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The Pressure to Develop Your Potential

It's supposed to be hard, where is the glory in easy?

By Marcus AzariaPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

It takes an amazing amount of pressure to make a diamond. The reason why we're going through something so hard is the outcome. Most of us want to get better. The journey that makes you the strongest is the path that is the hardest. It's not that surprising when you hear of overnight millionaires. I'm not sure why it is that sometimes we look down upon those in positions of power or success. Everybody has obstacles they need to overcome. The only difference is some people do not act responsible for their own outcomes. Now if we're talking young, fresh out of high school, there is still so much time left for them to develop. Try to take on the hardest tasks and be the best you can, this is the only way to get to a level where others admire you. There is nothing great about being small and simple.

Try not to think too much about things that are out of your control such as looks, where you were born. You should be looking ahead, setting a goal and trying to achieve it. You're reading this, maybe you could pump out a few more articles and find that maybe this is enjoyable. If you love what you're doing it shouldn't matter whether you're getting paid for it or not. However if you master your craft the money will come. You need to add value to other people to make yourself prosperous. When you get really good at something it can completely change your outlook on life. One hundred years ago people were trying to learn how to read and write. I'm assuming you can do these, you have so much potential and there is always room for improvement. It's not other's problem to tell you what you need to improve on, if you live for other people's motives what are you really doing with yourself? When others fade away all you have left is yourself. There are going to be days where you are wondering where did everyone go? The coaches I learn from say it best when they say, some are there for a season, others are there for a reason.

Anything it comes down to takes time. Wherever you focus your energy on will become of you. If you are good at writing, write. If you can talk the ears off anyone, just make a video of yourself talking until you lose your voice. Just know your place, just because you're starting now doesn't give you the right to just tell everyone where to go. Be humble and don't forget where you came from once you get in the position you want to be in. Everyone has the same amount of time in the day, people who apply and take action will always have a better chance of success than the person who says, "That's so easy anyone can do that." Or, the best one, "Oh he's only successful because of his parents." Well what do you suggest they do, just give up everything they were given because people are jealous of them? No! They have a head start but life is a marathon and if they spend and spend and someone is working and working, who's side would you rather be on? Consumers always want to feel significant when they're buying clothes to look good. There's big business when feeding off the tendencies of people who want to look rich. People with just the right amount of money to spend without going broke.

What I'm trying to do is like the Walmart giants. I'm talking about generational wealth, and not just for those people related to me. But people who don't have a head start. People who live in extreme poverty and there's no one there to help them, but good people. It takes a conscious effort to do this; to ever reach my goals I have to work 12 - 16 hour days. It's so hard, I know I'm making progress and I am getting closer to my goals of a fully paid living expense, off my side income. I'm about 40% of the way now, at about $400 per month.

Let me ask you this: If I asked you if all you had to do was write a few articles on Vocal, play ads, answer questions in surveys, and work for three years at minimum wage to invest 40,000 dollars to never have to worry about money ever again, would you do it? If the answer to this question is yes, then you need to go to my website where I have been searching and working for these opportunities since July 2016 every single day. This is a big shortcut and kind of like an online earning cheat, because this is three whole years worth of work that you can acquire for like 15 minutes. Thank you for reading and have an excellent day, bye.

If you enjoyed this reading please check out some of my other articles below, I've handpicked some of my favorites I like to give a skim to every now and then.


About the Creator

Marcus Azaria

Constantly searching for additional income sources.Millennial, 3 time provincial sports champion(basketball,baseball). Unofficially the youngest billionaire in the history of the world and the richest for my age (Satoshi Nakamoto).

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