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The Life Your Living Is Amazing

Something Special

By Cindy BrunswigPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Every day I go to work at an after-school care for kids and there is always this one kid who will just talk to me about the most random stuff. Today he said something that has really stuck with me. He said, "You know why time machines are a bad thing because then you have the ability to change the future and you know why it's good we can't go into the past because then we don't have the power to change it." When he said that I kind of had to think about it for a little bit, but then I realized what he said made a lot of sense. I know sometimes in life we wish we could go back and change something or go into the future and see what's ahead of us, but I have recently noticed that some of the best things that come are unexpected. Sometimes in life, we get so focused on what we want or what our "plan" is that when it goes a different way it seems like there is no way to fix it. In the last year so many things have gone the opposite direction of how I thought things were going to go. For example, last year I was supposed to be done with community college and onto my four-year university, but within a couple of minutes, literally, a couple of minutes that all changed. I found out that I was going to be staying at community college for another year. That was a major change in my life and what my future held, but now looking at it, it was such an unexpected, great thing. Now if I could have gone into the future I probably would have made it so I could be at my four-year university by now. That is what I saw for the next step in my life, the next thing I had planned, but if I would have been able to shape my future I would have missed out on all the great things I received by staying at home. Well of course another kid had to comment "if you can't change your past or future then you can't prevent all the bad things from happening." What that kid said was a very valid point and something I think a lot of us ponder on. Would we prevent the obstacles we are going to face if we could? Would we take away all the challenges and pain from our lives? That question can seem easy to some, why would we want to go through obstacles and feel pain? What I have seen is that these obstacles and this pain in our lives is temporary and it makes us stronger, it makes YOU stronger! So if you are going through any challenge or feeling any pain, don't wish you could have never encountered it. Beat it and use it to make you stronger. So I guess the main thing I got from what the kid said was if we could go into the past or future and change it we would miss out on so much, all those unexpected things! All those great things we never thought were going to happen, sure we would not be able to take away the bad things, but we can use those times to make us BETTER and STRONGER! Our life is a journey that never really goes as we plan, but instead of focusing on all the plans you have for your life, focus on the life your living now and all the great unexpected things that are going to come your way.


About the Creator

Cindy Brunswig

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