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The Melancholy Maze

Supporting others who are in a bad way is the good thing to do

By Rafael OliverasPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

The maze, that deep, cold, empty place we find ourselves in when we have nowhere to go, nowhere to seek help from but to wander around this maze. A place you go when you are silent, thinking, and hurting while you’re in public, by yourself or just about anywhere. That feeling of nothing getting better, the thoughts that you don't see a way it could get better, all this is part of how the maze feels and effects you’re thinking. There is no guide, there is no path to the exit of the maze but the only one to get you out is yourself. The exit exists but it’s not a door it is the way you think and the mindset you have allowed yourself to have.

How to help, some advice for those stuck in the maze and can't seem to get out, trust people, even if you think it will hurt you, don't be afraid. People nowadays want all the benefits none of the pain and sorrow that you feel doing what you have to get these benefits. Avoiding pain, is avoiding help, you cannot get out of how you’re feeling without some sort of assistance. Although we humans are a social species, nowadays we tend not to entrust anyone with anything much less about something personal and can be used against you. Most would use drugs, sex, or violence to try and satiate what I call their temporary desires to help them feel better.

What I am here to tell you, is that that maybe well and fine, I'm not judging just listening, but those aspects of life are what can keep you in this maze. What will happen when you run out of drugs, get caught with them, or even get addicted to them to the point of self-destruction? What happens if you get a partner or your pregnant, contract a disease, or worse end up in a very disgusting and pitiful situation? What happens if you kill somebody, or even worse, hurt someone you care for? This feeds into that mindset that keeps in the maze, trapped and forever uncertain when anything will get better.

One thing the world lacks, are listeners, well the world lacks a variety of people, but one type are listeners. Listeners are people who don't judge, but observe, listen to, and help people in need, but it’s just as easy to use that information against a person. it takes a special type of person to not judge anyone, it can come naturally, experience, or just one’s mindset to become a listener. A listener can help a person trapped in the maze by being entrusted with what is keeping them there and help them get through what they are going through without fail. Slowly but surely unweigh what is on their minds and shoulders enough to where they can grow strong enough to deal with it on their terms.

through my experience in the maze, I got myself out, but I am telling you that to get out another person that listens and someone you trust with whatever your facing is necessary. Sure, the way I got out is easier in aspect of not sharing anything with anyone, but it is also the most damaging. Imagine being in your head, sorting all those negative and hurtful thoughts day after day, as you wallow in the maze evermore intimately. It is not a good idea to get through that alone, it can change you for the worse and a likelihood of succumbing to these thoughts, desires, and forever be stuck in the maze. Something you must never doubt is the world’s capacity for kindness while you all you see is cruelty.

This maze ever step you take is a challenge, ever breath you take is struggle, and every day feels like an eternity in your mind. I urge you, no matter how much you feel like there isn't a light at the end of the tunnel, you must provide that light. This world isn't a happy place anymore where it was simple to live so you must live a life that isn't simple at all. That isn't far, the world should provide an easier way to live and feel in this place but what's stopping it are so many negative and nasty aspects of people. We must try to make this world a better place, but we first but help others get out of this melancholy maze that torments good people.

To the people willing to listen, not judge, and support others, thank you and continue being a great person. To the people unsure, you don’t need a degree to listen to one’s problems, but it takes a good heart, help anyone you can. I encourage these thoughts because people lacks support, it’s very easy to be a bad person but I know humans have a greater potential then to live for themselves. Read people, engage and help them when needed, create bonds with them and help them get better, mentally and emotionally. That's all that matters, to help others in need who need support dealing with things that weigh too much on them mentally and emotionally, help them get out this maze and see the world in a better light.

To the ones in the maze, accept the help, I know it can be hard to trust anyone, but it will help, even if it does put you in a slightly uncomfortable spot it will help. Then maybe after you get out of that maze, you yourself can become a listener for others. Treat them like how you wanted someone to treat you when you were in the maze so that they can also get better. Be the person you needed the most, no matter what you are the master of your life and the steering wheel is your mindset with you holding it in place. Try and enjoy life and the many positive aspects, and when some bad comes your way, weather the storm and keep walking, that’s all we can ever do is keep walking forward.

Have any questions or want to contact me and talk deeper into this? Contact me on my twitter @S1inner and we can talk about whatever you'd like. I am here for you to vent too and talk to so by any means let me know what I can do to help!


About the Creator

Rafael Oliveras

Just a writer trying to educate the world and write creative, imaginative stories.

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