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The power of the Smile

Don't overlook the obvious

By Maria GronlundPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Look. I'm going to tell you a little known fact about something everyone seems to know but seldom ever does. Smile. It's one of the simplest ways to bring light to your day, and, in the process, make the recipient feel special. That smile was for them and them only.

It is a proven fact... If you smile it sets off the ping-pong neutrons in your brain and, miraculously, you feel just a Teensy bit better about yourself. Try it. Now. Close your eyes, or leave them open, I don't care... It really doesn't matter, but if you're a newbie to this; close them!

Now... What do you feel? Doesn't matter what your day has been... Parents bickering, bills overdue, boss on your back, you're on your back... It could be anything...Anything at all. But, when you smile, well, it just somehow makes all these inconsequential problems become less so.

I often remember this in the car on my way to whatever errand that's pressing on me that day. I tell myself— Smile. Instantly I feel that the world is a little larger and my chest doesn't feel as tight. I notice little things... Like the way the shadows overlap on the sun’s rays upon the road. The deep greens, or in the fall, the color of the leaves. I noticed people walking dogs and wonder about their lives. I see in windows of the homes I pass and I think about the occupants. And the sky... Lord, the sky; well… what can be said? It's Glorious!!

So... In a mood? Smile and smile consciously. Do it with purpose. Our time on this land is limited and we truly need to feel (to treasure) each day we are given. All the old cliches are correct, I don't need to repeat them. Do this for your health, because let me tell you, from experience, it Works!

Now if you're self-conscious about doing this, here's another caveat... No one notices what you do, what you wear and/or who you are. Most people are just there, trying to get through this life, this day, in one piece. If you laugh too loud, smile at nothing, or raise your arms to the sky, have wrinkled or spotted clothes, believe me... No One Notices. Or if they do: They Don't Care.

Most people are too concerned with their own attire, job, family, financial problems and/or home life to wonder why YOU are doing/wearing/eating the things you do/are. SO DO THIS FOR YOU!

It's just like the flight attendant’s instructions on a plane; put your mask on first. Do this so that you are able to help the person next to you. Like that!

Which brings us to the next reason to smile; to give joy to another. Well it’s about as simple as the nose, er smile, on your face. Have you ever noticed when you’re in a good mood, you are silently filled with joy, and without even realizing it you pass a mirror, a reflection of yourself in a window, door or metal and you see it? That elusive confession of Happiness, on view for the whole world to see, and you're slightly embarrassed of yourself, so openly displaying your feelings for any passerby to see; and they wonder, what is making her smile?

Without even realizing it, and with little or no effort at all, you have just brightened someone else's day. And that, what YOU did, little old inconsequential you, is spectacular! THAT is the power of YOUR smile.

And now here we are, in the worst possible 12 months in our generation’s history, when we are all in need of that little sprig of happiness, and what happens?? We cover it up. We are starved for the affections and closeness of our loved ones, friends, family, even the freaking nice lady standing behind you at the grocery store, a playdate for your children, a movie theater date, kissing, hugging, concert events, art show festivals, a co-worker's birthday / retirement party, the start of a new school, high school, college— you get it; the list is endless. WE COVER IT UP!

So now, what do we Do? What could we do to make this better? Ignore the rules? Risk getting sick, or worse, getting someone else sick? A loved one? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Here's my simple and proven solution. Smile anyway and do it with Your Whole Face. Feel it in your cheeks, the wrinkles crinkling your eyes, let out that unique snort of laughter that is uniquely you and look at that passerby. Whether it be you and your reflection, the man who passes your cart at the convenience store, the postman, neighbor or the child walking his dog. Just do it and continue to do it. You will notice the twin twinkle in THEIR eyes staring back at YOU! That unspoken response and the instant connection of the Feel Good Vibes you just gave freely from your soul...

Nothing, I mean NOTHING, is more powerful and rewarding than your smile.😊


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