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Greys Wish

I just wanted no child to feel the hopeless, powerless, but feel loved and supported. A better world must be made, a better world must be paved, no matter the sacrifice, be just like him.

By Rafael OliverasPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

"How many days has it been Sin Eater, oh, I know, it has been fucking thirty-seven days since we have caught you. My patience is wearing thin, where is it?" The man says face to face with Greys.

"It's none of your-"

"None of my business, shut up you...tell me where your little black book is Grey and we will kill you peacefully, or you can sit there, tortured to death." The man says walking around Grey.

"Fuck off." Grey says lowering his head.

“You eluded us for so long, filling up that black book with high tier unique magic but now you have hidden it. Grey the Sin Eater of Creation, a big title, you could have been one of our apostles, leading our faith since you share so much history with our god."

"He is not. A. God."

"He is a god! That very day years ago he was the one who gave us magic! He was the one who saved us from death and war! He was the one who became the one we needed the most and was there to help us all!" The man yells in an almost obsessive like tone.

Grey chuckles which makes the man frown. "What's so damn funny Sin Eater?" The man asks.

"I think it's hilarious you idiots think he did that for you is all. I see through you; money is what you want. The book was worth millions, meaning I was worth millions, and you want it, greedy cultist trash." Grey says chuckling to himself.

The man was visibly angry, he started walking towards Grey. "You alright their bud? Go get yourself pampered, a nice bottle of spring water, maybe even some grapes, courtesy of your follower’s money, right? You'll be up and ready to beat my-"

The man interrupts him punching him repeatedly. "Ah, now I feel better, I must admit Sin Eater, watching you kill my followers was a sight, your creation ability allows you to create whatever you need, although larger, complex things you create require more time and magic. Instead of holding a signature Sin Eater weapon your body is the weapon, a weapon specialist, practices Muay Thai, Systema, along with other styles I can name. Watching you create a Gatling gun to mow us down, as we got close you created gauntlets which quickly killed everyone with a single blow, I can go on."

As Grey puts himself together, breathing heavily, he spits more blood on the floor. "You done telling things I already know."

Looking at Grey with a burning hatred the man continues. "You not only can create things out of magic but can create magic spells as well. A powerful ability you used to temporarily give you an edge in combat. But the only thing that trumps anything is that damn book, I want it now." The man says grabbing Grey by the hair.

Greys vision fades as he remembers his past, his mother, his friends, but he was woken up by an electric shock that jolted him away and to scream. "Now are you awake?! Awake now Sin Eater?! Let’s get back to the main topic at hand now!" The man says smacking grey over and over again.

Grey groans in pain as he tries to calm down. "Fu-fuck you."

"Now, it says here, that you left the Sin Eaters, your best friends Blue who specializes assault type magic, and Cyan who specializes in acceleration type magic. Even says you left your wife, pregnant in fact, she's-"

"Almost nine months, get to the point." Grey says angrily.

"The point is Mr. Grey, is that we know much about you, almost intimately, thanks to my followers in the world. although we have such a network, we still don't know what purpose was you leaving and the location of the damn book. We will now change that, Ms. Letta, please enter the room." The man says moving to the side of Grey.

With the door aligned with Grey's line of sight, he looks up and sees a woman walk in. She wore tight pants with a regular shirt and jacket with heels, tall, beautiful, but the feeling disgust erupted in Grey. "Mind...invader..." Grey says weakly.

"So, you can tell, impressive, although we do understand a good portion of your body has been augmented thanks to your magic. Maybe your eyes sees more than normal, a homage to the man who took you in?" The man says walking towards Ms. Letta.

"It doesn't matter, we will know everything soon, now it’s time to work." Ms. Letta says with a thick Russian accent.

She walks over to Grey, although she enters the anti-magic emitter, but it doesn't affect her, she puts her hands on his head but Grey tries to resist. She looks back the man and smiles at him. "When I find the book, I hope we can make millions off it." She says with an attitude.

“Of course, just find the book Letta.” The man says with an annoyed tone.

Annoyed, she dives into Greys mind, she sees a towering figure, an armor cladded man who emanated an aura that made even her switch memories. Her heart was racing, she has never seen a man who emanated such killing intent in her life.

"Was that man his kin? The network tells he disappeared shortly after the magic awakening. If that man still roamed the earth, then we would not have a chance in hell." She thought to herself.

Suddenly she is swimming through his mind, then finds herself in a room, dirty, littered with alcohol bottles and condoms. She sees Grey as a toddler beaten on the floor, she looks and sees his mother, also beaten on the bed but not breathing but no emotion showed on her face, she moved on. She sees Grey a bit older, being walking into a whole that lead underground, she assumes this is how he reached the underground city ruins. she decides to fast forward eight months before he was caught. She saw flashes of everything he has seen, the people he was associated with. The Reaper, The Witch, Ogre, Nurarihyon, and many legends she saw in his memories, also the rebellion in the Sin Eaters years ago, the fourth great war.

"Such a treasure trove of knowledge, such an interesting and damaged man." She says diving deeper.

She reach her destination, she instantly sees Grey getting raised off the ground by a large man, a woman was there too. It seems to be outskirts of Chicago; she walks over and watches the exchange. "Why did you suddenly disappear?! What the hell is wrong with you, where the hell do you think you’re going off too right after finding out you’re having a kid?!" The large man yells at him.

"Please Blue, stop being so rough, I get your angry but confronting him like this isn't the way!" The woman says grabbing Blue.

"Cyan he left us; you’re really going to defend him?! You almost died; he is leaving a child alone, how can he do that after everything he has been through." Blue says dropping Grey on the ground.

As they bicker Grey gets up and dusts himself off, the two-stop bickering and look at him. He brings out the book, the black book and shows it to them. "Grey is that..."

"Yes Cyan, it's done, you know what has to be done, it's why I left, the last spell, on the last page is done." Grey says putting it away.

"What the hell are you two talking about? What the hell is with the book?" Blue says looking confused.

"Blue...this book is tied to Grey's life; he has been using his life as pages and his lifespan to write the spells." Cyan says tearing up.

Surprised Blue quickly grabs Greys shoulders, he looked distressed and anger went away. "Grey why! Why would you do that, if that book gets destroyed, you'd-"

"Die, I would die, but that doesn't matter to me, what I need to do is give the children of the next generation a better chance to fight back then we did. They-"

Stop it you dumb selfish asshole...what about us?! Your just gonna leave us, how would this book even give the next generation anything to do with your book? Please...why are you doing this Grey...we’re brothers aren't we?!" Blue says with tears coming down his eyes.

"I will use my ability and turn each page into a child, the four hundred and fifty pages into children who will lead the next generation." Grey says looking away from Blue.

"What?!" Ms. Letta says hearing this.

"I don't give a damn about my life, I will disappear, use each page to give woman who I think would nurture these children with love and passion to make everything better. That will be my final mission Blue, please don't hold it against me." Grey tells Blue before he takes Blues hand off him and walks away.

Ms. Letta couldn't believe it, children, he turned every page into a baby, gave them up around the world to mothers in need. This was news, they thought the book was magical in nature but to the extent was almost impossible to believe. She immediately comes out of Greys mind and steps back from him, he looks at her and looks away. The man walks in and wants to know what she found out.

"Tell me, what did you find, it’s been days and the Sin Eaters have found us, we are running out of time." He says walking towards her.

"T-the book is gone, there's no pages left...am I write...you fool." She says looking at Grey.

looking back at the two Grey smiles, then took a deep breathe. "I don't have a day left to my life. I have hours, you get nothing from cultist pieces of shit." Grey says weakly slowly lowering his head.

Angered, the man takes out his blade and stabs it into Greys chest. "What I will have is your life leaving your body by my hands!" The man yells.

Ms. Letta looks away as he does so, Greys screams of pain fills the room until an explosion erupts knocking both Ms. Letta and the leader of the cult to the ground. Through the smoke Blue rushes in trying to grab the master of the cult but he vanishes. "What?!" Blue says looking around.

The man appears behind Ms. Letta and vanishes again, never to appear again. Cyan runs in and sees Grey, she quickly gets to his side and tries to bring out a relic of healing. Blue soon runs over and unties Grey, the emitter was already depowered from the explosion, but Grey was too weak. Cyan tries to use the shard but wounds aren't healing, Cyan starts to tear up as she takes out more and tries to use them all, but it didn't do anything to Grey. Grey opens his eyes and grabs both their hands as they look at him and tear up.

"Thank...you...for always being here for me. You two...have made my life the best it could ever been. I'm sorry...and take care of my kid for me." Grey says before drawing his last breath.

"No... please Grey come back." Cyan cries as she holds his hand.

Blue holds Greys hand, and holds Cyan, more Sin Eaters enter the room and sees the mourning duo and their dead best friend. Most of the Sin Eaters in the room were taught by them, fought by their side and respected the trio. These men and woman joined in and mourned the loss of an amazing man. Days later the funeral was held, everyone was there who was left, but towards the middle, Greys wife looked at the casket. Then her newborn son, with an unusual glow in his eyes started crying loudly as the casket lowers.


About the Creator

Rafael Oliveras

Just a writer trying to educate the world and write creative, imaginative stories.



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