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The Moment of Freedom

"The Journey to Freedom"

By Jananan SandajeshanPublished about a year ago 2 min read

I remember the day I first felt the warmth of freedom. It was a feeling that had eluded me for years, buried deep within my soul, but finally breaking free like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

I was born into a family that valued tradition and obedience above all else. My parents were strict, my siblings were compliant, and I was expected to fall in line. For years, I did just that, following the rules and regulations that had been set for me without question. I went to the school they chose, studied what they deemed important, and even dressed the way they wanted me to.

But as I grew older, I began to feel suffocated by their expectations. I longed for something more, something that would allow me to spread my wings and fly. I craved independence, freedom, and the ability to choose my own path in life.

So, one day, I decided to take a chance. I gathered my courage and told my parents that I wanted to pursue my own dreams, even if they didn't align with theirs. At first, they were shocked, then angry, but eventually, they relented. They didn't agree with my choices, but they respected my decision.

And that was the moment I felt the first flicker of freedom. I was no longer bound by their expectations, no longer tied to their dreams for my life. I was free to explore my own passions, make my own mistakes, and chart my own course.

I began to take risks I never would have before. I tried new things, met new people, and discovered parts of myself I never knew existed. I stumbled along the way, but with each fall, I picked myself back up and kept moving forward.

As I pursued my dreams, I realized that freedom wasn't just about doing what I wanted, but also about accepting responsibility for my own life. I had to learn to make tough decisions, take ownership of my mistakes, and work hard to achieve my goals. But with each step forward, I felt more and more alive.

I started to see the world in a new way. I no longer felt trapped by the narrow expectations of my upbringing, but instead saw infinite possibilities. I felt a sense of wonder and excitement that I had never experienced before, as if the world had suddenly opened up to me.

It wasn't always easy. There were moments of doubt, fear, and uncertainty. But I learned to lean on the people around me, to seek guidance from those who had traveled similar paths before me, and to trust in my own instincts.

And slowly but surely, I built a life that was truly my own. A life filled with adventure, purpose, and joy. A life that I had created on my own terms.

Looking back now, I realize that the moment of freedom wasn't just a single event, but a journey. A journey that started with a single step, but that has continued to unfold over the years.

And though there are still challenges to face, and obstacles to overcome, I know that I am free. Free to chase my dreams, to live a life that is authentic and true, and to embrace all that the world has to offer.

The moment of freedom was just the beginning. And I can't wait to see where this journey takes me next.


About the Creator

Jananan Sandajeshan

As a book reviewer and writer, I am dedicated to sharing my love of literature with others. I believe that books have the power to educate, inspire, and transform us, and I'm committed to helping readers find the stories that resonate most.

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