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The Thankless Journey of Old Rugged Billy

A Tale of Ingratitude and the Price for Non-thankfulness

By Nathal NortanPublished 3 months ago 4 min read
Old Rugged Billy

There was this old rugged man name Billy, who felt everyone at where he stays is evil and unhappy so one day he decided to relocate into a new village. As he was coming to a new village relocating, he was wondering if he would like it there so he went to a zen master and asked, do you think i will like it in this village?

Are the people nice? The master asked back, how were the people in the town where you came from?

They were nasty and greedy, they were angry and lived for cheating and stealing said the newcomer.

Those are exactly the type of people we have in this village said the master.

A day later, another newcomer to the village visited the master and asked the same question to which the master asked how were the people in the town where you came from? They were sweet and lived in harmony. They cared for one another and for the land they respected each other and they were seekers of good spirits. He replied, well, those are exactly the type of people we have in this village said the master.

You see in life, in your life, whatever you see in the world, the world will see in you. See hope, see good, see love and the world will see the same in you. But if you only see the nasty and greedy part of people that is what they will see in you. So be good and show gratitude to the world and the world will be good to you. Give love to the world and the world will give love to you.

Once upon a time in the quaint town of Harmonyville, there lived a cheerful soul named Lily. Lily had a heart full of gratitude and a spirit that radiated positivity. She firmly believed in the power of showing appreciation and the magical ripple effect it could create in one's life.

Lily's day always began with a simple ritual - a gratitude journal. Every morning, she would jot down three things she was thankful for, big or small. It could be the warmth of the sun, a kind word from a friend, or even the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. This ritual set a positive tone for her day, making her more resilient to life's challenges.

One sunny afternoon, Lily found herself at the local cafe, sipping on her favorite chai latte. As she enjoyed the delightful concoction, she noticed the barista, Jake, tirelessly preparing drinks for the bustling crowd. Inspired by her gratitude practice, Lily decided to express her appreciation.

"Hey Jake!" she exclaimed with a smile. "I just wanted to thank you for always making the best chai latte in town. It brightens my day every time."

Jake looked up from the coffee machine, a surprised but grateful smile forming on his face. "Wow, thanks! It's not often I hear that. I appreciate it!"

Little did Lily know that this simple act of gratitude would set off a chain reaction. Jake, feeling appreciated, served the next customer with an extra dose of kindness. That customer, in turn, went on to help someone else, creating a domino effect of positivity throughout Harmonyville.

Lily's attitude towards gratitude didn't stop there. She continued to express her appreciation in various ways, from thanking her colleagues for their hard work to sending handwritten notes of gratitude to friends and family. The more she practiced gratitude, the more she realized its profound impact on her well-being.

Scientific studies have shown that expressing gratitude has numerous benefits, both for the giver and the receiver. It reduces stress, improves mental health, and enhances overall life satisfaction. Lily, with her gratitude-filled heart, found herself more resilient in the face of challenges. It was as if the universe responded to her positive energy, bringing more joy and opportunities into her life.

One day, as Lily strolled through the town square, she crossed paths with a struggling artist named Emma. Emma had been feeling disheartened, unable to sell her beautiful paintings. Lily, recognizing an opportunity to spread gratitude, decided to purchase one of Emma's artworks.

"Your paintings bring so much beauty to the world," Lily said, handing over the money. "Thank you for sharing your talent with us."

Tears welled up in Emma's eyes as she accepted the payment. That simple act of kindness and gratitude reignited Emma's passion for art. Encouraged by Lily's appreciation, Emma's paintings began to sell, and she found herself inspired to create even more captivating pieces.

As Lily continued to sow seeds of gratitude in Harmonyville, she witnessed the town transform into a hub of positivity and kindness. People began to appreciate each other's efforts, creating a supportive and harmonious community.

The story of Lily and Harmonyville teaches us that gratitude is not just a fleeting emotion; it's a powerful force that can shape our lives and the lives of those around us. So, the next time you sip your favorite beverage or encounter a kindness, take a moment to express gratitude. You might be surprised at the wonderful ripple effect it creates.

We as humans must endeavor to be always thankful of what God has done for us in the first place. In her book "WORTHY" Jamie K. Lami all-time New York Best Seller shows how thankfulness has improved her life.

You can get WORTHY from Amazon Audible from the link this link;

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About the Creator

Nathal Nortan

About Me:

Embark on a journey through the sultry landscape of love, science, and technology. I'm an unapologetic wordsmith and fervent explorer of the heart's deepest desires. My tales are woven with threads of deep care for humanity.

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  • Test3 months ago

    So let's follow Lily's example and make gratitude a daily practice. Whether it's through journaling, verbal expressions, or acts of kindness, let's cultivate a spirit of gratitude that uplifts ourselves and those around us. Together, we can make the world a brighter and more beautiful place.

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