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The Quantum Smile

How Anna Learned to Create Her Own Reality

By Hector SampsonPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have it all, while others struggle to get by? Is it luck, fate, or something else? In this story, you will meet Anna, a young woman who has a secret power: her smile. Anna believes that by smiling and thinking positively, she can attract good things into her life. She has a cheerful attitude, a loving family, and a successful career. But what happens when she faces a challenge that tests her faith in herself and her power? Will she be able to keep smiling and overcome the obstacles? Or will she lose her confidence and her happiness? Join Anna on her journey of discovery and learn how the power of a smile can change your life.

Anna was having a bad day. She had missed her bus, spilled coffee on her shirt, and forgotten to bring her presentation notes to work. She felt like everything was going wrong, and she just wanted to go home and hide under the covers.

But as she walked into the office, she saw a poster on the wall that caught her eye. It said:

Your thoughts create your reality. Quantum physics proves it.

Anna was intrigued. She had always been interested in science, but she didn't know much about quantum physics. She decided to do some research on her lunch break and see what it was all about.

She learned that quantum physics is the study of the smallest particles of matter and energy, and how they behave in strange and unpredictable ways. She learned that these particles can exist in multiple states at once, until they are observed and collapse into one definite state. She learned that these particles can influence each other over vast distances, without any physical connection. And she learned that these particles can respond to human consciousness and intention, creating different outcomes based on what we expect and believe.

Anna was amazed. She realised that the poster was right: her thoughts did create her reality. She realised that by focusing on the negative aspects of her day, she was attracting more negativity into her life. She realised that by changing her attitude and being more positive, she could change her experience and attract more positive things into her life.

She decided to try it out. She smiled at everyone she met, even if they didn't smile back. She complimented her colleagues, even if they didn't appreciate it. She expressed gratitude for everything she had, even if it wasn't much. She imagined herself having a successful presentation, even if she didn't have her notes.

And something amazing happened. Her day started to turn around. The bus driver apologised for being late and gave her a free ride. Her boss offered to buy her a new shirt and praised her for being professional. Her co-worker lent her his notes and helped her with the presentation. Her presentation went smoothly and impressed everyone in the room. Her clients were happy and agreed to sign a new contract with her company.

Anna couldn't believe it. She felt like she had just won the lottery. She realised that by being positive, she had changed the quantum state of the particles around her, and created a new reality for herself.

She decided to keep smiling, no matter what. She decided to keep being positive, no matter what. She decided to keep creating her own reality, no matter what.

She decided to live by the quantum smile.

It might sound difficult to believe, but all you have to do is try it yourself. You will be surprised with the results.

self help

About the Creator

Hector Sampson

A computer whizz, radio & TV presenter, author, speaker and polyglot. He started writing brief notes to himself, giving himself tips and telling himself off. He has written 25 books in the areas of self-help, spirituality and nonfiction.

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