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The Revival of Self Love

Embracing Self Love, Character and Charisma. Working on Self Confidence. Embracing The Best Parts of You.

By Kayla TrusickPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Curiosity, Creativity, and Passion.

What are the best parts of you? What do you love the most about the person who knows you best? More often than not we forget about the things we love most about ourselves. Ignoring the burning inside of you that yearns to come out. A match waiting to be sparked.

How can we revive our passion and curiosity?

What Does Self Love Look Like?

Self love is the appreciation and acceptance for oneself that grows from actions that support physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self love is embracing the best parts of you and maintaining your well being. It's finding happiness within yourself without sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self love is understanding what you want and refusing to settle for less than you deserve. We must accept ourselves just as we are at this very moment. Being gentle and listening to that inner voice.

Self Love Can Look Like:

  1. Reverting Negative Self-Talk and replacing them with a positive thought. As the negative thoughts arise, we should try to steer them in a positive light. Instead of allowing an upset to determine your worth, you can instead pat yourself on the back for even trying in the first place.

Replace: "I always mess things up."

With: "I did my best and I can always try again."

2. Prioritize Yourself by learning how to say no, not forcing yourself into doing things you don't want to, Doing the things that you need to do for yourself above all else. Learning to put effort into building your future without allowing distraction.

3. Take a Break From Self Judgment and be gentle with yourself. Be the friend and shoulder to cry on for yourself that you always needed. Be kind to your temple because that's all you have in this lifetime. Forgive yourself as you would loved ones or a child. Remember it's okay to make mistakes, you are human!

4. Be True To Yourself and allow your heart to lead the way. Gut feelings? Follow them. Have an idea or feeling that you want to run with? Start running. Most times we ignore those feelings and fill ourselves with doubt. We must fight against that doubt and be true to the internal calling. That's the true you.

5. Set Healthy Boundaries by taking time out of your week for self care and relaxation. Pamper yourself and take time to indulge in your favorite snacks and cozy up in a blanket watching your favorite show. Most importantly you need to learn how to say no when you are tired or not feeling up to a task. Rest and relaxation is important to maintain good mental health.

6. Forgive Yourself for making mistakes. Don't be hard on yourself because that only creates procrastination and self doubt. The opposite effect of the self love we are trying to achieve. We must be gentle with our psyche. Forgive yourself so you can then move forward onto a happier and more fulfilling future.

Your past does not define you. Forgive yourself always.

"If I love myself, I love you"

The Importance of Self Love and Acceptance

Are you filling your cup before pouring onto others?

We must fill our own cups to the brim before attempting to fill another's cup. Being able to give to you, love you, and take care of yourself first, then gives you the ability to know how to properly love and nurture another. Practicing self love can help you become a better lover, friend, and person. Opening you up to a new perspective on life, self, and the world. When you hold yourself in high esteem you are more likely to choose things that nurture your well being and serve a greater purpose for your life. You are more likely to steer towards healthier life choices such as: healthier eating habits, taking better care of your temple, and having healthier connections and relationships.

Some Ways We Can Practice Self Love:

1. Mindfulness. Focusing on understanding yourself. Learning what your thoughts mean, how you think and feel, and what is it that you want? Knowing which direction you are headed leads to a better chance of achieving your desired goal. When you are sure of yourself and who you are, you can also be sure of the decisions you are making for yourself.

2. Taking Action based on your needs rather than wants. Step back and ask yourself, what is it you need? By focusing on what you need you automatically turn away from behavioral patterns that no longer serve your story. Instead of giving into past habits you make healthier choices that are more beneficial in the long run. As well as amplifying your feelings of self love.

3. Practice Good Self Care. You will feel much better in your own skin when you take better care of your basic needs. You must learn to nourish yourself daily through healthy activities such as:

Sound Nutrition - Paying attention to the quality of the music you listen to. That it makes a positive impact on your psyche. You can even Youtube "Sound Healing"' to rejuvenate your well-being.

Exercise - Dance around your home. Take a walk, run, or jog while listening to your favorite music or podcast! Get your blood flowing and re-energize your spirit. This has been a proven method to maintain stress and create a positive impact on mental health!

Proper Sleep - As we all know empowers us and gives us energy to take on the day. Getting into a healthier sleep schedule will help you wake up earlier and feel well rested to take on daily challenges. Proper sleep lowers depression and sluggishness.

As well as healthy intimacy (hugs, kisses, and other encounters) and healthy social interactions (catching up with friends, much needed nights out with positive influences, and open communication)

We must make room for healthy habits and truly caring about our well being. As this ignites the flame and maintains an easier path for self love. Practicing self love does not always come easy as life is full of surprises and daily challenges but these practices make it that much easier to pull yourself out of self doubt and dark times. To easily restore confidence and self love even in the toughest of circumstances. Spend time doing the things you love doing and remember to stop doing things to "get it done" but instead do those things because you care about YOU!

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Writer's Notes:

There has been a stigma against self confidence and prioritizing yourself. We have given the idea a bad name which has made us uncomfortable to take control of our emotional and psychological well-being. Trying to avoid looking a certain way in society while neglecting your health and self care. The thing is, as long as we remain humble in ourselves there is nothing wrong with choosing you.

I wrote this article because in my recent past and even sometimes now, I struggle with my own self love and confidence. I drift from being confident in where I am headed to waking up feeling doubtful. Sometimes I wish time would move forward faster and then other times I feel like I never have enough time. Life is about finding a balance within yourself. Putting yourself as high priority and giving yourself the same respect you have been giving to others all this time. I have been working everyday at finding myself and embracing the things I love about me and the life that I live. Give gratitude for what you already have and take care of the temple that harnesses your unique soul!

Prompt Challenge: " What Are 3 Things You Love About Yourself?

Curiosity, Creativity, and Passion are mine.

What are the 3 things you love about yourself? Rather they are personality traits or characteristics about your looks, choose 3! Take some time to think about your choices, and write about those 3 things and why you chose them. Introduce us to who you are!

What Are 3 Things You Love About Yourself?

Write your story with this prompt! Please feel free to tag me in your post so I can read it! Have fun and Write On!


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    KTWritten by Kayla Trusick

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