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The Road To Becoming A High Value Person

A quality life starts with you and within you

By Sally From The Shine ProjectPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The Road To Becoming A High Value Person
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Did you ever put yourself in an uncomfortable situation just to render a service to someone? Or because they wanted it and you just wanted them to like you?

Did you go above and beyond to please someone you love at the expense of your own emotional wellbeing just because..well you love them?

If you've been in any situation similar to one of these then you know how hard it can be to know your value and prioritize yourself which is what being a high-value person is mainly about.

The problem with this attitude? It rarely, if ever gets rewarded.

In this sense relationships are really simple: if you don't respect yourself, others will not.

What's the connection you may ask between respect and being a high-value person?

Simple: by prioritizing yourself, acknowledging and respecting your feelings you signal that you are valuable. Your feelings and emotions matter. And people should treat you accordingly.

This is where the road to becoming a high-value person starts in my opinion.

Recognizing Your Own Worth

Becoming a high-value person is not about how much you make, but how much you give. It is about the quality of your relationships and the depth of your character. It is about understanding what matters most to you, and then giving it everything you have.

The first step to becoming a high-value person is recognizing that you are one. You are already valuable in ways that go beyond anything money can buy. You may be a parent, a partner, an artist, or an athlete - but no matter what you do for work or for play, there are people out there who look up to you and depend on you in some way.

It may be just your dog needing you to give him a bit of love or that tiny plant in your office corner depending on you for watering.

You matter. Always remind yourself of that.

Even when you have trouble believing that. You do.

Knowing Your Values & Standards

The next step is understanding what your values are - what really matters to you in life - and living by them every day.

The foundation of becoming a high value person truly starts with setting your own standards for what you want in life and ensuring that you are living up to them. It's about knowing your values, setting boundaries, and saying no to things that don't align with those values. It's about being authentic and prioritizing the things that matter most to you.

You can be your own worst enemy when you follow what doesn't align with your own values.

Or you can reach unimaginable heights when you do.

Knowing what matters and what is a priority for you helps in not comparing yourself or your life with that of others. Instead, you will be able to focus on your own set of standards and values in order to be happy and make the best decisions to help you achieve your dreams and heart's desires.

Setting Boundaries & Saying "No"

One of the most important skills to develop in order to become a high value person is to be able to say no. You need to be able to say no when you are asked for a favor that will take up too much of your time, or if the task is not aligned with your values. In order for you to say no, you need boundaries and priorities.

And in learning to say "no" you have to also learn not to feel guilty about it.

You don't need to feel guilty for respecting yourself and your values.

Another very important thing: setting boundaries doesn't only concern other people.

You have to learn actually actually to set boundaries for your own self.

There are three types of boundaries: physical, mental, and emotional. Physical boundaries are things like not answering work phone calls outside of work hours or not checking email after hours. Mental boundaries involve setting limits on how many tasks you can take on at once, so that you don’t get overwhelmed and start feeling pressured. Emotional boundaries involve being honest with yourself about what makes you happy and what doesn’t.

Like I mentioned before: you can be your own worst enemy. Which is why setting boundaries for your own self is essential. It allows you to care for yourself , exercise your will while also learning to stay true to your values.

And if you don't learn to respect the boundaries you set for yourself, you'll find it very hard to make other people respect them.

If anything, I hope that by the end of this post you'll have learned to acknowledge, accept, and respect your feelings and values.

If they matter to you, then they matter.

how to

About the Creator

Sally From The Shine Project

A self-made entrepreneur/writer.

From entrepreneurship, wellbeing, self-help to personal growth.

Join me for some tips & tricks to help you better your life.

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✨ Let's SHINE!

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