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The present makes you successful

Be present in time!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The practice of mindfulness may help one become more aware of the here and now, less stressed, more peaceful and relaxed, and more focused and able to concentrate on what they are doing. Meditation and other practices that help cultivate mindfulness are not two different activities. Both make use of a comparable approach. They make you feel more at ease, boost your ability to concentrate and pay attention for longer periods of time, and bring you into the here and now.

These actions not only lessen the effects of strain and stress but also broaden one's awareness. You may improve your ability to concentrate and learn to ignore distractions by engaging in mindful activities, which help you do both. They also assist you in being totally present at the moment. This indicates that you are completely concentrating on the here and now, on the current moment.

What are the advantages of practicing mindfulness, and what are some of the effects of practicing mindfulness? These techniques, such as meditation, help you become more focused, teach you how to quit thinking too much, broaden your awareness, and soothe the body. In reality, it is a method for lowering stress levels.

Experiencing less stress, cultivating an inner place of quiet and peace, and maturing into a more patient and tolerant person are a few more significant advantages of practicing mindfulness. It has been shown through experience that engaging in this activity has a beneficial impact, both on one's physical and emotional health.

You may build mindfulness by sitting quietly in a chair by yourself and paying attention to the sensations that arise inside your body. In addition, you can practice mindfulness while walking, traveling, or even working. You just need to bring your attention to the here and now, either to what you are doing or to the feelings that are occurring in your body.

The first thing you need to do is choose a peaceful spot where you can settle down and concentrate in peace. You have the option of sitting on a chair or on the floor, whatever is most comfortable for you. Make an effort to relax your body to the fullest extent that you can. Now, please take a few long, calm, and deep breaths. Close your eyes. To begin, bring your awareness to different parts of your body. What exactly does this entail? Your attention should start at your head and be moved gently from one portion of your body to the other while concentrating on each component individually as you go.

Make it a goal to be aware of every area of your body, regardless of where you choose to direct your attention. Pay attention to the feelings you experience while you do so, and try to determine if it is tight or relaxed. Do not make an effort to understand the sensations; rather, just be aware of them in a nonjudgmental way while taking mental notes of what you experience.

Slowly shift your focus from your head to your face, forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, neck, chest, belly, and so on, all the way down to the tips of your toes, starting at the top of your head and working your way down. When you find that your mind has wandered, simply bring it back to the activity in a calm and collected manner. You may choose to begin with a session lasting around five minutes and then, as you get more expertise, progressively increase the amount of time to fifteen minutes or even more.

There is no difficulty involved in the practice of mindfulness training. In point of fact, you can carry it out regardless of where you are. All that is required of you is to be here in this room and pay attention in its entirety. To put it another way, pay attention to what you are doing.

The important thing is not to do a task while thinking about anything else at the same time. Your focus needs to be on the activity, thought, or experience that you are now having.

Training one's mind to be attentive is an arduous task in and of itself. When the mind begins to wander off, it is necessary to draw it back. At the very least, for some portion of the time, you have to train yourself to remember to be attentive. If you have a short attention span and struggle to concentrate, this will be a difficult task for you to complete.

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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