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The Millionaire Morning Routine: How It Changed My Life

Waking up rushing to the bathroom, grabbing a snack on my way out and hurrying to work because I was already late. That was my typical morning for as long as I can remember, but one day I decided to adopt the millionaire morning routine, and it truly changed my life

By Muhammad Jalil, TI(M),FCILT,CPPPublished 12 months ago 7 min read

Outline of the Article: The Millionaire Morning Routine: How It Changed My Life


1. Chaotic Mornings and Their Impact

2. Discovering the Millionaire Morning Routine

The Millionaire Morning Routine: Step by Step

3. Waking Up Earlier

4. The Power of Meditation

5. Starting with a Quick Workout

6. The Essential Morning Rituals

6.1 Showering and Personal Hygiene

6.2 Enjoying a Cup of Coffee

6.3 Writing Down the To-Do List

Embracing the Changes

7. Adjusting to the New Routine

8. Overcoming Challenges

8.1 Aligning Sleep Schedule

8.2 Finding the Right Meditation Technique

8.3 Incorporating Exercise Effectively

Expanding the Routine

9. Weekend Productivity and Brain Training

10. Embracing Time Management

11. Writing Morning Pages

The Impact and Lessons Learned

12. Reflecting on the One-Month Experiment

13. Discovering Possibilities and Solutions

14. Continued Practice and Self-Created Rules

14.1 Keeping a Gratitude Journal

14.2 Staying Hydrated

14.3 Enjoying a Nutritious Smoothie


The Millionaire Morning Routine: How It Changed My Life

Subtitle: Waking up rushing to the bathroom, grabbing a snack on my way out and hurrying to work because I was already late. That was my typical morning for as long as I can remember, but one day I decided to adopt the millionaire morning routine, and it truly changed my life.


1. Chaotic Mornings and Their Impact

Mornings have always been a challenge for me. The frantic rush, the feeling of being disorganized, and the constant struggle to make it to work on time often set the tone for the rest of my day. My chaotic mornings left me feeling exhausted, stressed, and disappointed in myself. It was clear that something had to change.

2. Discovering the Millionaire Morning Routine

Desperate for a solution, I turned to the internet for guidance. That's when I stumbled upon the concept of the millionaire morning routine. According to the sources I found, successful individuals attributed a significant part of their achievements to their morning rituals. Intrigued by the potential benefits, I decided to give it a try.

The Millionaire Morning Routine: Step by Step

3. Waking Up Earlier

The first adjustment I made was waking up earlier. I realized that if I wanted to complete the entire routine before starting my workday, I needed to create extra time in the morning. So, I set my alarm for 5:30 a.m., determined to make the most out of those early hours.

4. The Power of Meditation

One of the key components of the millionaire morning routine is meditation. I had never practiced meditation before, but I soon discovered its power in helping me connect with myself and kick-start the day with positive energy. I spent a few minutes each morning engaging in simple breathing exercises and visualizing my goals and aspirations.

5. Starting with a Quick Workout

To get my body energized and ready for the day, I incorporated a brief workout into my morning routine. Nothing too intense, just a few minutes of exercises such as crunches or push-ups to wake up my muscles and increase my blood flow. It was amazing how a little physical activity could make a big difference in my overall alertness.

6. The Essential Morning Rituals

6.1 Showering and Personal Hygiene

Maintaining personal hygiene is an important part of any morning routine. I made sure to take a refreshing shower, wash my face, brush my teeth, and shave if needed. These simple acts helped me feel clean, rejuvenated, and ready to face the day ahead.

6.2 Enjoying a Cup of Coffee

For many people, including myself, a cup of coffee is an essential part of the morning routine. I would make myself a tasty cup of coffee and savor it while preparing for the day. The aroma and the warmth of the coffee provided a comforting and invigorating start to my mornings.

6.3 Writing down the To-Do List

Before heading out for work, I took a few moments to write down my to-do list for the day. This included both my personal goals and tasks related to my work. Having a clear plan of action helped me stay focused and organized throughout the day.

Embracing the Changes

7. Adjusting to the New Routine

Transitioning to a new morning routine was not without its challenges. Initially, it was difficult for me to wake up exactly as planned, considering I was more of a night owl. But with time and determination, I gradually adjusted my sleep schedule to align with my desired wake-up time.

8. Overcoming Challenges

8.1 Aligning Sleep Schedule

To ensure I had enough rest, I started going to bed earlier than usual. This meant adopting healthier sleep habits, such as avoiding electronic devices before bed, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensuring my bedroom was conducive to quality sleep. These changes helped me establish a consistent sleep schedule and wake up feeling refreshed.

8.2 Finding the Right Meditation Technique

While meditation was a beneficial practice, it took some experimentation to find the technique that worked best for me. I explored different guided meditation apps and techniques until I discovered the ones that resonated with my needs and preferences. Finding the right approach made the meditation process more enjoyable and fulfilling.

8.3 Incorporating Exercise Effectively

Incorporating exercise into my morning routine was challenging at first, especially with limited time. However, I found that short, high-intensity workouts or simple exercises that targeted multiple muscle groups were effective in providing a quick energy boost. It was all about finding exercises that suited my fitness level and preferences.

Expanding the Routine

9. Weekend Productivity and Brain Training

As I began to experience the positive effects of the millionaire morning routine, I decided to extend it to the weekends as well. On weekends, I used the extra time to engage in activities that stimulated my mind, such as reading books, solving puzzles, or learning new skills. This helped me maintain a sense of productivity and continued personal growth.

10. Embracing Time Management

The millionaire morning routine not only transformed my mornings but also had a ripple effect on the rest of my day. I became more conscious of managing my time efficiently, prioritizing tasks, and eliminating time-wasting activities. This newfound focus on time management enhanced my overall productivity and allowed me to accomplish more.

11. Writing Morning Pages

To further enhance my morning routine, I adopted the practice of writing morning pages. Inspired by the concept from Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way," I dedicated a few minutes each morning to write freely and uncensored. This practice helped me gain clarity, and tap into my creativity.

The Impact and Lessons Learned

12. Reflecting on the One-Month Experiment

After one month of following the millionaire morning routine, I reflected on the changes I had experienced. The impact was undeniable. I felt more energized, focused, and motivated throughout the day. My productivity soared, and I found myself accomplishing tasks with greater ease. Most importantly, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and personal growth.

13. Discovering Possibilities and Solutions

By adopting the millionaire morning routine, I discovered that I had the power to take control of my mornings and, consequently, my life. It opened my eyes to the possibilities and solutions that lie within simple habits and intentional choices. The routine empowered me to make positive changes in other areas of my life as well.

14. Continued Practice and Self-Created Rules

To ensure that the positive changes would be lasting, I established a set of self-created rules and practices to incorporate into my daily routine:

14.1 Keeping a Gratitude Journal

I started keeping a gratitude journal, where I would write down three things I was grateful for each morning. This practice helped shift my mindset towards positivity and appreciation, setting a positive tone for the day.

14.2 Staying Hydrated

I made it a habit to drink a glass of water upon waking up to hydrate my body after hours of sleep. Staying hydrated throughout the day improved my energy levels and overall well-being.

14.3 Enjoying a Nutritious Smoothie

I replaced my on-the-go snacks with a nutritious smoothie in the morning. Packed with fruits, vegetables, and other healthy ingredients, it provided me with essential nutrients and sustained energy.

15. Sharing the Experience

Inspired by the positive changes in my own life, I started sharing my experience with friends, family, and colleagues. I encouraged them to explore their own morning routines and the potential benefits it could bring to their lives. Witnessing their transformations further solidified my belief in the power of intentional mornings.


In conclusion, adopting the millionaire morning routine has been a life-changing experience for me. By waking up earlier, incorporating meditation, exercise, and essential rituals, I have transformed my mornings from chaotic to intentional and empowering. The routine has not only improved my productivity and well-being but has also ignited a sense of purpose and personal growth. I encourage everyone to explore their own morning routines and unlock the potential for positive change in their lives. Remember, the way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of it, so make it count!


About the Creator

Muhammad Jalil, TI(M),FCILT,CPP

Being a veteran of armed forces, I have a vast experience in multifarious fields of life from devotion to dedication, from commitment to loyalty, from fitness to healthcare, from war to peace and from conflict to solution..

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