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Fall of The Wrathful Dragon

I have always been an angry person, but the people around me never gave up on me. That means I can't give up on them. My sister, my loving sister, I hope she is okay during all this.

By Rafael OliverasPublished 3 years ago 11 min read
The flames of wrath will always be calmed by the love for others

Waking up, a man comes too, he looks around and sees the red sky, the sounds of screams and destruction from every direction. He pushes off debris that lay on top of him and stand up, almost falling back down. He looks around some more and wobbles his way towards a building yet to collapse and falls to the ground. He crawls over to a nearby wall and pulls out a med pack so he can fix himself up a bit. As he tends to his wounds, he remembers what lead to him getting knocked out, how everything happened.

"W-what, why did this happen...what the fuck...the-they left us to die, those bastards! Komodo Dragons fall of the great Komodo Dragons, a mercenary group that will win any fight, what a joke. T-those things...we can't win against that, how the-no wonder they left us..." He says in a depressed tone.

Suddenly from his radio, he hears a familiar voice, "If there are any Dragons still out there, we are still fighting back, were still here at Salah Castle, Gentle Dragon is still fighting the demons and the dead out in the castle, we need support we need suppo-". The voice on the radio gets cut off.

"Fuck, I need to regroup with the others." The man says grabbing his radio. "Little Dragon is that you this is Wrathful Dragon coming in, I repeat, W.D. reporting in." W.D. says into the radio, but nothing but static. "Shit."

W.D. stands up and wobbles out of the house and sees demons and undead heading towards the castle. Slowly he sneaks past the undead Egyptians, but the demons are trickier, but they're preoccupied with the castle, these disgusting things. The bigger ones with its multiple arms destroy nearby buildings to make way for itself, deformed and ugly, repulsive and lacks sanity. The demons at normal size aren't much different, the black eyes, the almost decay like skin, some even look like a mix between man and animals. Suddenly a large roar made W.D. jump, he climbs a building as quietly as he can sees it, a disgusting giant demon with no eyes but a large mouth and tentacles in the courtyard.

"No, no, no, that thing think will tear up the castle and the guys will get fucked up. I gotta stop it but...but how?" He thinks to himself, but then he looks down and sees it. The Egyptian military set up a secondary base in the National Military Museum, it has weapons that can distract the demon. As W.D. was going to think of a safe route to the Museum, but then he sees her, an angel killing demons but slowly getting overwhelmed.

"If I get her help, then we can try to stop this damn invasion, and get a second wind." W.D. says jumping off the building and running towards her. He takes out his P90 and starts killing the undead trying to surround the angel. He makes his way over to her but some of the demons shift their attention on him, as they rush him, he shoots them down with amazing accuracy. He runs over and the angel who cleaned her sword of demon blood, she looked at W.D. and smiled.

"Thank you human, if it wasn't for you, then these small fries would of overwhelmed even me. I assume you are with the group of humans who came to help the military effort a few weeks ago. What bad luck you have, it seems this place is doomed, he is here." She says telepathically while she looks towards the castle.

"You mean that giant demon walking towards the castle?" W.D. asks her. She looks at him and nods her head side to side, "No, that is just one of what you humans would consider "tanks" just a larger demon with just strength. I am talking about the sin of Wrath." She says clutching her sword.

"You can stop him right; you angels fight demons all the time?" W.D. asks her looking around. She had a look of hesitation, but she continued to explain further. "Demons have different statuses, the ones you exorcised her were common demons the low class, the bigger demons that can speak verbally are mid class, the high class look similar to humans with little deformity. They are powerful, named demons, regular angels such as myself cannot fight one by myself."

"Then h-how", The angel interrupts him, "If worse comes to worse it is my honor to die fighting these scum, and I hope my lord smites thy demons with his fury, if not, then my fellow comrades will come and exact justice. If you feel the need too, run if you must, but my duty is clear, I must move on." She says about to fly away.

"Wait, I got a plan, for the big demon, if we lose that castle then we lose Cairo, fuck I don't care about my life, I just wanted to war my entire life. Not this, fuck this, but I can't let my brothers in arms die! Help me, if we kill that big ass thing then we have a chance to repel these things." W.D. tells her.

"Human, I don't think you understand what we are faced with, mid and low-class demons are easy to kill but this high-class demon is the sin of Wrath. We have lost since the beginning of his siege, but I agree, with the castle it is a vital point in fighting back, maybe others will come help. Let’s go then human, nothing to lose either way." She says as she floats back down and hovers above the ground

"One thing, stop calling me human, just call me W.D and what's your name dove?" He says walking towards the museum. She follows side by side him but looks a bit puzzled. "My name is Veraphel, and dove? I've heard you humans called us this, but I don't understand why."

"Huh, Veraphel? I'll just call you Vera, also, it’s because of your wings, most humans give nicknames that mean something they see, I call angels doves, just so happens others in the world gave the same nickname. I called you dove because your wings are so noticeable and beautiful." W.D. says bluntly, this made Veraphel blush slightly.

"You think my wings are-" W.D. stops and grabs her and hide behind a wall, "Shh, demons." He says looking at the horde. "I can just-" Veraphels mouth gets covered by W.D. still looking at the horde.

"Look, I know you can, but if we do this wrong, we won't have an advantage. We need to get to the museum, it’s just a little bit up the way, A.D. should be around there." W.D. says looking into Veraphels eyes. "Who is A.D.? She whispers back.

"Komodo Dragons leader, he's dead, but before he died, he gave me and G.D. commanding positions of half the dragons for each of us. Although he did take a few dragons with him, we heard their massacre on the radio, that's when my men tried to go save them and take a better position to guard the castle..." W.D. says walking towards a building.

"I apologize for your loss, if he is a righteous man, that gates of heaven will welcome him." She says trying to comfort him while he tries to break the lock. "Ha, him? He was the worst type of man, total asshole, but... he took care of us." W.D. says finally breaking the lock.

Walking into the room house, both look around and W.D. goes upstairs, Veraphel follows. He opens a window and gets on top of the building, "This building is connected to another that is next to the museum, let’s go." W.D. says running across the buildings, Veraphel follows but seems like flying demons already circling him as he runs.

Although Veraphel rushes at them, W.D. shoots them down, the ones that did not die Veraphel finished off. This went on for a few minutes until they were almost at their destination when larger demons began destroying the buildings W.D. was on top of. Just as W.D. was about to jump off to another smaller building to reach the ground a bigger demon got in the way. Now on top of the demon, he grabs one of the many horns then tries to kill it. Taking out his p90, he shoots it continuously until it throws him off, Veraphel was handling other demons distracting her when she sees W.D. get thrown.

She ignores the demons she was fighting and rushes towards the bigger demon, slicing it but not killing it, she comes to W.D.'s aid. Before she could help him up, he stood up himself slowly, but she feels something coming off him, anger. W.D. runs past Veraphel with an expression that could only be summed in one word, wrath, he dashes around shooting the demon. "Come on you fat piece of shit, I know what you are gluttonous demon, try and kill me if you can!" W.D. yells at the demon.

He dodges its attacks as it launches a variety of objects, knowing the gluttonous kind of demons, they are most likely valuable possessions they are obsessed with. Looks to be something silver, anything to do with silver the demon will take, W.D. ignores anything that actually hits him and keeps on shooting the large demon. The p90 that W.D. runs out of ammo again and he tries to get another clip, but he founds he has run out. Instead of running around, he runs towards the demon, suddenly the demon spoke, "You dare challenge me human?!"

W.D. runs up and takes out his knife, blessed by the angels, drenched in holy water, and stabs the demon multiple times. The demon gets angrier, a large mouth from its stomach appears with multiple rows of teeth. He tries to bite into W.D. but fails, W.D. is nimble, even with all his equipment on. With a few more stabs and slices, the demon falls on one knee, tendrils from its body spring out and one’s stabs into W.D. but he cuts it off and stabs into the demon’s head. Finishing the demon off but not done, W.D. kept stabbing the demon, Veraphel could not believe her eyes, a human taking on a mid-class?

W.D. kept stabbing the demon then looks around for more, the lower demons see him and retreated. Breathing heavily, he slowly starts to calm down until the demons returned in a matter of seconds rushing at him from all sides. W.D. throws his knife into a demon’s head then dodges towards it, killing it and making space between him and the other demons. "You demons are all the fucking same, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Hawaii, you all are pathetic everywhere I go." W.D. says looking at them.

Although demons were somewhat loyal to their betters, not to the point where they would risk their existence, the four demons retreated for good this time. Just as they disappeared, W.D. fell on his knees coughing up blood, Veraphel fly's over and tries to heal him but she isn't adept in healing magic. "I am not very good at this, but this should help enough for you to move W.D." She tells him putting her hands over his wounds.

"L-let’s get to the museum already. You stopped the bleeding and its numbed to a good degree, you did fine Vera." W.D. says as he tries to stand up. They head inside the museum and see nothing but dead all over the museum, W.D. walks around sees weapons everywhere. He goes into the back and at least sees a few undamaged trucks with turrets, he puts a grenade launcher, a few assault rifles and a high-powered sniper in one. Veraphel keeps a look out while for demons as he works but they both react to an explosion, then multiple follows suit.

"Vera, we gotta hurry, if there using the RPG's then that thing is close follow me!" W.D. yells, Veraphel nods in agreement and follows. As they drove over, W.D. runs over any of the horde in the way, they see the carnage, the death of everyone here in Cairo. A moment later they see the giant demon, being pushed back by the explosives but their rockets aren't unlimited. The main force with the demon saw them and rushed towards them with such ferocity they almost toppled the truck.

"Fuck, Vera, some help here please!" W.D. yells as two demons are covering the windshield. Veraphel kills the two and starts attacking the lower-class demons. W.D. jumps out and grabs an assault rifle and starts mowing them down, he looks at the building and sees a majority of the building in shambles. After a few minutes, they kept coming, multiple different close calls with demons when W.D. was reloading.

They managed to clear out the ones advancing them, but the others were about to run at them too. W.D. grabbed the grenade launcher and started blowing them to pieces, but even that was not enough, so he went on the turret and continues to kill the demons. Veraphel noticed demons behind them and engaged, they both were killing demons as much as they killed but more came. As W.D. was focused killing the demons approaching him, he hears a scream behind him, its Vera! He turns the turret around and starts shooting the demons around her there was too many, they soon devour her.

"W-" Before she could yell for W.D., the demons biting into her slices her neck open, all W.D. could vaguely see is the demons pulling off her beautiful wings. "Fuck, Vera no! Don't leave me dammit!" W.D. cries as he continues to kill the demons around him.

A demon gets on top of the truck and bites into W.D. which makes him scream in agony. Before others come to capitalize, he pulls out a Glock and shoots it multiple times in the head. Killing the demon, he retreats into the truck as the demons begin attacking the truck. The rumbling and screams made outside the truck as they attempt to claw there way inside made W.D. sunk into the seat. "I'm fucked, aren't I?"

Through the reinforced glass, W.D. sees the demons punching and clawing the glass, breaking it little by little. "Just like I told you G.D. I'd die fighting, there'd be nothing you could do about its man." Grabbing the high-powered sniper rifle. W.D. can see the demon doing something, a disgusting feeling erupts from W.D. as the demon begins to glow red reading the castle. W.D. puts the rifle in the perfect spot aiming directly at the large demon.

"You fuckers wanna fuck with me, kill my friends, kill innocent people, for what you hungry, that it's just your nature? Fuck that, I'm not gonna let a big disgusting ball of shit kill anyone else!" W.D. yells focusing on the bigger demon other than the ones breaking in the truck. The bright glow dims as the light gathers in the demon’s mouth, ready to erase the castle and everyone inside as well.

"Sorry guys, end...of the line." W.D. says with a faint smile. Just as the demon was about to release the demonic blast, W.D. fires the high-powered rifle, punching a whole into it causing the energy to become unstable and blow up. Although it did not erase the castle, the made what's left of it tumble down, the shockwave of the blast threw the truck W.D. was in away into a building. W.D. wakes up inside, unable to move, his arms and legs broken, and he was bleeding out, the only thing that he could think was the rhyme his sister made when they were children.

"You were strong, you were kind, now time for rest, William close your eyes you did your best. You were strong, you were kind, now time for rest, William close your eyes you did your best. You were strong, you were kind... now time for rest...William close your eyes you did your-" W.D. slowly fades as the light in his eyes dim as well. William Bright dies saving his friends, an unsung hero who unknowingly helped G.D. send important information to help win this terrible war.


About the Creator

Rafael Oliveras

Just a writer trying to educate the world and write creative, imaginative stories.



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