of the videos you have seen online is just merely content.. Often times these creators are already established with this or that and they never really show you the real behind the scenes of what really happens when starting out. Not to mention how hard it can possibly be without the time or financial freedom to truly dedicate yourself to it. I am by no means saying that these YouTube and established writers have not worked to get to where they are now. However, people from the outside looking in never get a real look at everything that goes into becoming a sensations or gaining the online following in order to "blow up". Now don't get me wrong we all know that hard work has its rewards but at what point does outcome become income?

In closing I will say this has been fun so far and it has motivated me in a lot of different ways. Also, embarking on this adventure has also opened my eyes to some of my talents and skills I wasn’t aware I actually had. Most of all I enjoy it because it takes me to a place of creativity and continues to challenge me and keep my brain working. Like with a lot of things in life we tend to find ourselves looking for the "EASY" button and the sad truth is that its not always there. I have learned in life that sometimes when you have to work harder than others to achieve the same result it tends to make the reward that much sweeter.

Good luck to all and I wish you all much success. Cheers.

- Starrstruck_gamer aka J. Starr


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