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The Real You

Have you found yourself?

By Gautam K JosePublished 5 years ago 2 min read

If we need to understand who we really are, we need to let go of all the things that we wanted in life. Let go of all our worries, all our desires, all our ego, all our pride, all our greed, all our emotions, and all our possessions. Let go of everything that is pulling you back. Let go of everything that disturbs our peace. Let go of everything that does not serve us the highest good. Let our mind be calm, composed, collected, relaxed, free. And let us wait, patiently. Let life direct us, rather than us trying to direct life. Let's trust in our instinct, because it had picked up clues, indications, and signals all along our life, and hence can discriminate when it sees an opportunity, and a trap. Let us trust in our instinct, because it is our heart that is speaking, and knows what is best for us. Let us align with the energy of the universe. Let us resonate. Slowly, neither early nor late, but at the exact moment, when you are ready, when you are mature enough, and when you deserve, your soul will show you who you are. What you are. Why you are here. Why you were born in this family, this house, this locality, this country, this language, these beliefs, these practises, these cultures. Why you belong to this race, this gender, this caste, creed, and religion, have this political view.

Gradually we realize who we really are. And we finally discover the deep, very minute peculiarities in our character, which determines our thought process, decision making, and general outlook on matters. This realization will tell us what we want in life, what our priority is, what our passion is, what career we should follow, and what we want to do in our lifetime. We realize what makes us happy and sad, so we can balance them both in future life. Actually, this realization was inside us from the beginning since birth, but was hidden due to its lack of strength and prominence. Hidden mostly because we were not ready. It grew as we grew, matured as we matured. This realization help us to understand everything around us. It will make perfect sense as to why everything had to happen—and happen in that particular way. This realization is so strong that some people experience drastic changes in their character. We have seen that in the past, in the case of Emperor Ashoka and Emperor Constantine. Same is the case with Buddha and Vardhamana Mahavira who invented Jainism. This is the realization that determines who we really are. This is the moment when we fully embrace ourselves, when we are fully aware of who we are, what we know, and what we don't know. This is the moment of awakening when you finally find the You in you.

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